By accounts from Vienna, it appears that the famous General
Mack died on the 22d of October. Since the surrender of Ulm to the French army, commanded by Napoleon, lie lived in the greatest privacy, on a pension from the Emperor of Austria.
The Marquis de Disolle, who was Prime Minister of France before the accession of Villele's party, died at Paris on Sunday, at the age of sixty-one. Doctor Chervin, well known by many important labours in the cause of humanity as well as that of science, has been appointed by the Paris Royal Academy of Medicine to proceed to Gibraltar, to attempt to counteract the yellow fever.
It appears that the French Marquis de Falaiseau, who was last week reported to have mysteriously disappeared, gave out that he had been assassinated, in order that he might live in a convent of Trappists unmolested by the inquiries of his relations.
A colossal sphynx arrived at the port St. Nicholas, Paris, on Tuesday evening. It is intended as an ornament for one of the public places of the capital. The vintage in most of the wine districts of the Upper Pyrenees, hasproved productive, both as to the quantity and the quality of the grapes. In some other quarters the vintage has failed, comparatively. The Jesuits have opened a college at Fribourg, in Switzerland.
The Piedmontese Government has re-established the punishment of breaking on the wheel, unlimited imprisonment without any form of trial, and on merely a simple order of the police, as well as the right of asylum in convents to the greatest criminals. A monk who hail committed a most horrible murder, recently, escaped from his pursuers, and took refuge in one of these sacred places; thus securing himself from the exercise of the law.
The introduction of trial by jury in criminal cases, at the Cape of Good Hope, is said to have given great satisfaction there. In July a Dutchman was tried for the flogging of his slave to death : he was found guilty, and sentenced to a year's imprisonment. The colonists are preparing to petition Parliament for a representative system of Government. In our colonies of New South Wales and Van Dieman's Land, there are eight newspapers and four magazines printed.
The New York Courier of the 9th of October contains a piteous appeal to American generosity by the far-famed Joseph Lancaster. He is beggared, and his wife and family, it appears, are sick and dying, at Trenton. His eque at is for five hundred dollars, to enable him to remove his family. SMITH AND PEERING V. JONES:At the close of last week, an action was tried in the Court of King's Bench, against Mr. Jones, the Marshal of the King's Bench prison, for the escape of Abraham Simmons, who had been committed to his custody in execution for 2014/. 10s. on three several judgments against him, by the plaintiff's. There had already been two trials of the case. The point now to be decided, was whether or not Simmons was within the rules of the King's Bench prison on the evening of the 3rd of October, 1826. The case occupied the Court a whole day, and the Jury sat up all night considering their verdict : next morning they came into Court and asked to be discharged, as they could not agree upon it; but the counsel would not consent, and Lord Tenterden said that lie had no power to afford relief. The Jury again retired, and continued absent till four o'clock in the afternoon, when they returned a verdict for the defendant.
LORD STRANOFORD V. THE SUN.—At the sitting of the Court on Thursday, the Solicitor-General applied for a criminal information against the proprietor and publisher of the Sun newspaper, for a libel on Lord Viscount Strangford, inserted in that journal of the 7th of August last. The libel was contained in some comments on an article in the Times relative to Lord Strangford's embassy to the Brazilian Court, and animadverts upon his Lordship's " character." One passage was this—" To the friends of liberty and principle it must be consolatory that the reviler of Mr. Canning's memory would hardly be believed on his oath, certainly not on his honour, at the Old Bailey." After some observations on a poem and other writings of his Lordship, it is said--‘ It was this hint that enabled his Lordship to write that very characteristic piece at the English Opera, entitled He Lies like Truth." Lord Strangford had swore that the imputations on his conduct were false. The rule was granted.
CIZALET V. Cams-is—At the Secondaries' Office, on Thursday, a jury heard evidence in an action for seduction, at the instance of Mr. Cazalet, a retired officer, in the service of the East India Company, against the Reverend Mr. Cazalet, a clergyman of the Church of England. The defendant, being the cousin of the prosecutor, had free access to his family ; and lie took the advantage of his absence on service, to seduce the affections of his wife. In 1822, she gave birth to a child, of which the defendant was the father. In 1827 the plaintiff returned from India to his family ; nothing having transpired to give him the least suspicion that his domestic happiness had been destroyed. A feeling of remorse, however, compelled the deluded lady to leave her home for ever; and in April last, she was delivered of twins. The husband had made ample provision for his wife and family during his absence. These circumstances were detailed at length in evidence; and the jury assessed the damages at £2000.