15 JUNE 1861

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The only incident of domestic importance has been the proposal

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of a new compromise for church rates, offered by Mr. Sotheron Eat- court. He proposes, in brief, to abolish the rate in all parishes in which it has been rejected for five...

The week has been full of discussions on future hostilities

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between Great Britain and France. We have described the state of our own Navy in another column, and on Tuesday the Legislative Corps com- mence an instructive debate on the...

' Perhaps the most'

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ost note-worthy point in American intelligence is the gradual revelation of the embarrassments which, though concealed by enthusiasm, hamper both adversaries alike. The first of...


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V ICTOR EMMANUEL:has* sacceeded in forming a Ministry com- petent to carry out the policy of Cavour. Its head, Baron Rica.soli, of whom the Florentines said it was fortunate lie...

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stab .—Several incidents have been published of the last illness

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of Count Cavour. While lying delirious from the fever his mind was still considering the state of Naples ; and he repeated frequently, " No state of siege ; I will have no state...

ertetsmi.—The intelligence from Austria.received during the week, has been scanty

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to a degree, and may in fact be summed up in the following almost unintelligible telegram of the 12th inst. from Pesth : "The discussion on the paragraphs of the address...

Frurt.—The debates on the budget in the Corps Lkislatif have

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elicited some important. information. M. 011ivier, for instance, proved that the administration kept up a force not provided for in the estimates, the return of effeetives...

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fris Ossash.—The New Zealand War is at an end, the

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Ngatiawa tribe having accepted the following terms : "1. The investigation of the title and survey of the land a Waitara to be continued and completed without interruption. 2....

ininita. — From the South we have no reliable intelligence, except through

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the letters of the special correspondent of the Times, who has seen reason to doubt the extent of the military resources at the disposal of the Confederate States. He writes...

nail.—The volunteering of the local Europeans for the line has

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been most satisfactory, the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 6th, having been transferred with few exceptions to the royal army. The 101st, 104th, and 107th Regiments are therefore...


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Some improvement is desirable in the machinery for educating those children whose parents are able to pay for better tuition than is to be obtained in the national schools, and...

SIIMIlita.—We understand that advices have been received by this packet

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by the Jamaica Cotton Company, enclosing the first pod of Sea Island cotton that has burst from a tree planted in November last. The anxiety of the people to plant, and...

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The Cotton Supply Association held its annual meeting at, Man-

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chester on Tuesday. Now, if ever, the members must make an effort to release the country from dependence on America. Mr. Cheetlimn, who presided, after describing the immense...

The Lord Chancellor delivered judgment on the appeal from the

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decision of Vice-Chancellor Stuart in the case of the Emperor of Aus- tria versus Kossuth and Day and Co. The Lord Chancellor and the Lords Justices sustain the judgment of the...

The last meeting at the Indian College at Addiscombe took

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place on the 7th, when Sir Charles Wood, having complimented the suc- cessful cadets, said it was with great pain that he addressed them for the last time. It has been thought...

The Oxford Commemoration has taken place this week. The sole

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thing that distinguishes the celebration this year, and gives it a place in history, is that no honorary degrees were conferred on the great day. The undergraduates were more...

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The Court of Queen's Bench decided on Monday a nice

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legal point arising out of the prosecution of Mr. Charlesworth, on a charge of bribery at Wakefield. It may be remembered that Fernandez, an essential witness, would not give...

At the Central Criminal Court on Wednesday, Durden and Hol-

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croft, the two persons charged with stealing a certain sum, the pro- perty of the Union Bank, were tried and acquitted. Darden said, I plead guilty to having made use of money...

A. series of novel forgeries have been discovered at Manchester.

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Mr. Williamson, agent of the Royal Exchange Assurance Company, has been arrested on charges of forging documents averring that great losses had been sustained by fires on the...

Another difficult and romantic marriage case is before an Irish

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Court—the Court of Chancery. A Mrs. Steuart Gerry petitions the Court for dower out of the estate of her late husband, now in the possession of Lord Cremorne. In answer to this...

Mr. Arnold, the Westminster magistrate, has sent Mr. King Har-

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man to prison for ten days, refusing to inflict a fine. Mr. Harman was concerned with other "gentlemen" in a disgraceful riot, ending with an assault on the . police, at...

Etluttrs litvrt6iugu ill arlituuttri.

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Honsa OF Loans. Monday, June 10. Bankruptcy and Insolvency Bill committed —Wills of Personalty by British Subjects Bill committed--Customs and Inland Revenue Bill committed....

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IT has been, we are informed, determined to send three regiments of infantr¢ and a sufficient amount of artillery and munitions of war to reinforce the garrisons in British...

CO (fund.

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This Queen is still at Buckingham Palace. Her Majesty has driven out several times during the week, visiting the Royal Botanic Gardens, in the Regent's-park, on Wednesday. She...

