ATELEGRAM from Simla has been received in London which professes to explain the smearing of the mango. trees in Behar, a smearing which has now spread upwards to Allahabad. According to the telegram the trees have been .microscopically examined, and it has been found that 90 per oent, of the smearings are due to pigs and cattle, and 10 per --cent, to mendicants anxious to create a scare. The first state- ment is nonsense, for why should animals select this year in particular to rub their skins, or how do they distinguish .between mango and other trees ? The second statement is identical with our own, and no doubt accurate ; the " men- -dicants " not being beggars, as the Daily News naturally -enough supposes, but "Jogis," mendicant friars, who would naturally give the signal if any religious or political move- ment were in prospect. The recognition by Government that -these men wish to ckate a scare, is the most alarming -admission yet made by the authorities. The Government, .however, is awake, the Army in the North-west is strong, and we have only to wait with patience to see if the enemies -of our rule are ready. We only hope that the Resident at Khatmandoo is the kind of man to whom Nepaulese will tell things.