14 JULY 1906

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On Friday week the House of Commons, on the Motion

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of Mr. Swift MacNeill, discussed the recent conduct of Mr. Justice Grantham. Mr. MacNeill declared that the Judge had allowed political prejudice to bias his judgment, and by...

It was announced last Saturday that an agreement had been

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arrived at between Sir Edward Grey, M. Cambon, and Signor Tittoni in regard to Abyssinia. If the Italian Government, to which it has been referred, make no objections, it will...

The King and Queen travelled north on Tuesday to Alnwick,

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and on their way opened the new high-level bridge across the Tyne at Gateshead, which has been built at a cost of half-a-million. On Wednesday they paid a visit to New- castle....

Affairs in Natal look more hopeful this week. The outbreak

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at Mapumulo, after the close of the Nkandhla operations, was so unexpected and apparently causeless that it disquieted many who bad hitherto been optimistic in their forecasts....


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E NGLISHMEN of all creeds and parties heard on Friday with a feeling of heartfelt satisfaction that the Court of Cassation had quashed the verdict of the Rennes Court-Martial...

The proverbial fog of war is scarcely more dense than

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that which for the present shrouds the political movement in Russia. Anarchy is clearly on the increase, there are daily reports of outrages in the provinces, and mutinies have...

* * It The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript, in any

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On Thursday Mr. Haldane explained his plans for Army reform

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to the House of Commons in a speech memorable for its power and lucidity even more than for its length, which, however, approached the record of modern days. We have dealt at...

In the House of Lords on Monday, on the London

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County Council (Money) Bill, Lord Camperdown raised a valuable discussion on the financial policy of the Council. He criticised severely many of its undertakings, such as the...

the organisation of the Expeditionary Force goes, and in regard

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to the formation of the County Associations to help in the work of developing the Territorial Army, we approve. We assume, however, that we have a right to understand from Mr....

The chief incident of importance in the debates on the

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Educa- tion Bill in the Commons this week took place in connexion with a concession made by Mr. Birrell on Clause X., which gives the local education authority power to use...

In the debate which followed Mr. Haldane's speech a good

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deal of hostile criticism was developed on both sides of the House. Mr. Arnold-Forster, while he rejoiced at the economy, regretted the way in which it was to be brought about....

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A great demonstration consisting entirely of London lay- men—no clergy

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and no women were present—was held at the Albert Hall on Monday night to protest against the Education Bill. Lord Hugh Cecil, who was in the chair, declared that many people...

Last Saturday at Birmingham the celebrations began in honour of

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Mr. Chamberlain's seventieth birthday and of his thirty years' representation of the city in Parliament. A procession, which included Mr. Chamberlain and the members of his...

The Spectator Rifle Clubs Competition, which took place at Bisley

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on Thursday, thirty-three clubs competing, resulted in the first prize (five rifles) being gained by the Stock Exchange Rifle Club; the second (two rifles) by the City Rifle...

The sixth Congress of Chambers of Commerce of the Empire

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was opened on Tuesday at the Grocers' Hall by the Secretary of State for the Colonies. About five hundred delegates were present, representing a hundred and eighty-seven...

For ourselves, we cannot express entire satisfaction with the remarks

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of any of the chief speakers in the debate. We desire a strong Regular Force and great facilities of expansion as ardently as Lcrd Roberts. We think, however, that this ideal is...

In the house of Lords on Tuesday Lord Roberts again

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insisted on the unpreparedness of the nation for war• The defence of the Empire should take precedence over every other question. The Regular Army was only just numerically...

To opposition with a view to the amendment of the

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present Bill we have, as our readers know, not only no objection, but we deem it a public duty. For the attitude of Lord Hugh Cecil we have, however, nothing but condemnation,...

Bank Rate, 3,1 per cent.

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Consols (21 per cent.) were on Friday 88.

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MR. HALDANE'S PROPOSALS. T HOUGH we are unable to agree in several important details with Mr. Haldane's scheme for the reorganisa- tion of the Army, we fully admit the validity...

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of the British people in their dealings with the dark races under their control is that they expect gratitude from them, and when it is refused, as, for reasons stated below, it...