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A fire of some magnitude occurred yesterday morning in the

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exten- sive premises of Messrs. Glover and Boulket, leather-dressers, No. 31, Long-lane, Bermondsey. They cover a large space of ground, and the factory was fitted with...


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Barn Houses of Parliament sat last night, but little besides formal business was done in the House of Lords. In the House of Commons, Mr. GREGORY moved for a Select Com- mittee...


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BRITISH FUNDS. (Cloalng Prices.) • 3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cents Rednoed New 3 per Cents Annuities 1880 Annuities 1885 (Last Official Quotation Friday....


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STOCK ExCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. THE rate of money in Lombard-street has ruled close to the Bank minimum throughout the week ; in the Stock Exchange it has com- manded a...

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T HE very delirium of the greatstatesman whom Italy has to

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Piedmont were not less serious, less harassing, less °bai- lost will be a richer 'legacy to his country and to Europe stately pressed, than the difficulties which are likely to...

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T HE feeling towards England in the Northern States seems to increase in bitterness. The proclamation of neutrality is regarded as a quasi-recognition of the South, and, though...

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C HELSEA and Kensington, it has been wisely determined, shall not have a member to themselves. One-fourth of the Government plan for redistribution of the vacant seats has been...


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and a half inches thick, and by no means irresistible., Sir R. Armstrong's present guns, for example, crash through eight-inch iron, and would smash in these plates in a style...

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1 4 i PERUSAL of Sir Charles Wood's new constitution for India leaves little doubt on the mind as to the intention with which it was drawn up. Under liberal forms, and upon...

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T HE middle classes in England have got into an unfortunate habit of over-praising themselves. No doubt they constitute the political centre, or, to use a less frigid phrase,...


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T HE last "final settlement" of the Syrian question only illustrates the permanent difficulty of Europe in its dealings with the Turkish Empire. It is agreed that Mo- hammedan...

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Tat census of the Kingdom is not yet prepared, but that of Eng. I. land and Wales is before the public, and indicates some curious results. The total population of this division...

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THE Lyceum has become, for the nonce, an Italian Opera-house,

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being occupied by a company consisting of the principal performers who belonged last season to Her Majesty's Theatre, with a few addi- tions. The enterprise is under the...

The Concert of the Philharmonic Society on Monday, the seventh

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and last but one of the season, was as excellent and successful as usual. There were the " Sinfonia Eroica" of Beethoven, the "Italian Symphony" of Mendelssohn, Weber's Overture...

June, in London, may be called the concert-month. It is

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then that the practice of giving benefit concerts reaches its maximum, and this year it seems to be carried to an unprecedented excess. It has become in fact, a nuisance of no...

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THE German pictures selected, according to the advertisements, from the academies of Berlin, Dusseldorf, and Konigsberg, and now ex- hibiting at the Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly,...

The fifth annual meeting . of the National Association for the

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Pro- motion of Social Science is to be held at Dublin in August next, lasting from the 14th to the '21st. The following prospectus has been issued by the association, in...

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WE have taken some pains in analyzing the intellectual affinities of ffir. Buckle's genius, because it is impossible, without keeping con- stantly before us the great hiatus in...

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has usually only one fault—he invents 'so very many of his facts. No one observes more keenly, or seeks opportu- nities of observation with greater hardihood, bears toil and...

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A STRBMI (or rather canal) of respectable and elderly sentiment runs through this production which contrasts oddly with the roman- tic incidents which it embodies. The "author...


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THE appearance of this volume shows that the immediate results of the Commission of Inquiry into the state of popular education in England are not to be confined to the...

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KNIGHT'S POPULAR HISTORY OF ENGLAND.* THE seventh and penultimate volume

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of Mr. Knight's History of England opens with an entertaining sketch of our national progress, • The Popular History of England. An Illustrated History of Society and Govern-...

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for, while the former work is certainly one of the

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best scientific acquainted, the latter is far from being not born free, but in a state of dependence. It is perfectly true that manuals with which we are we are born in a state...

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On Food and its Digestion: being an Introduction to Dietetics.

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By William Brinton, M.D., &c. With forty-eight engravings on wood. (Longman and Co.) A Few Personal Recollections of the late Rev. George Croly, L LB., Rector of St. Stephen's,...


The Spectator

On the 5th inst., at Lapworth Rectory, the wife of the Rev. Arundel] St. John Miidmay, of a daughter. On the 8th inst, at 112, Gloucester-terrace, Hyde-park-gardens, the wife...

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Bankrupts.—Peter Powell, Tonbridge, Kent, gun manufacturer—Joseph Platnauer Carpenter's-buildings, London-wall, dealer in prints—William James Hearn, Dove r ' draper—Martin St....