THE calamitous circumstances consequent upon the unprovoked, unmerited, and glaring conspiracy and unprincipled persecution so maliciously concocted and infamously prosecuted against Mr. John Phillips (late proprietor of the British Emporium ill Tavistock-street), yvhich were occasioned, solely, by his unremitted, universal, and indignant exposure of the notoriously shameful and nefariously disgraceful "Abuses in Trade," too long, most lamentably, Ii degradation to the commerce of Great Britain and Ireland, being pretty generally to most of the Royal Family, Nobility, and Gentry, through the medium of printed circulars, and of an advertisement addressed to their Royal Highnesses, 3:c., ill the Morning Post of the 24th of May last, turd in other subsemient journals. Yet, however, notwithstanding these IllilliCIOUS, unprecedented, vile schemes, subterfuges, and fabrications, intended to impair, stigmatize, and calumniate the reputation of Mr. Phillips, for the obvious purpose of counteracting, if possible, the salutary anti astonishing effects procluved by his independent and strenuous efforts to overturn that abominable system of trade which has been so notoriously prevalent as to be distressingly annoying to the greater part of the respectable portion of the community ; Mr. Phillips has the peculiar satisfaetion and happiness of announcing to his friends :rod the public, and especially to those numerous families of distinction who were pleased to confer on him an extraordinary degree of patronage, that he has just entered into an engagement with Messrs. Wagner and Chapman, the new Proprietors of the celebrated " EMPORIUM" in Soho, to superintend several departments, and to take rot active part in conducting the general business of that highly respectable establishment, upon those equitable and economical principles which obtained him, when a principal, such envied and distinguished confidence. Mr. Phillips, therefore, particularly begs leave to state, that having constantly at his command in these capacious premises an extensive Stock of the most magnificent and costly, as veil as every other description of Fashionable and useful Articles of Linen and Woollen Drollery, Silk idercery, Haberdashery, Hosiery, Lace, &c., of foreign and domestic Manufacture, to offer to those noble and respectable Families who heretofore so kindly honoured him ; he is encouraged most earnestly to solicit a renewal and continuance of their valued (and to him most important) favours. But, that the Nobility and the Public generally may be assured, beyond mere assertion, that it is in the power of Messrs. Wagner and Chapman to RETAIL a very great proportion of their entirely new and splendid Assoitment at the WHOLESALE and Al ANUFACTURE RS' PRICES, for Ready Money, as well as that they continue to sell, at an immense Reduction, the remainder of the large and sumphunts Siock of JENNER :And SOPPET, Bank tupts, of which they were the exclusive Purchasers. Mr. Phillips deems it indisputably necessary to subjoin a List of the Prices of some of their 'lumens's and really excellent Bargeins, which only require inspection to insure considerable purchases from those to whom economy is the parent otInt colisideration, every article, however wonderfully cheap, is warranted perfect and chtrairle. s. d.
Excellent Persians at per yard, Gd., Pd., and 1 0 Good Broad sarsenets Is. 3d. and 1 G Handsome Plaid ditto 1 8 Rich and durable Oros de Naples ..... . Is. 93., 25., and 2 3 Beardiful Plaid ditto ...... ....... . ...... ..... 2 0 A variety of Good Satins ..... ....... . at Is. and is 3d. and 1 6 Good Black Silk Velvet ...... ........ 5 6 Italian Nets .............. ......... ..... . ..... . 8d. to 1 0 Norwich Crapes, from ..... ........ Gd. to 1 0 The best fabric of Black Bornbazeens Sd. to I Yard-wide Black Crape, &cm Black Cotton Velvet ............... .. ... ....
