10 MAY 1884

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The Spectator

T HE Government have sacrificed Monday to Sir M. Hicks- Beach for his vote of censure, which is drawn in these terms':—" This House regrets to find that the course pursued by...

The arrangements for the Conference on Egyptian finanee are not

The Spectator

made ; but there is as yet no reason to anticipate a failure. Both France and Turkey are understood to be anxious that , discussion should not be limited to finance, and to be...

4 fr The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript, in any

The Spectator


Yesterday week Mr. Gladstone' obtained leave, by a majority of

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113, for afternoon sittings on Tuesdays and Fridays till the end of June, to be devoted to Government business ; but not without rather bitter opposition. Mr. A. Balfour moved...


The Spectator

It is our intention occasionally to issue gratis with the SPECTATOR Special Literary Supplements, the outside pages of which, will be devoted to Advertisements. The Sixth of...

On the same evening an attempt was made by Mr.

The Spectator

Raikes, M.P. for the University of Cambridge, to obtain a Committee of Inquiry into the circumstances of the Hereford election in 1880, on the ground that some corrupt...

A great explosion has taken place this week in the

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Conserva- tive Party. Lord Randolph Churchill had resigned the Chairmanship of the National Union of Conservative Associa- tions, in consequence of the carrying of what he...

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In the diVision on the Deceased Wife's• Sister resolution, thirteen

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Conservatives voted with Mr. Broadhurst, and seven Liberals with the Ecclesiastical party. Mr. Gladstone, Mr. W. H. Gladstone, and Mr. Herbert Gladstone walked out without...

The division in the American. House of Representatives over the

The Spectator

Morrison Tariff - Bill, round which the Free-trade battle is carried on, was unexpectedly close. • It had been- expected that many Democrats would secede ; but when Mr. Conver...

Mr. Broadhurst, on Tuesday, carried a• resolution in favour of

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a measure of relief to repeal the law against marriage with a deceased wife's sister, by a majority of II1 (238 against 127). He maintained strongly that the present , law does...

On Tuesday, at the afternoon sitting, Sir Richard Cross moved

The Spectator

an addition to Clause 2 which was intended to provide for the suspension of the operative effect of the Franchise Bill till after the Redistribution Bill had been carried, but...

The German Government has taken strong action against the dynamitards:

The Spectator

Under the provisions of a Bill submitted to the Federal Council, all manufacturers of explosives or dealers in them are required, under a penalty of two years' imprisonment, to...

A most unintelligible marine disaster is 'reported this week. The

The Spectator

Atlantic steamer State of Florida' was on the night of April 18th, in lat. 49° N:, and long. 36" 30' W., about 1,200 miles from Ireland, with 167 passengers and crew on board....

The Russian Government, which is anxious for peace, is steadily

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co-operating with the German and Austrian Govern- ments in repressing any movement for the union of Eastern Roumelia with Bulgaria. So fixed is this decision, that even...

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The meeting of the Wordsworth Society on Thursday was distinguished

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by a very thoughtful address from the President for the year, Mr. J. Russell Lowell, the Minister of the United States, who, sticking to his constant rule, indulged in no eulogy...

A meeting held on Thursday at St. James's Hall to

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express the indignation of the country at what General Gordon terms his abandonment by the Government, with Earl Cadogan in the -chair, was remarkable for nothing but violence...

The Lord Mayoi gave a dinner to the • Chancellor

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of the University of London and the President of University College, London,—Lord - Granville and Lord Kimberley,—on Wednesday, to which most of the members of the Senate of the...

The annual dinner of the Royal Academy was held on

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Satur- day, and attended by the usual crowd of representative men. The speeches, with the exception of one by Dr. Farrar, which was both- eloquent and graceful, were not as good...

Bank Rate, 24 per cent. • Consols were on Friday

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1011 to 1011.

A correspondent of the Times furnishes a vigorous sketch of

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Abdarrahman Khan, the Ameer of Afghanistan, whom he describes as an active and physically strong man, though with the usual Asiatic dislike for objectless exercise. He lives...

It was announced late on Friday evening, the 2nd inst.,

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that the Oriental Bank had closed its doorri. This Bank possessed a capital of £3,000,000 nominal, and £1,500,000 paid up, and a Charter limiting its liability, and till about...

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The Spectator

THE VOTE OF CENSURE. W E should regret deeply the success of Sir M. Hicks- Beach's Vote of Censure, and this upon grounds in which all parties except the Parnellites may...

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The Spectator

T HE Tories are hardly wise in flogging their naughty boys in . public. All decent schoolmasters, even the most Rhadamanthine, now perform that painfil operation in the...

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I T is obvious to those who watch the divisions in aommittee that the Liberal Members are quite aware what a blunder it was last week to let the majority obtained on the second...

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T HERE is nothing mysterious about the fall of the Oriental Bank, though it may prove a more important event than is generally supposed. To begin with, the misery spread by the...

