12 DECEMBER 1958

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—Portrait of the Week— The DIRECT ACTION Committee Against Nuclear

The Spectator

Warfare went to a rocket-site in Norfolk and there committed several brutal assaults, with their faces, on pools of mud and cement. A great deal of no undue force was used to...


The Spectator

T HE report of the committee of inquiry into the London Airport dispute lays the blame squarely where it does not belong. This super- ficial, fanciful, at times positively...

The Spectator

The Spectator


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The Spectator

6 A MORAL defeat' for the Greeks in the UN debate on Cyprus was The Times's verdict, in a discreet sub-heading. But was it? Certainly Greece found herself with the minority in...


The Spectator

U NFLAPPABILI1Y is an attitude that has its virtues, as Mr. Macmillan feels obliged all too often to demonstrate. But it is an attitude that ought not to be struck so rigidly by...

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The Passing of the Bosses By RICHARD H. ROVERE New

The Spectator

York JAMES MICHAEL CURLEY, who would steal anything that wasn't nailed down in the Common- wealth of Massachusetts and yet was much loved by the poor people of Boston and by...

Westminster Commentary

The Spectator

`DE mortuk2 as Harold Laski used gloomily to observe, 'nil nisi bunkum.' But not, I think, under this imprint. It is neither more nor less than a pity that Sidney Dye's last...

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A Spectator's Notebook

The Spectator

SHORTLY AFTER SUEZ I recall a Labour MP from the East End of London who ad- mitted, in some embarrass- ment, that party workers in his constituency had been solidly behind Sir...

MR. HUGH CUMIN', editorial director of the Mirror-Pictorial group—at present

The Spectator

busily engaged in swallowing the camel of Amalgamated Press —recently paid a brief visit to Russia. Like all such visitors, he has hastened into print with atl account of his...


The Spectator

Edmund Burke

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WILL THE FACT that 'Dead Sea Scrolls' are on sale

The Spectator

in the shops mean (I was musing last week) that we will soon be finding replicas of Noah's tiller, David's sling and Moses' cradle on sale as Christmas presents? One, at least,...

COMMENTING on the Grigg Report a month ago. I remarked

The Spectator

that it had not dealt with one of the authorities' chief worries: how to keep trained men in the forces without resorting to compul- sion. Michael Leapman's article in this...

'THE DIRT in question is human,' Michael Foot writes in

The Spectator

our correspondence cplumns, complain- ing of my recent comments on prostitution in London : 'the carpet may be a prison cell.' I thought I had made it clear that the dirt I was...

T HE REPORT of the inquiry into Mr. George Strauss's allegations

The Spectator

against the London Electricity Board make ironical reading. It was only, after all, by a margin of five free votes that the House of Commons decided that Mr. Strauss's charges...

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Grammar and Secondary Modern

The Spectator

By CHRISTOPHER HOLLIS W HY are the Young Men Angry? I have spent a good deal of time going round schools recently, and I am sure that a large part of the answer is that not...

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The Opettator

The Spectator

DECEMBER 14, 1833 AN inquest was held on Saturday, in the House of Correction, on the body of William Early, aged thirty-two. About half-past twelve in the morning, the...

The Economics of German Reunification

The Spectator

By JOSSLEYN HENNESSY T LIE political consequences of , German re- unification have been discussed threadbare: the possible economic repercussions are rarely ever mentioned. The...

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The Spectator

By MICHAEL LEAPMAN A MAN who joins the Navy at sixteen will be over twenty-six before he can afford to regret it; nine years is now the minimum term of service for which a...

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The Spectator

Sophisticating the Stalls By ALAN BRIEN ONE of the traditional roles of comedy in the British theatre is to sophisticate the bourgeoisie. In the 1660s and as in the 1920s, Mr....


The Spectator

Forum 'DISC JOCKEYS Mr. A. L. Lloyd, looking more like a well- established solicitor than a wandering minstrel, Purled jolly little ditties about whales-ahoy and 8ipsies-o....

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The Spectator

Stout Parties and High Living By KENNETH J. ROBINSON LAST week Sir Kenneth Clark very nearly defined good taste as the taste of a bottle of stout. In his one-man ITV show Sir...