c„tt„ge 40. and 0 5
The best Merino ditto, from 6d. to 0 11 Yard-wide tine ditto, from ......... ...... 1 2 Wide Pelisse Cloths as low as ..... .............. ..... .. 2 0 Lancashire Flturnel 0 3 Stout and line ditto, from .... 0 Real Welch ditto, from ..... .............. ..... . 40. to 1 6
Moreens as low as ..... ......... ...... ......... 0 9
Yard and haif-wide Greer Baize, from ....... ..... . 0 8 Various Carpetings, very cheap Fast coloured Printed Furnitures . ....... 0 54 Calico ....... ..... ........... .... .. 0 1 Good ditto ........ . ......... ......... . 0 2 Ell-wide stout and tine ditto ...... ......... . ........... 0 3 Superfine and st out ditto ....... ....... ....... . ....... 0 4 The best real Long Chides, front . . 8d. to I 0 Superfine imitation ditto ... 5 Good Prints, fast colours ....... ............ 4d., 5d., and 0 6 Superfine and fashionable ditto, from .. ....... 80. to I 0 Handsome Batieste Dresses, horn . . ..... . . ...... 0
Cambric Muslin as low Os . ....... ....... 0 24
Yard and half-wide lacconet ditto .... . ....... . . 0 4 Stout Linen Huckuback 0 4 Durable Irish Linen, for shirts .... ......... . ..... 83. to I 6 Diapers (all Linen) for the Nursery, per piece, front ..... . 3 6 Strong, Linen Sheeting, at per yard ...... ........... 4d. and 0 5 Mock Russia ditto, at ..... ..... ....... . ....... 6d. and 0 8
Eleirant good Gauze Ribbons . . 3 Rich and siiiictidid ditto, exceedingly cheap
Stout fancy Bonnet Ribbons ........ ..... 24d. and 0 4 Rich very broad fashionable ditto . ..... . . 0 10
Scotch fancy Gauze Handkerchiefs, each .... . ..... . 0 2 Good Silk Barcelona ditto .. 0 101
A lot of hinge Shawls, at ..... ........... Is. anti 1 3 Real French Cambric Pocket-handkerchiefs, per dozen, from .. 12 0 The smaller size ditto Ladies' light and dark Kid Cloves (perfect) per dozen, only . . 4 9 Extra superfine ditto (unrivalled), only ... . . 10 0 Excellent perfect Black ditto, per pair ..... . . ..... 0 6
Delicate Long White ditto . . ...... . . 1 4
Women's good White Cotton Hose, nom ..... Sits to 1 0
Ladies' Silk ditto, as low as . . ..... ....... . ... 2 6
Linen Glass Cloths each .... ...... . . 0 2 Damask Table ......... ..... . . 1 fp Good Blankets for the Poor, only .. ........ .
Large White ditto . ..... ......... ...... 236 3
Coloured Counterpanes Women's Cloth Cloaks, at ....... . 5 0 Plaid ditto ... ..... ...... . . . ... 7 U Silk ditto 11is. ....... . Satin ditto ...... ....... ...... . 24 0 An immense Stock of Rich Silk and Satin, and also Superfine Cloth and best Plaid CLOAKS equally cheap in proportion.
Good Gingham Umbrellas Excellent Silk ditto, very Clint!).
The STOCK of FURS is acknowledged the cheapest in England.
N.B. Benevolent ladies, and Public Institutions, supplied with Charity Articles, of every description exceedingly reasonable, for Cash Payments-, also Country and Foreign Orders (Wkolesale and Retail,) executed with the utmost promptitude and fidelity, by Messrs. WAGNER and CHAPMAN, of the EMPORIUM, Greek-street, Soho, corner of Compton-street, who have no connexion with any other house, nor do they allow of any abatement whatever, the very lowest price being invariably affixed to every article.
P.S. FAMILY MOURNING, in every variety, excessively cheap and good.
e., should set down at the Greek-street (more private) entrance,
cress, It is desirable, to prevent inconvenience, that the carriages ofrattlhieerNtohlaanlity, m&e., either of the (more public) entrances in Compton-street.
glacrikum, P,T9s‘41 itatt qree.4-stzeet4 Solto4 klov. 148,, •