The Memoirs Of M. Yidocce.
THE autobiography of a thief-taker, himself a transported convict, does not at first sight present the highest claims to the attention of the literary world : nevertheless, M.......
New Music.
1. HAYDN'S MOTETT in D Minor, " Insane et vance cures," for four voices, as performed at the York Musical Festival, Etc.; with an Accompaniment for the Organ or Pianoforte,......
The Midland Medical and Surgical Reporter, published at Worcester, gives in English and account of an extraordinary boy, " John Jones four years and six weeks old, and......
Literary Announcements.
BOOKS IN Tim PREss, OR IN PREPARATION. The English in Portugal. A Narrative of Facts connected with the Imprison ment and Trial of William Young. Esq. II. P. British Service,......