8 NOVEMBER 1828, Page 14


Tuesrlay, Nor. 4.

rA1STN%N.,01IPti 11L-4,;o2.1-ED.

J. Nicholson and Jaelcson„I tidiest rest, Brunse.ick-iquare-A. sen. and W. Williams, Liverpool, wholesale French and Anclrew, Southwark, innkeepers-J. Brown and .1. S. Winterflood, Waterloo-bridge-wharf, coal-merchants-Its C., and A. Simp,on, 'Manchester, hat-manufacturers-T. Bowman and R. Greeinvoinl, Liverpool, houp-dealers-\V. Henson mul. G. Prior, Worcester, lace-manufacturers-E., W. A., and C. Bain, Palmer's-village and Duke.

street, Westminster, th•wspaper-venders ; as far as C. Bain-J. Wilson, ,G. T. Whitfield, G. P. Smith, and .1. Sargent, Whiteleireit, Shropshire, siik-throwsters -B. H. Harris, W. Bolton, and G. H. Barris, Birmingham, brass-founders ; as far as regards G. II. Harris-T. and H. F. Wilmot, Nett. Sarum, attorneys-J. Fotherby arid G.Litherlaud, Hollteek, Yorkshire, nail.cutters-R.and H. Lock, Southampton, coopers-W. Allon and J. Elliott, South Shields, grocers-T. Hartley arid T. Dougson, Cheapside.


Nov. 3-Charles Lacy, Tott enhant, lace-nets at face :men Edward Brampton, Great Githline, Huntingdonshire, farmer. Michael Henley Stevens, James's-place, Prince's-road, Lambeth, commi agent. Hans Jonas Lindgren, Commercial-chambers, 51inories, broker.

John Robinson, Chelmsford, tea-dealer.


Thomas Clark, Union-street, Blackfriors, viettialler, an :1. Bridge-road, 'Lambeth, and Chathani,linen-draper, to surrender Nov. 7, 14, Dec. 16, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street : solicitors, Messrs. 1 t:tx ;mil Son, Gray's-inn-square.

Alvaro and Julio do Camara, Old Broad•sti'eet and Madeira, win e-m.Teltants, Nov. 11, 21, Dee. 16, tit the Bankrupts' Court, BashighallCU cell olicitor, Mr. Lewis, Bernard-street, Russell-square.

Chairles Minden Hawke, Old Broad-street, stationer, Nov. 7, 14, Dec. 111„ et the Bankrupts' Court, Bad ogled!. -areet : sumlicitmir., _Messrs. Winter, Williams, Fossick, and Jeffries, Bedford-row.

George Simpson, 1.eadeahall.street, ship-broker, Nov. II, 21, Per. 111, at the Bank rupts' Court, Itisi migilmll reel : solicitor, 31 m. 01e, Great \l'ilithester-s. rect. Samuel Brett, Manc7hester, merchant, Nov. II, 18, Dais IS, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street : solicitors, _Messrs. Fys.ni and Beek, Lothiniry.

John Paxton, Waterloo road, parehment-dealer, Nov. 7, 14, Dee. IS, t the Bankrupts' Court, Basingliall-street : solicitor, Mr. Brookes, Lincoln's-inn-fields.

Edward Eyre, Wells.street, Oxford-street, blind-maker, Nov. 7,14, lire. 16, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall.street : solicitors, :Messrs. Hardwick and Guest, Laurence-lane.

Martha Welcher, Lower Grosvenor-place, lodeing-house-lieeper, Nov. 7, 14, Dec. 16, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basingliall-street n solicitor, Mr. Nicholson, Lancaster-place, Strand.

