8 NOVEMBER 1828, Page 3

An inquest was held on Saturday, at Mr. 'Lang's shooting

gallery, Haymarket, on the body of Frederick Daubrawa, a gentleman of foreign extrac tion, holding a commission in his Majesty's army, who shot himself with a duelling pistol. The deceased had called at the shooting gallery several times on the preceding day, when he appeared quite cool and collected. Ho came again in the evening, and said he should like to take a pistol. One was given him, and having stepped a little to one side, he placed it to his right ear, and fired. He fell dead. In his pockets was a passport to France,

21. and 5d. in cash, a receipt for 170 francs, a letter, and a pack of cards. On the ace of spades was written, in the deceased's hand-writing,"Cela a ete ma mine." Verdict—insanity.

Suicides have lately been common in the neighbourhood of Edinburgh. Within the last ten days a poor man strangled himself; another shot himself; an elderly woman poisoned herself; and a girl, after having been in church, cut her throat. On Tuesday week, a military officer committed suicide. under peculiarly distressing circumstances.

A highway robbery was committed on Tuesday, on Mr. Greenhill, of Patahall, near Ilford, Essex. The old gentleman was returning from the superin.

tendence of his workmen, when two robbers sprang from the covert of a hedge: one of them laid open his forehead with a blow from a bludgeon, and stretched him insensible on the ground ; and while he lay in this state, they robbed him of his gold watch.

On Saturday a young man robbed his master, a merchant in Bucklersbury, of nearly 3001.; and soon after shipped himself, and two companions, at the Downs, for New Smith Wales. By the time the crime was discovered, pursuit was useless ; and his employer intends to take no trouble to bring hint back, as the only punishment that could be inflicted is transportation to the place to which the thief has voluntarily consigned himself. In August 1827, Jonas Ansell, a little boy, was found stabbed, in an osier-ground, in the parish of Monks Eleigh, and no clue could be gained as to the authors of his death. An elder brother of the same boy was found on Tuesday in a field in the parish of Milding, near to the above-mentioned osier-ground, with his throat cut.

The French have an easy mode of getting rid of an Englishman. One of the Paris papers contains the following :—" A letter from Vincennes states

that at ht4finkst aim on Tuesday Milne& an LogliOarnao otoploygd aintak the steam-cannon, on returning from Charenton (being probably under the influence of liquor) persisted, notwithstanding repeated warnings from the sentinel, in approaching the cannon. His continued silence excited the suspicions of the sentinel, who, after repeatedly shouting qui vive and passer au large, without being answered, fired, and killed him."—In this country we should have had whole columns about military despotism and "horrible murder," and days and weeks would have passed in adjourned coroners' inquests ; but in France, an unanswered qui vive is an authority to a soldier to change the quick into the dead; and the passer au large, which literally means keep your distance, if not speedily attended to, is a passport to eternity. There is nothing so disgusting in France as this keeping up the regulations of a besieged town in the midst of peace and tranquillity. Even in Paris, an Englishman who does not understand the meaning of the qui vive, to which his answer ought to be "Bourgeois," or who is so ignorant of the the meaning of the passer au large as not to know that he is to keep at a considerable distance from the challenger, is not safe. His life may be the forfeit of his ignorance, or of the impatience of some brutal private soldier.— Globe.