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W E have always maintained the old Whig principle that any law which gives a chance to its opponents of posing as martyrs is worth reconsidering. Convictions, of course, are not...

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" has not as yet led to any appreciable result. Now and again a labour colony has been set up and has for a time shown some amount of success, but its founders have seldom had...

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W E publish in our correspondence columns a letter signed "A British South African" which raises a point of very great importance. That to begin with under the new Constitution...

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.D IFFICILE est proprie communia dicere." The , story of the

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old Poor Law has been told so that there is nothin g new to be said about it. F or o ften about two hundred years the country had accepted an [ The articles in this series are...

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W THE OTHER SIDE OF THE WALL. HEN Idleness opened the

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wicket-gate of the Rose- garden, " I weened," said the Romancer, " I was in the Earthly Paradise." The delights of that garden are described at length, and the description is...

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O NE merit of our oversea Empire is that it keeps us in a humble frame of mind about civilisation. We find under our rule peoples whose customs and ritual, tolerated or...

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T HE love of sand is universal, felt by all, and at all ages. The child finds in it a ready and a plentiful material for giving something of definiteness to the world of his...

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PERSONALITIES IN THE DUMA.—I. THE RIGHT. [10 TIM RDITOR Or TUB "SPHOTAT011." . 1 Sin.,—There is one common characteristic of nearly all the more eminent Members of the Duma...

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THE COLOURED VOTE IN THE TRANSVAAL. [To THE EDITOR Or THE "SPECTATOR:') SIR, - I have read with interest a suggestion made publicly in the columns of the Cape Times. I cannot...

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[To THE EDITOR Ow THY " SPECTATOR...I SIR, — In your interesting

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article of last week upon the Royal Commission you make a not unusual, but unhappy, slip when you say that the clergyman is bound to obey his Bishop. But the Ordination vow...


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[To THB EDITOR Or TRH "SPECTATOR." itll your usual impartiality you will, I am sure, if you have space, admit this expression of views although they do not coincide with your...

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ITO THY EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—Your article No. VII. of the series on " The Manufacture of .Paupers " in your issue of July 7th is entitled " The Hospitals," and is...


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(To TUE EDITOR OP TRH "SP learATon.1 SIR,—Mr. Richard Davey in your last issue shows that the Church of Rome has for three hundred years condemned bull- fighting. It is...


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LTO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] Sin,—The following details as to the Conference of members of the Church of England which is to be held at the Caxton Hall, Westminster, on...

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[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR, — As your readers are already aware, I have not during the musketry practice of the Company been free from con- siderable anxiety as to...


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[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] Sra,—In your issue of June 30th the reviewer of a medical work says that in former days only a doctor before his time here and there looked...


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[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR. " ] SIR,—I venture to ask if you will again this year allow me to appeal through your valuable and influential paper for support from your...


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[TO THE EDITOR OF TILE 'SPECTATOR.'] SIR, I should like to call the attention of your readers to the Report of the Industrial Law Committee just issued. This small society has,...


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[To TIM EDITOR OP TILE *SPECTATOR:] SIR,—I feel that I am guilty of an act of presumption in addressing you ; but as your paper reaches a great variety of readers, I venture to...

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THE MYSTIC. THROUGH all the day our loads we bear, By common highways we must go, But when at night we rest, we hear The Voice again, whereby we know Through all the rush of...


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ALEXANDER HAMILTON.* Mn. OLIVER'S monograph upon Alexander Hamilton appears at a fortunate moment. Hamilton is not only one of the three greatest figures in American history,...

THE " SPECTATOR," EXPERIMENTAL COMPANY. WE have received the following

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further subscriptions towardy meeting additional and unforeseen expenses connected with the Spectator Experimental Company :— The Earl of Wemyss ... 2100 0 0 Major Blake ... 22...

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WHERE is the writer who tells stories for children with the directness and effectiveness of Maria Edgeworth P We have enough, and more than enough, of stories about children....

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ASTRONOMY AND HISTORY.* WE are apt to think of astronomy

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as altogether concerned with the problems of space. It is in this aspect, of course, that it is presented in such a book as the first volume of Professor Newcomb's " projected...

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WE desire to call the special attention of our readers to this excellent pamphlet. The little book, in spite of its un- assuming form and title, goes in reality to the very...