Thomas Johnston, Cheapside, warehouseman, Nov. 11, 18, Dec. 16, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street solicitors4Messrs. Hurd audJOhtaella Xing's Beuch


Thomas Parry, Hope, Flintshire, drover, Dec.1,2, 10, at the Black Lion Inn, Mold, solicitors, Messrs. Philpot and Stone, Southaropton-street, Bloomsbury. Edmund English and Andrew Berkley Becks, Bath, upholsterers, Nov. 19, 20, Dee. IS, at the White Hart Inn, Bath : solicitors, Messrs. Frowd and Rose, Essex-street, Strand.

Job Jameson, sett. Newcastle-uponsTyne, woollen-draper, Nov. 25, 27, Dec. 16, at the George Inn, Newcastle-upon-Tyne : solicitors, Messrs. Bell and Brodriek, Bowchurchyard.


Nov. 2:3, W. Sweetman, Weston-hill, Norwood, carpenter-Nov. 25, J. Douglas and D. Russel, Fleet-street, and Leigh-street, Burton-crescent, anti Long-acre, drapers-Nov. 14, H. R. Piaw, Riches-court, Lime-street, merchant-Nov. 14, J. Foster and 'I'. Clay, Blacelesileid, Cheshire, silk-throwsters-Nov. 25, Sir W. Roberts, Bart. Courtlands, Devonshire, itnd Fowey. Cornwall, banker-Nov. 24, J. Williams, Mandovery, Carmarthenshire, draper-Dec. 1, B. Halifax, Cheapsille, warehousemanNov. 2a, C. Alayor, Somerset-street, Portman-square, carpenter-Nov. 28, It. Emmerson, Coleman-street, packer-Nov. 2s, It. Leeming, (treat Winchester.street, silk-broker-Noy. 18, E. Heywood, Abehurch.yard, dentist-Nov. 25, J. Norton, High-sired, Southwark, cheeseinonger-Nov. 25, J. Albra, Chelmsford, i rinkeeperNov. 27, C. al hoots Dishop's-eastle, Shropshire, innkeeper-Dec. 5, It. Fogg, Portwood, Cheshire, and T. S. Foitg, Chorlton.row, Lancashire, common-brewers-Nov.

T. L. Silburn and 11. It. Richardson, illanchester, booksellers-Nov. 25, J. IL de Alzetio, Bank-baildings, merchant-Nov. 25, D. Cannon, Lothbury, inerehant-Nov. 26, E. Freeman, Cheltenham, Itideing-honie-keeper-Nov. 25, 'I'. Maltby and II. Buckland, Gutter-lane, lace-maaufacturers-Nov. 28, C. Woods, Robertsbridge, Sussex, saddler-Nov. 27, J. Smith, sea. Burgh-in-the:Marsh, Lincoloshire, grocer -Nov. 26, ill. W. Ball, Liverpool, haberdasher-Nov. 26, J. Harrison, Liverpool, victualler.


To be Aowntel,roress cause be shown to the e3ntrary our or before Nov. 25.

C. arid R. 110ton, 51:tnelnister, and Chorley, Lancashire, merchants-S. Street, Liverpool, tailor-J. Roach, St. George's, Glocestershire, brick-looker-T. Wilks, Triter, Hertfordshire, innkeeper-J. Sadler, Bow-lane, Cheapside, warehouseman 3. Thompson, North Stoneham, Hampshire, nurseryman-NV. J. Robson, Oxfordstreet, rrocer-J. H. Shearmaa, Park-street, Slarylebone, surgeon-W. Flavel, Leamington-Priors, Warwickshire, ironnionger-G. C. I'. Living, St. Helen's-place, merchaot.

