[to The Editor Op The "spectator."]
SIR,—May I add one or two anecdotes illustrating children's queer readings? A son of mine was much puzzled for many years with the line in the hymn, "Jesus lives : no longer......
The Tenacity Of Childish Errors.
ITo TEE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—In your article on "The Tenacity of Childish Errors," in the Spectator of June 2nd, you instance the many stumbling. blocks presented to......
[to The Editor Op The "spectator."]
`Sin,—In the autobiography of Sir C. Lyell, he tells of a childish error on a petition in the Litany, that struck me as recalling two errors of my own on the same. We ask that......
[to The Editor Op The "spectator."]
SIE,—Let me supplement your amusing article, in the Spectator of June 2nd, on the misapprehension of words in the Bible and Prayer-Book. A friend, whom we will call Mr. Smith,......
[to The Editor Op The "spectator."] Sirt,—you Touch Upon A
universal experience in your article on this subject in the Spectator of the 2nd inst. The following illustration may be found interesting as exhibiting the matter in an......
[to The Editor Op The "spectator."] Sin,—many Years Ago My
father had an old lodge-keeper, named Speed. One of my brothers, when the prayer was read in church, "Make speed to save us," wondered why this feeble old man was to be the......
[to The Editor Op The "spectator."] Sie, — Apropos Of The...
about the man borne of four, so amusingly described in your capital article in the Spectator of June 2nd, I have a fellow-story. A schoolfellow of my niece's when learning her......
[to The Editor Op Tee "spectator."]
Sik,—Have the following—ill-favoured things, but mine own —interest for you or your readers ? I was taught some hymns before I could read them, with curious results in some......