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Requiem for a Myth

The Spectator

By DAVID CAIRNS Yet when it was all over and the last mutterings of those ghostly drumbeats had died away, the crabbed old fallacies—`genius without talent,' 'marvellous ideas...

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Consuming Interest

The Spectator

The Lower Crust By LESLIE ADRIAN I have been trying some of the forty-two varieties. Most of them differ only in shape, and the loaf sold to me by my nearest branch of the...


The Spectator

and pulled out a plum By ISABEL QUIGLY torn thumb. (Empire.) — Bell, Book and Candle. (Plaza.)— One small child's opinion is worth that of fifty l arge critics on a film like...

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A Doctor's Journal

The Spectator

A. I. D. By MILES HOWARD . T HE notion of artificial insemination arouses so strong and so mixed feelings in many people that a cool and detached look at it is always welcome....

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Over to You, Mr. G. cl)

The Spectator

DE MO wri par hay AR Mr. GRAVY Or GRONG, he Editor, who seems a little out of sorts this rning, has just handed me your letter. You te : 'I have been a reader of your...

Page 22

COMMERCIAL RADIO Sia,—In your issue dated December 5, Mr. Peter

The Spectator

Forster writes: Equally much nonsense is talked about the BBC being uncommercial (as though In Town Tonight has not long been the outpost of com- mercial radio in this country...


The Spectator

SIR,—No journal in Britain has established a higher reputation than the Spectator for the persistent advocacy of a humane administration of .the law or the reform of inhumane...

SIR,—If Mr. Jeremy Hardie wishes to be followed, he should

The Spectator

not stumble carelessly at the first step. 'Apropos Taper's unstinted praise of Dr. Houghton's contribution to the Wolfenden debate,' he writes, and with that opening sentence...

SIR,—Your correspondent Mr. R. Browning sur- prises me by omitting

The Spectator

to suggest that homosexuals should be horse-whipped : this would have been in keeping with the rest of his letter. But perhaps I may attempt to deal rationally with his somewhat...

Letters to the Editor

The Spectator

Hugh Jenkins Michael Foot, Aspland, A. D. D. Broughton, MP Kenneth Grenville Myer Divide J. Golding Nicholas Milner-Gulland, J. P. Bardsley Francis J. A. Towsey' Max Harrison...

The Spectator

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The Spectator

SIR,—I am deeply grateful for the biased but highly revealing report on the activities of the Dale Carnegie Course in your last number. Obviously we, more than anyone else....


The Spectator

SIR,—Many of your readers must have noted that the views expressed by Mr. Nicholas Davenport arc no1 . always supported in your .editorial columns. Sometimes there has been...


The Spectator

SIR,—Perhaps the most telling comment on the very misleading article on jazz in your November 21 issue was provided by Kenneth Allsop himself when he referred to the...

can well understand Mr. Godfrey Hodgson's rgy_ La:Lance to defend

The Spectator

the British Cyprus - policy at .111 A merican university, having myself recently returned ' )11 1 a visit to China, where I found myself the tai w t ling champion of our...

S ' 11,--- Mr. Hemmings states that 'a truly liberal University will not

The Spectator

set out to frustrate' certain in- t ellivnt youngsters, at the age of eighteen or nine- teen, (who) 'have already developed an overriding i nter :st in one traditional subject,...

SIR,—I imagine that I belong to the same 'school generation'

The Spectator

as Mr. George Edinger, and I, too, can remember being taught at my private school—from what was one of the standard school histories of the time (1908 circa)—about this...


The Spectator

Sta,- . --In his article on November 28 your financial correspondent Mr. Davenport suggests that instead of . dear money and restriction 'an - orderly re- expansion of output is...

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The Spectator

Rigour and Abundance BY FRANK KERM ODE TN 1830 Joseph Severn, who had nursed Keats in his last illness, spent part of every day talking to the dying Scott. Once he happened...

