The Poets' Praise : From Homer To Swinburne. Collected And
arranged, with notes, by Estelle Davenport Adams. (Elliot Stock.)—The "Poets' Praise" consists of two parts,—their praise of their own art, and their praise of particular poets.......
Current Literature.
The World's Parliament of Religions. Edited by the Rev. John Henry Barrows, D.D. 2 vols. (Review of Reviews Office.)—Here we have nearly sixteen hundred close-printed pages of......
This Troublesome World. By The Authors Of "the Medicine...
3 vols. (E. Arnold.)—There was more of the strange than of the interesting in "The Medicine Lady," and the same will, we think, be said by most readers of the tale which claims......
From Our Dead Selves To Higher Things. By Frederic James
Gant. (Nisbet and Co.)—The "dead selves" of the poet are not the same as the "dead selves" of these essays ; but the words form a convenient motto. Mr. Gant speaks of various......
My Dead Self. By William Jameson. (chatto And Windus.)...
is little that is unusual in this story. It is the life of a bank-clerk who speculates, forges, is convicted, tries in vain to earn an honest livelihood when he is released from......
Bourgeois Et Gens De Peu.*
M. .A-RVEDE BA.RINE has given us in this book five sketches, four of which deal with persons who really existed, though, with one exception, rather obscurely, while the fifth......
The Vicar Of Langthwaite. By Lily Watson. 3 Vols. (bentley
and Son.)—The "running title" throughout the book is "The Professor's Daughter." The change has had to be made, we sup- pose, for copyright reasons, but it is a change for the......
Steve Brown's Bunyip. By John Arthur Barry. (remington...
stories and sketches, from various parts of Asia and Australasia, are decidedly striking and effective. We may presume that they have been somewhat idealised—" Far Inland......