15 NOVEMBER 1963

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The Spectator

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The Spectator

F ORTY-FIVE years after the end of the First World War we still commemorate those who died between 1914 and 1918 as well as the fallen of more recent battles. Armistice Day was...

Portrait of the Week

The Spectator

THE. PRIME MINISTER spoke of wealth, of the difference between knocking along not too badly with a growth rate of 3 per cent and doing every- thing possible for the people with...

The Spectator

The Spectator

No. 7064 Established 1828 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1963

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Political Commentary

The Spectator

The Only Shepherd By DAVID WATT Within two minutes of Sir Alec sitting down after his maiden speech to the Commons as Prime Minister, the Palace of Westminster was a hub- hub...

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Second Term

The Spectator

FROM DARSIE GILLIE nREstpErrr DE GAULLE is now facing his sixth r winter in office. No ruler of France has had such a run of years since Napoleon III—Badin- guet to his...

Randolph Vigne

The Spectator

S OUTH AFRICAN police on Monday arrested Randolph Vigne at his house in Cape Town. Whatever reason they may eventually offer for this, it is difficult to believe that his...

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The Spectator

KENNEDY'S Civil rights Bill has passed through the Judiciary Committee of the House of Representatives an altogether better thing than it went in. Since no minefield in the path...


The Spectator

For the information of readers, The Spectator Limited, as proprietors of the Spectator and on their sole authority set out below the full statement issued by the Board on the...

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Letter of the Law

The Spectator

Efficiency or Human Rights? By R. A. CLINE I T would be a pity if the recent speech by Lord Shawcross on the rights of persons in custody resulted in no more than a...

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Cub-hunting Notes FrOm a report in last week's Isis of

The Spectator

a discus- sion held by the Oxford University Labour Study Group on Secondary Education: If public schools are not outstandingly better academically than most state grammar...

The Pitfalls . . .

The Spectator

For reasons so nearly feudal that they would make a Fabian sick, I am, and have been for years, in charge of the British Legion parade in our village on Remembrance Day. No...

Ace Newshawk Probes Drama

The Spectator

Curiosity about the Spectator's domestic affairs kept the telephone at No. 99 Gower Street ringing pretty continuously last week. Of all the inquiries received, the staunch lady...

Notebook A Spectator's

The Spectator

Aspects of Idolatry

The Spectator

The views on the Beatles of anyone as closely identified as I am with the avant-garde of con- temporary thought and fashion are, I should suppose, bound to command respect. 1...

. . . of Poppy Day Another problem is what

The Spectator

collective noun to use when calling the parade up; for a noun in the vocative case is an essential component of all drill orders. 'Legion I' sounds as if we were a lot of damned...

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The Split Society-2

The Spectator

SUBLIMATION, FRUSTRATION AND. DISILLUSIONMENT By NICHOLAS DAVENPORT D URING the war years there was a sublima- tion of the social conflict. Every class put the safety of the...

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The Spectator

SIR. — Dr. Leavis needs no testimonial from anyone, but Mr. Cox's memories of seminars at Downing differ so greatly from mine, and I was there just before Mr. Cox's time, that I...

SIR, —May 1 thank you for Alan Brien's 'After- thought' on

The Spectator

the reissue of Scrutiny? It was a perfect comment upon the pieces by Mr. Cox and Mr. Bamborough the week before, and perhaps the only amends you could make for them. 804-6...

AFTERTHOUGHT ON HOMOSEXUALS SIR,—I suppose it is no good expecting

The Spectator

a protest against your contributor Alan Brien's article in your issue of October 25 to have much effect upon Spectator policy in excusing, or dealing sympathe- tically with, the...

SIR, — In defending C. S Lewis, Miss Mary Holtby refers to

The Spectator

a character called 'the watcher.' No such character occurs in Spenser, or. to do him justice, in Lewis (though there is a passing reference to Cymochles). It is the 'bad Venus'...

gift imi Letters Below the Bread Line E. T. Brown,

The Spectator

Mrs. M. D. M. Stone Police Courtesy Mrs. Charles Bryant Wheels Within Wheels Henry Awbry `Scrutiny' T. A. Edwards, Professor J. C. Maxwell, Alan Donagan Afterthought on...

SIR,--I'm reluctant to contest Mr. Ross's comments on my article,

The Spectator

as he seems to be in broad support of my case. But I'm bound to point out that I didn't 'falsify' any national output figures. I didn't give any figures at all, but simply...