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The Frontiers of Effrontery IN his slipshod way Mr. Kennedy

The Spectator

has indeed a tale to tell. He was in a coffee-bar 'in the heart of Lon- don's Soho quarter'—American papers please COPY—when young Hicks shouldered his way through the crowd,...

A Bit Rough C YNICAL, tired-out parents and squalid homes are

The Spectator

Often responsible for unhappiness and delinquency in children: the same must often be true of cynical, tired-out teachers and squalid schools. J ,ehn Townsend has taught at a...

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Great Killings

The Spectator

RECENTLY a plaque was affixed to the park bench in New York where Mr. Baruch, recalling, more or less, St. Louis under the oak tree of Vin- cennes, dispenses counsel and...

Nothing but Colour

The Spectator

Impressionist Paintings in the Louvre. By Ge r main Bazin. (Thames and Hudson, 280 Impressionist Paintings in the Louvre is preciselY what it says it is: a catalogue of the...

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National Interest

The Spectator

Nationalisation in Britain: The End of a Dogma. By R. Kelf-Cohen. (Macmillan, 25s.) No one is surprised to learn that the Federation of British Industries regards...

Members for Murder

The Spectator

Representative Government in Ireland: A Study of Dail Eireann 1919-48. By J. L. McCracken. (G.U.P., 30s.)' 'A DILAPIDATED young proletarian,' sneered the representative of the...

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Friends at Court

The Spectator

ne Gilded Lily: The Lives and Loves of the fnbtdous Lillie Langtry. By Ernest Dudley. (Odhams, 18s.) Ma. DUDLEY'S publishers were right not to whale- bone him, not even to...

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Philhellene Philotimos

The Spectator

Mani: Travels in the Southern Peloponnese. By (Chatto and Wind us, 25s.) LENARUS (they say) is one of the entrances to the underworld, one of the places where one may take the...

What They Fought Each Other For

The Spectator

The King's War, 1641-1647. By C. V. Wedgwood. (Collins, 35s.) IT is over sixty years since Gardiner completed his great history of the English civil war. No historian before...

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Talk About Drink

The Spectator

The Compleat Imbiber Number Two : An Enter- tainment. Edited by Cyril Ray, designed by F. H. K. Henrion. (Putnam, 25s.) The Corn pleat Imbiber, Number Two, claims to be no more...

Honey in the Evening

The Spectator

PERENNIALLY interesting though Dr. Lewinsohn's subject is, the themes themselves do not promise much novelty at first sight: hetairai and ephebi; Messalina and Poppma; St. Paul...

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The Spectator

By NICHOLAS . DAVENPORT WHILE the Government is work- ing on plans `to give the small investor a much better chance than he had ever had 'before to invest in industry'—which Mr....


The Spectator

By CUSTOS W ITH the Treasury bill rate down to £3 4s. 6d. per cent. the Government should really do something to cause the long-term rate of interest to fall. At the moment...

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The Spectator

C ONSETT IRON preliminary figures disclosed the sharp fall in profits of nearly 40 per cent., which was more than the market anticipated, seeing that steel production for the...

SOLUTION TO CROSSWORD No. 1,020 ACROSS.-1 Pastic-partout. 9 Lay figure,

The Spectator

to Brain. 11 Avowed, 12 Starched. 13 Facpect, 15 Mentions. 18 Step-dame. 19 Fennel, 21 Cast-iron, 23 Hermes. 26 Beret. 27 Dominance. 28 Brings to pass. DOWN.-1 Palmate, 2...


The Spectator

ACROSS 1 Secretly there arrived an artist (6) 4 And this little one went to Parson! (5-3) 8 Sleeping bag perhaps? It's a case of necessity (8) 10 One can get so chilly in this...

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Dearest Lizzy

The Spectator

SPECTATOR COMPETITION No. 458: Report by Joyce Johnson Competitors were invited to forestall the reported musical production of Pride and Prejudice by submitting lyrics....

The usual prize of six guineas is offered for not

The Spectator

more than 16 lines of verse entitled 'On a Diary Deceased in Early Childhood.' Entries, addressed 'Spectator Competition No. 461,' 99 Gower Street, London, WC1, by Decem- ber...