Last month we were told that the China question was
settled ; that the " treaty " agreed upon between Captain ELLIOT and the Imperial Commissioner only awaited the formal conclusion, which it was to receive "in a few days." The overland Indian mail has arrived with a month's later news, but without bringing the conclusion of the treaty. On the contrary, "negotiations" still continued. Captain ELLIOT says, of course, that they proceed favourably : he has such a very pleasant way of viewing things. The interview, however, to begin the negotiations, which was to have taken place "in a few days" after the restoration of the captured forts, did not take place for some weeks—not till the 27th February. Then Captain ELmox saw KLSHEN face to face; was received politely, and began a new stage of negotiation. This still continued at the date of the last accounts. Reports were not wanting, that while KESHEN was gratifying Captain ELLIOT'S appetite for negotiations, he was preparing new modes of repulse : and the trade, which was to have been opened on the 2d February, was still unopened. In short, all the advance which had been made during the month was this, that Captain Emaor had seen KESHEN. What may have retrograded is not known ; but there seems reason to fear that the show of advance is fully counterbalanced by Some backsliding.
Negotiating Captain Er.mox has at length exhausted the patience of Lord MuiTo's colleagues; and he is superseded by Colonel Porrmona, who has just gone out by the overland mail.