Fri,(7 .1, Nor. 7,


J., J., and C. Stir, Church-street, spitallields, silk-manufacturers-H. Walker and '1'. Atkitistes North Shields, ship-owners-J. Sanger and '1'. Webster, Leicester-street, Leitiester-,mare, tailors-J. Wheateroft and W. Singleton, Sheffield, joiners' tool-matinfact UI ers-F. Willesferd :old W. C. Haley, Tuvistoek, :atomics -.I. and .1. Asliferd, iiII (-I tine, Deptford, builders-G. lucked m', and J. IMO:lock, Birmingham, drapers-r. I'dasters and II. Hitchman, Dunstable, straw-hat-manufaidurers-J. and 8. D:dliatit, Ashton-it ie lerhyne, cotton-spinners-J. Trix and J. Marsh, Barnstaple, tvi lie-menet s la •,--1". and J. Hunter, liladdox-street, Hanover

square, tailors-I. C. Cia.1„1. and .1. Seymour, Barnaril-castle, Barbaro, timber-merchants-T. V'alerholi,u:, Jim Ii, and II. Horton, Birmingham, gun-makers -1'. Slade, Stoekton, Wiltshire, and J. SlaIn, Sherbone, Dorsetshire, common

carriers-J. and \ V. Cra-s.4 ?mit efraet, joiners-J. Eason and E. Irobson, Liverpool, brokers-T. E., J., :nut '1'. E. Upton, Leetk, :Atomics : as far as regards J. Upton-1. Mall:LT szild J. Ricking, Liverpool, seed-rwirehants-E. Dixon and I. Rash, Warilour.street, Soho, surgeons-E. IL Noy and G. It. Pin ward, Nicholaslane, attornies-E. Ayrton and H. IValler., CheAter, sehoohnistresses-T. smith and T. Powell, Illacionan-street, Southwark, auctioneers-W. Lyddon and J. Brown, Carey-street, Lincoln'-inn attornies.


Nov. 5-.Tolto Kirby and John Thomas, Knightsbridge, drapers.

Noy. 7-William Todd, Rngeley, Staffordshire, painter.

Richard Brain, Great Tower-street, broker.


Edward Whitaker Henzell, Belvedere-road, Lambeth, coal-merchant, from Nov..! to Dec. 23.

Jeremiah Thompson, New York, merchant, front Not-. 5 to May I.


Elizabeth Batt Skelton, 'Mary Mabella Skelton, and Elizabeth Skelton, Southampton, statiloters. Thomas Henry Skelton, Southampton, stationer.

Lewis Morrie, Bristol, tobacconist.

George Augustus Baker, Blackman-street, Southwark, cheesemonger. Henry Cooper, Snow-hill and St. John's-street-road, stationer.


Samuel Gillham, Christchurch Surrey, baker, to surrender Nov. 14, 21, Dec. 19, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basingliall-street : solicitor, Mr. Howard, Bouverie-street, Fleet-street.

George Moravia, Henrietta-street, Brunswick-square, merchant, NOV. 14, 21, Dec. 19, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basingliall-street: saucier, Mr. Holmes, Liverpool

street. .

Joseph Haynes, Ratcliffe-highway, linendraper, Nov. 14, 211, Dec. 19, at the Bankrupts' Cott rt, Basinghall-street : solicitor, 111r. Jones, Size-lone.

Edward Womersley, Little Guildford-street, Southwark, hat-manufacturer, Nov. 11, 25, Dec. 19, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basiughalt-street : solicitor, Mr. Fitch, Union.street, Southwark.

Thomas Fricly, Boughton, Kent, grocer, Nov. 14, 21, Dec. 19, at the Bankrupts' Court, Bashighall-street : solicitor, Mr. Ogden, St. Mildred's-court, Poultry. Edward Tanner, Tower-street, wine-merehant, Nov. 14, 28, Dec. 19, at the Bankrupts' Court, Bashighall street : solicitor Mr. Hewitt, Tokenhonse-yard.

John Warr, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, saddler, Nov. 14, Dec. 2, 19, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basingball-street n solicitor Mr. Junes, Birchin-lane,

John Chamberlain Tilney, Castle-street, Holborn, wine-merchant, Nov. 14, Dee, 2, Its at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street : solicitors, Messrs. Constable and Kirk, Symondis-inti, Chancery-lone.

John Bytig Batiks, Gutter-iam-, lace-dealer, Nov. 14, 28, Der. 19, at the Bankrupts' Court, Baeingliall-street : eu itimitium, sir. Leigh, George-street, Mansion-house.

