The Derby Was Run On Wednesday, And The Premier's Horse
Ladas' won the race, to Lord Rosebery's great delight, as he is the first man who, being Premier of the Kingdom, has won the Blue Ribbon of the Turf. So interesting was the race......
Notice To Advertisers.
With the " SPECTATOR " of Saturday, Tune 30th, will be issued, gratis, a SPECIAL LITERARY SUPPLEMENT, the outside pages of which will be devoted to Advertisements. To secure......
The Kings And Presidents Of Europe Are Just Now All
in perplexity. M. Carnot has found a Premier who suits him in M. Dupny, but is not sure in the temper of the Chamber that he will keep him for a week ; the Emperor of Germany is......
M. Moncton; The New Foreign Minister In France, Appears - To
be rather anti-English, and to be, moreover, a captive of the Colonial party. He read to the Chamber on Thursday -a declaration in which he affirms that under the Berlin agree-......
The Sovereign Most Awkwardly Placed Is The Emperor Of...
as King of Hungary. He probably does not care one straw about the Civil Marriage Bill, but he does not like quarrelling with the great ecclesiastics who preach to him, or with......
News Of The Week.
A TELEGRAM from Simla has been received in London which professes to explain the smearing of the mango. trees in Behar, a smearing which has now spread upwards to Allahabad.......