8 NOVEMBER 1828, Page 3

A youth named Barrett, in the service of Mr. Savage,

pawnbroker, in Lambeth, was engaged on Monday evening with his companion, John Tem ple, in making sqttibs in the back yard of the premises. Temple went to the shop for a loaded pistol ; which he was ia,the act of priming, while on the half-cock, when it suddenly went off.prinarrett unhappily being opposite, received the contents in his,Wad. lie exclaimed, "Oh God, John, you have killed me !" and immediately expired. His features were so mangled by the shot, that it was impossible to identify them. Temple knew that the pistol was loaded with slugs.

Another fatal accident, from the incautious use of fire-arms, occurred at Huddersfield, on Wednesday week. A man employed as a watchman at a factory, returned home from his vigils, and went to sleep, leaving his loaded pistol on the table. His boy, aged eight, took it up. It went off in his hands, and instantly his sister, a girl of sixteen, fell mangled and lifeless. The father, on learning the consequences of his incautiousness, was scarcely saved from killing himself.

A poor woman, upwards of seventy years of age, was on Monday burnt to death, in Mark-lane, from her clothes having caught fire.

Two other females, the one aged twenty-four, and the other seventy-three, have this week lost their lives in the same manner.

On Tuesday morning, the premises of Messrs. Williamson and Howarth, colour-manufacturers in Belton-street, Commercial-road, were destroyed by fire. The quantity of combustible materials upon them rendered unavailing every attempt to subdue the flames. An adjoining stable was also burnt, and two horses perished. On Wednesday afternoon, a fire broke out in the first floor of the premises of Mr. Key, a bookbinder in Sermon-lane, near Doctors-commons ; and from the quantity of loose paper about the house, there seemed little hope that it would escape destruction. The flames were, however, speedily quenched. In the moment of alarm, a young girl leaped from the window of the third floor; and falling upon the pavement, was taken up in a pitiable condition.

On Saturday, Mr. South, livery-stable keeper, New Bond-street, was thrown from his horse and killed. The animal ran against Bayswater turnpike-gate, which was shut ; and the deceased was precipitated head foremost against the bars, and died immediately.