8 NOVEMBER 1828, Page 1

We are without any military details from Bulgaria subsequent to

the fall of Varna. The Turkish commander Omer Vrione, who was advancing to relieve it, retreated when lie learned its fate; and the Grand Vizier is understood to have retreated also. After great rejoicings, the Emperor Nicholas was about to return to St. Petersburg.

Miguel appears to be busy laying down official rules for the selection of persons to fill political and ecclesiastical (Zees in Portugal. The Bishop of Beira was deemed a Constitutionalist ; but he has addressed a pastoral letter to the people under his spiritual care, denouncing the Charter, and exhorting the people to be obedient to the laws and to their King. It would appear from Oporto letters, that the Northern provinces continue in a very convulsed state; and that the Constitutionalists are again making considerable head.