8 MAY 1841, Page 10

No charge has taken place in the entertainments at Covent

Garden since Easter ; and as the benefits are beginning, we conclude the season is about to (lose. London Assurance has been a match for Money.

A domestic melodrama of a kind superior to the common order, called Lost and Won, has been deservedly successful at the Olympic, owing principally to the touching performance of Miss FORTESCUE as the heroine—an innocent wife robbed of her fair fame. She pleads her own cause to her blind husband in a way to melt a more obdurate heart than his ; and the reconciliation is really affecting. BAKER, as the husband, deserves a share of praise ; and T. PARRY plays a remorseful drunkard and profligate in a style far removed from vulgar : Mr. HALFORD, as the Iago of the piece, rehearsed CHARLES KEAN'S " effects " with an impotence that made the imitation amusing.