Thomas Hewlett, Week St. Lawrence, and Weston-super-Mare, Somersetshire, linen-draper, Nov. 20, 21, Dec. 19, at the White Lion Inn, Bristol: solicitors, Aiessr-t. Jenkins and Abbott, New-inn.

John Bruckshatv Ilyte, 'Manchester, ironmonger, Nov. 24, 25, Dec. 19, at White's Hotel, Manchester : solicitors, Messrs. Ellis, ‘Valmsley, and Gorton, Chancery-lane. Richard Lambert, Preston, Lancashire, innkeeper, Dec. 3, 4, 19, at the office of Messrs. Troughtorrand Sons, Preston : solicitors, Messrs. Hurd arid Johnson, King's Bench-walk, Temple.

Isaac 1 arnis, jun., . tston, Warwickshire, brass-founder, Nov. 21, e2, Dec.9, at the Globe Tavern, Birmingham : solicitors, Messrs. Austen arid Hobson, Raymondbuildings, Gray's-inti.

Ann Gregory, Torquay, Devonshire, milliner, Nov. 19, 22, Dec. 19, at the New London Inn, Exeter : solicitors, Messrs. Brutton and Clipperton, New Broad-street.

'William Cunningham Boyce, Worcester, silk-mercer, Nov. 20, 21, Dec19, at the Hop mitrket Inn, Worcester : solicitor, Mr. Platt, New Boswell-court, Lincoln's


Dec. 1. E. Butt, Letilmry. Herefordshire, grocer-Dec. 2, N. Driver, Painswick Glecestershire, citaiSsr-Oce. I, M. Lewis, Glocester, whartinger-Nov. 29, .1. Roach, Forilii4britiee, Hampshire, linentiraper-Dec. 8, C. I.Telt, Coventry, grocer -Nov. 25,1V. Russel, Bow Church-yard, warchousciman-Dec. 1, S. Merryweather,

Longhorn, miller-Dec. 5, T. Stan*: ,rd, Exeter, wine-agent-Nov. 21, J. F. ;11111 \V. Streu, Buct.lersbury, stet icier,-1 toe. 24,. IV. Watkins, Bristol, philosephica1 instrument mzumfacturer-Nov. 28, NV. 31. Loiley, Liverpool, rectifierDee. I, W. Denman, Bangor, Cornarvonshire, shopkeeper-De. 3, T. Winkiess, Coventty, riband.matiei'aetarer-Dee. 1, .1. and V .31 Rambltis, Yorkshire, machi ne-moitt. rs-Dec. 8, S. T. IL rd. i 'mg, C. Oohs, and 'I'. ‘Vidingt.ot, Tamworth, Warwickshire, bankets -Dec. ::, W. Timlerwood, Ciatley, Glocestershire, edge-toolmolter-Nov. 1-1, G. aml E. Burgess, .Maidstone, and Sittiri.M.turn, In illers-Nov. 28, .1. and '1'. Inru, ChalSird, Glocestershire, clothiers-Dec. 9, '1'. Holmes, Long-acre, coach-maker-Dec.4, J. Bailey, Horncastle, Lincolnshire, ironmonger.


Ti, he granted, neleSS cause he shown to the contrary, on or before NO17.28. W. H. jun., and J. Parker, Hereford, bookseller-R. Hunt, Rochdale, moneyscrivener-IL Phillips, Stepney-honse, Yorkshi re, morchant-.1 . Howard, Dunstable, Bedfordshire, linendraper-D. 011/.1111;ton, Gat t een's Head-yard, Great Queen's-street, Lincoln's-inn-fields, horse-dealer-T. Smith, Pennington, Lancashire, cotton-manufacturer-T. Ilarrison, New .13ond•street5 hosier-G, Und, LiveRool-Oreets 154ttlq. bridoe, luvcIlaat%