8 NOVEMBER 1828, Page 16


THE BRITISH ALMANAC, Of the Society for the Diffusiou of Useful Kuowledge, for 1829.

Tut/ SOCIETY for the DIFFUSION of USEFUL KNOWLEDGE, on the 1st of January last, submitted to the public the BRITISH ALMANAC for 1e28. This was almost the first attempt in this country to produce an Almanac that should not only be useful to all classes, and of which the information should be wholly of a popular character, but which should be purified Iron; the superstitions, prejudices, and indecencies which have characterized some of the Almanacs of which the circulation has been the most extensive.

The peculiar character by which the Barre:it ALMANAC is sought to be distinguisbed, as compared with some other of the most extensively circulated Almanacs, is that of USEFULNESS. Predictions of political events pretended to be known by the aspects of the stars, and which are as gross impostures as the falsehoods of a vagrant fortune-teller, cannot be c seFUL ; -prognostications of the weather, which have succeeded to such saws of our ancestors as

" IfSt. Paul be fair and clear, then betides a happy year ; " If the wind do blow aloft, then of wars we shall hear full oft"

these cannot be uss:eut-for the prophecy which asserts that it shall snow, rain, Or thunder, on any given day, is as contrary to truth, as that the weather of any given day shall influence the destinies of the succeeding year ;-tables to shew how the Moon on particular days affects certain parts of the body, such as the hips, toes, breast, tee., cannot be USEFUL, for they are utterly false. But it is USEFUL to place before all classes such matter as the following, which the Almanac of the Society contains : 1. A CALENDAR, which comprises those days which are at present observed, for devotion or business, or as public holidays ; and no others.

2. ANNIVERSARIES of great events, and of the births and deaths of distinguished men.

3. FACTS RELATING TO THE WEATHER, comprising the records of Meteorology in past years. 4. PRACTICAL DIRECTIONS LO the UNSCIENTIFIC LOVER of ASTRONOMY, for finding the position of ally Planet or remarkable Star.

5. TIDE TABLES for London, and One Hundred other Places.

6. A TABLE OF THE DURATION AND QUANI IT Y OF Liana, which enables the reader, at one glance, to see what hours are light and what dark, in any given night. 7. Tables of the EQUATION OF TIME, and other necessary facts. S. LISTS OF GARDEN PLANTS IN FLOWER, and VEGETABLES IN SEASON, each month.

9. Us s: et: L DuaacrmoNs touching the preservation of Healli, and the management of the Garden, Orchard, and Farm.

10. Sound and practical moral REFLECTIONS AND SAYINGS, that contain knowledge fit for all, and deserve being remembered. 11. A MISCELLANEOUS REGISTER, adapted to:England, Scotland, and Ireland, of the Royal Family, the Reuses of Parliament, and all the great public functionaries, whether officers of the State, the Law, or the Church, in the United Kingdom ;-Lists of every matter in commerce important to a man of business, whether in the Metropolis or the Country ;-and a Register of the Universities, and other institutions for Education. This department has been greatly extended, and the Lists corrected with the utmost care to the 25th of October.

12. Taates of WEIGHTS and MEASURES, of Taxes and STAN: P,S..Of INTEREST, and of various other important subjects for daily reference. Matters, such as these enumerated, are truly USEFUL and of indispensable necessity; and whatever is technical is explained with clearness and brevity. By an equal attention to the exclusion of everything that can be injurious, and to the introduction of whatever is important to be known for the guidance of the daily transactions of the coming year, an Almanac will be produced which, as far as is possible in such a publication, will promote the growth of sound knowledge.

THE COMPANION TO THE ALMANAC, Which the Society has also published, and which will be annually continued, is a Year-book of general Information, containing a great body of valuable matter, particularly on all subjects which arise out of the Legislation, Statistics, and Public Improvements of the current year. The volume for 1829 will be ready in the 13th of December. Price 2s. 6d. sewed. For the Contents, see the published Prospectus.

London : Published by Charles Knight, 13, Pall-Mall East.

The terms of supply to Booksellers and other Venders of Almanacs, may be obtained by application to this (Mee; if by letter, post paid.