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The Ferry of Fate: a Tale of Russian Jewry. By

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Samuel Gordon. (Chatto and Windus. 6s.)—Readers who are interested in the Jews in Russia should certainly read this book, although they will not find it very pleasant...


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ANTHONY BRITTEN.* THERE is a type of novel in which the reader is genuinely interested while he reads, but which he leaves with only a confused sense of what it has been all...

The Spoils of Victory. By B. Paul Neuman. (John Murray.

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6s.)—Mr. Neuman obviously intends his roman a clef to be judged as fiction pure and simple, and not as fiction founded on fact. He has transported his hero from France to...

The Bridal of Anstace. By Elizabeth Godfrey. (John Lane. Gs.) — It

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is extremely difficult to persuade oneself to believe in the plot of The Bridal of Anstace. One can hardly conceive it possible that a bridegroom on hearing that his first wife...

King Peter. By Dion Clayton Calthrop. (Duckworth and Co. 6s.)—King

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Peter gives a fanciful picture of life in that age of romance which is so delightful to read of and must have been so unpleasant to live in. The ancient map at the beginning is...

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Deutero-Canonica, July. (International Society of the Apocrypha. 6d.)—This small quarterly

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journal is the organ of a Society which merits sympathy and support. It is more than time that the subject of the Apocrypha should bo lifted out of the region of controversy....

The Epistle of St. Paul to Philemon: a Devotional Commentary.

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By the Rev. A. H. Drysdale, D.D. (R.T.S. 250—This volume will be found suitable for its purpose ; more we need not say. On one point, which does not, however, concern this...

record. -Sir William de Lancey, who was Quartermaster-General, was struck

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early in the day of Waterloo by a spent cannon-ball and knocked from his horse. Late in the next day he was found still alive, and removed to a house in the neighbourhood. There...


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[Under this heading we notice such Books of the week as have not been reserved for review an other forme.] the hundred and thirty-six pages, and are, with a few exceptions, of...


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From a Cornish Window. By A. T. Quiller-Couch. (J. W. Arrowsmith, Bristol. 6s.)—We have often been delighted by " Q's " romances, and we have admired his deft and scholarly...

Bible Side-Lights from the Mound of Gezer. By R. A.

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Stewart Macalister. (Hodder and Stoughton. 5s.)—Gezer—the site was most felicitously identified by M. Clermont-Ganneau—has recently been explored. Mr. Macalister tells here the...


The Spectator

PRE-NORMAN ENGLAND. The History of England from the Earliest Times to the Norman Conquest. By Thomas Hodgkin, D.C.L., Litt.D. (Longmans and Co. 7s. 6d. net.)—The new series of...

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Trelawny's Recollections of the Last Days of Shelley and Byron.

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With Introduction by Edward Dowden. (H. Frowde. 2s. Gd. net.)—Edward John Trelawny published his " Recollections " of the two poets in 1858, and his " Records," an enlarged...

In the series " Told to the Children," Edited by

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Louey Chisholm (T. C. and E. C. Jack), we have Stories from. Grimm, Told by Amy Steedman, with Pictures by Harry Rowntreo (is. net). — In "The Children's Heroes" Series, Edited...

A Progressive Course of Comparative Geography. By P. II. L'Estrange.

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(G. Philip and Son. 6s. net.) —This is a praise- worthy effort to vindicate for what should be among the most fertile and interesting of all subjects its proper value. What may...

Edinburgh. Written by M. G. Williamson, M.A. Illustrated by Herbert

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Railton. (Methuen and Co. 4s. 6d. net.)Mr. Williamson has had a great subject to deal with, and has treated it worthily. Historical and literary interests meet here in no common...

Sixty Years of Journalism. By II. Findlater Bussey. (J. W.

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Arrowsmith, Bristol. 3s. Gd.)—Mr. Bussey snakes out his "sixty years," a very long stretch of time indeed for a journalist, by beginning at thirteen. His father was editor of...

History of Comparative Literature. By Frederic Loliee. Trans- lated by

The Spectator

Mr. Douglas Power, M.A. (Hodder and Stoughton. 6s. net.)—We cannot imagine a more formidable task than the writing of this book. The severe self-restraint to which the author...