Ebe C.r.ottrt.
THE Court has been rusticating at Windsor for the greater part of the week, and the record of events is scanty.
The Queen and Prince Albert, accompanied by the Prince and Princess of Leiningen, and followed by the Royal suite, left Buckingham Palace on Saturday afternoon at three o'clock ; and the hoisting of the royal standard on the round tower announced their arrival at five o'clock. The Dutchess of Kent went to Windsor on the same day, on a visit to her Royal daughter.
The Queen immediately resumed her rides in a pony-phaeton. The Princess of Leiningen rode in the same phaeton with her Majesty on Saturday, and Prince Albert rode on horseback. These rides were continued daily.
The little Princess Royal also enjoyed her daily rides in a carriage. Baron Bulow arrived at Wiudsor on Monday, on a visit to the Queen ; and Viscount Melbourne arrived. They both took their departure for town on Wednesday. Yesterday. the Queen and Prince Albert, accompanied by the Prince and Princess of Leiningen, and escorted by a party of Hussars, arrived in town from Windsor ; and were received at Buckingham Palace by the officers of the Household, at half-past five o'clock. The Princess Royal and the Royal suite followed in four carriages.
The Dutchess of Kent also returned to Clarence House, from Windsor.
The Queen Dowager left Sudbury Hall yesterday, and came to town by a special train of the London and Birmingham Railway. Her Majesty has quite recovered from the indisposition under which she suffered lately.
• The Duke of Cambridge left town, on Saturday for his residence at Kew. He dined with Viscount Sidmonth, in Richmond Park, on the same evening. He returned to town yesterday.
The Dutchess of Gloucester dined with the Russian Minister and Baroness Brunow on Wednesday.