8 NOVEMBER 1828, page 16

Just Published, By Viz Etelly. Branston, And Co. 135,...

Price Sc. bound in Blue Cloth, and comprising as much matter as a thick Octavo Volume, The B OOK OF HEALTH. A Compendium of Domestic Medicine, deduced from the experience of the......

To Morrow,

T HE BRITISH ALMANAC, Of the Society for the Diffusiou of Useful Kuowledge, for 1829. Tut/ SOCIETY for the DIFFUSION of USEFUL KNOWLEDGE, on the 1st of January last, submitted......

In 3 Vols. Post Bvo. Price 11. Us. 6d.

HE ENGLISH IN FRANCE. By the Author of "The English in Italy." "We do not hesitate to say, that these volumes give a clearer insight into Manners, Customs, and the existing......

B Ritish And Foreign Public Library, Conduit-street,...

Library have the right of ehoosiug, from a most extensive and valuable collection of the best Books in tbe various languages, whatever Works they may desire, which are regularly......

This Day Is Published, In 12mo., Is. Nd. T He Cook's

ORACLE, a new edition, by NVilliam Kitchener, M.D. Printed for Castel and Co. Edinburgh, and Simpkin and Marshall, London. "We venture to prophesy that the ' Cook's Oracle' will......

A Regular Tra Der.

poll HOBART TOWN AND LAUN_a; CESTON, VAN DIEMEN'S LAND, with leave to forward Goods to the latter Place at Ship's expense and Shipper's Risk, the beautiful, first-class......

Rotector Institution,

for supplying the Nobility and Gentry with RESPECTABLE SERVANTS, No.59, Great Russellstreet, Bloomsbury, opposite the British Museum. The difficulty of obtaining good and......

Annuals For 1829.

ADAPTED FOR CORI : T: T .:3 AND NEVYEAR'S I VI C. WESTLEY respectfully solicits an 0 early application on the part of Subscribers, in order to insure EARLY IMPRESSIONS of the......

London: Printed By Josepu Cla Yton, At The Office Of Mr....

Published by F. C. WESTLEY, 139, Strand ; by whom Advertisements and Communications to the Editor will be received. Orders received by all Newsmen In Town and Country.......