8 NOVEMBER 1828, page 4

An Inquest Was Held On Saturday, At Mr. 'lang's Shooting

gallery, Haymarket, on the body of Frederick Daubrawa, a gentleman of foreign extrac tion, holding a commission in his Majesty's army, who shot himself with a duelling pistol.......

Messrs. Rundell And Bridge, Of Ludgate-hill, Are Said To Be

constructing a most magnificent silver wine-cooler for his Majesty, the dimensions of which are so extensive, that it will contain two full-sized individuals, who may seat......

By Accounts From Vienna, It Appears That The Famous General

Mack died on the 22d of October. Since the surrender of Ulm to the French army, commanded by Napoleon, lie lived in the greatest privacy, on a pension from the Emperor of......

Old Bailey.—the Court Met On Tuesday, Agreeably To The Order

of the Judges, for the special purpose of trying Joseph Hunton on a second charge of forgery. The court-room was crowded long before the trial commenced. The Recorder, several......