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I N such a universe as this it is a great gain to lay. hold of some one thing that has permanence,—something that we can confidently count upon seeing reappear as the years come...


The Spectator

-Head Master of Clifton, in two sermons Breached JL respectively at Westminster Abbey and at St. Pail's, the one on " Opinion and Service," the other on "Religion and...

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The Spectator

TT is hardly wonderful that Englishmen fail to comprehend 1 Irishmen. Few races comprehend their enemies ; and it is the Irish who are enemies whom Englishmen study, rather...

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The Spectator

CENTURY. T HE popularity of Mr. Max O'Rell's pamphlet on English life and manners has shown once again how eagerly we seek to " see ourselves as others see us." Our ancestors...

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The Spectator

. [To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—My pretty, pale cousin, "-Religion," writes you in her pensive. way :—" I have hitherto been receiving support from two...


The Spectator

THE GOVERNMENT CASE AT ITS WORST. rTO THE EDITOR Or THE "SpEorkrort."] Sia,—The accusation against the Government is that it has negatived all Gordon's proposals, and then...

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The Spectator

• [To THE EDITOR OF TIM "SrEcroroz.") BM — The increasing returns for Income-tax are due to a rise in rents, and not to a rise in profits, as the following figures show :—...


The Spectator

[To TRY EDITOR OF TRH " SPECTATOR."] SIR, — The two illustrations of courtesy in birds given by your correspondent in the Spectator of April 19th are attractive and...

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A R T.

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GROSVENOR GALLERY: [FIRST NOTICE.] THE Grosvenor Gallery has not this summer, taking the aver- age of the pictures, so good an exhibition as usual; but it is a remarkable one,...


The Spectator

[To THR EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] Sul, — Mr. R. L. Stevenson is undoubtedly right in saying a dog "would be often wet with sweat." After following me for some nine or ten...


The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR - OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR, — In your article on the late Mr: Charles Reade, in your issue of April 19th, are you not a little unjust to the many able writers of...

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The Spectator

THE Royal Society of Painters in Water-Colours have this year made a valiant• attempt to justify their title, and produce a really typical collection of pictures. The attempt...

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The Spectator

SHAKESPEARE'S PREDECESSORS.* Tins weighty volume of more than 650 pages is the first instal- ment of a critical inquiry into the conditions of the English drama. It is full to...

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The Spectator

THE only fault we have to find with this volume is that its title is not sufficiently suggestive of its true scope. The actual details of the musical life of the writer—the...

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A CASTLE IN SPAIN.* Tars book purports to be written

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by John de Mille. Whether the author means by assuming the name of De Mille to convey to his readers-that he is one man in a thousand we do not know ; bat certainly his book is...

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rarely meets with now,—a compreesed book,L-one that represents a vast deal more labour and study than the number of its pages represents. It is a perfect repository of evidence...

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GENERAL GORDON AS A DIVINE.* IN one respect the publiCation

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of this book is opportune, for it throws much light on the-character of its author, who fills at this moment more of the public mind of England than any man living. The world...

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THE MILLIONAIRE.* Tats is a clever, audacious, and sometimes valgar.novel,

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written by a man who is thoroughly familiar with some phases of social life, both in England and America. The plot is somewhat etagey and conventional ; but the characters,...

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The Spectator

Westminster School, Past and Present. By Frederic H. Forshall. (Wyman and Sons.)—An account of Westminster School is naturally written in the first instance for Old...

Sir. David Wedderburn, Bart., M.P. Compiled from his Journals and

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Writings, by his Sister, Mrs. E. H. Percival. (Kegan Paul, Trench, and Co.)—Sir David Wedderburn was an accomplished man, of much general culture. A very great part of his life...

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Where Shall I Educate My Son ? By Charles Eyre

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Pascoe. (Houlston and Sons.)--Mr. Pascoe describes his book as a manual for parents of moderate means. He deals, it will be seen, mainly with the financial aspect' of the...

press of this book consists of a number of brief

The Spectator

extracts from various works belonging to the golden age of Spanish literature, the most famous among them being "Don Quixote," "Gil Blas," and "The Bachelor of Salamanca." "...

We have received :—A third edition of The Student's Guide

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to the Bar, by W. W. R. Ball (Macmillan), giving a useful account of the preliminaries necessary to a "call," scholarships and prizes, course of study, books, &c.—The...

De Rebus Africanis : the Claims of Portugal to the

The Spectator

Congo. By the Earl of Mayo. (W. H. Allen and Co.)—" I trust," says Lord Mayo in his preface, " that I explain exactly what the Portuguese want, and what the English Government...

The House of White Shadows. By B. L. Farjeon. 3

The Spectator

vols. (Tinsley • Brothers.)—A more dismal story than this it would not be easy to imagine. The " house " which is the scene of the story belongs to a family in which domestic...