The Spectator

SIR, — Starbuck recently complained in 'A Spectator's 'Notebook' that the police had taken an off-hand attitude towards a burglary of which he had been the victim. In the...

SIR, — 1 have just read Mr. O'Hanlon's letter 'Below the Bread

The Spectator

Line.' While I fully agree with the senti- ments expressed--it is iniquitous that certain cat- egories of old people do not qualify for any kind of pension—I am at a loss to...

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Sut,—As I do my sixteen hours a week of economics

The Spectator

tutorials I am a little astonished to find Mr. Strick- land calling me a lecturer in education. I am not, and never have been, Why Mr. Strickland should think so few people...

D utch Treat

The Spectator

This is a company which has no neon-lit stars, is about twenty-four dancers strong, all of them well trained, with a clear, modest style and no mannerisms, impressive equally in...


The Spectator

SIR, —Mr. Davenport's strictures on the two nations seemed to me to be most relevant to the corre- spondence on the Robbins Report which followed them in your issue of November...


The Spectator

In David Cairns's review last week it was wrongly stated that Francis Toye's Verdi is now available as a paperback. The book is published in hard back by Gollancz at 25s.


The Spectator

SIR,—In his very interesting article on the City of London, Paul Ferris mentioned our journeyman tailors. Unfortunately this was misprinted as 'German' tailors. Whilst I would...


The Spectator

SIR,-1 am anxious to trace the whereabouts of an eighteenth-century sketchbook containing drawings of the Battle of the Nile, and should be grateful for a little space in the...


The Spectator

SIR,—Last Christmas many messages of support were sent through us to house-arrestees in South Africa. Hundreds of political leaders are held without trial in South Africa's...

The Arts His Master's Voice

The Spectator

The Servant. (Warner; 'X' certificate.)—Two- faced Woman. (Empire; 'A' certificate.) . The main, ostensible theme of The Servant i:; the relationship between two men, who to...

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Ginger Play

The Spectator

The Ginger Man. (Ash- croft Theatre, Croydon.) —The Boys from Syra- cuse. (Drury Lane.)- -Let's Be Frank. (Vaudeville.) WHEN the tumult dies down, and the captains I The...

Music Authenticity

The Spectator

By DAVID CAIRNS Orchestral managers, of course, would much rather be told that single woodwind is authentic. Indeed the restrictive factor in the size of orchestras is more...

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Papa Corot

The Spectator

THE prolific forgeries of Corot and his own dan- gerous generosity in sign- ing the work of unsuccess - ful friends are reasons why it has been so diffi- cult to see the French...

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The Spectator

Trust the Tale BY DAVID REES W HEN he died in December, 1940, Scott Fitzgerald was convinced that his entire career had been a failure. Moreover, in recent years, thanks...

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Corralling the Goat

The Spectator

The Mask of Merlin. By Donald McCormick. (Macdonald, 42s.) To the Welsh, of course, Welsh rarebit is merely cheese-on-toast. Like the Spaniards after Bizet, they have been doing...

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`STEW NOVELS Nothing But the Facts, Ma'am The Group. By

The Spectator

Mary McCarthy. (Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 18s.) How should one set about writing novels, now that the cinema has taken over the popular narra- tive techniques, and radio and...

Fallen Idols.

The Spectator

The Emigration of Sergey Ivanovich, By Richard Freeborn. (Hodder and Stoughton, 16s.) RELIGION is `in.' It's an okay subject to knock and two of this week's novels knock it,...

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And You?

The Spectator

So we travelled together again By the train down the valley On top of the water reflecting Blackness and green, I in the carriage. And you- , I walked up through the trees,...

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C. ildren's Books

The Spectator

Fields and Vistas New Br ELAINE MOSS It would be a thousand pities if any boy over nine left The ahinty Boys, by Margaret Mac- Pherson (Collins, 13s. 6d.), on the shelf...

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Twopence Coloured

The Spectator

Tree bright bold daubs of modern picture-book illustrations would have astonished us when we were small. They are often based on the way children paint for themselves and have a...

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Rooted in Life

The Spectator

Norwegian Folk Tales. From the collection of Peter Christen Asbjornsen and Jorgen Moe. Translated by 'Pat Shaw Iversen and Carl Norman; (Allen and Unwin, 35s.) Hans Christian...

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Taking it Seriously

The Spectator

I have divided the books under review very roughly into those which children will want to have read to them while they look at the pic- tures and those which they will read...

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Some Lives

The Spectator

Experiments for Young Chemists. By E. H. Coulson and A. E. J. Trinder. (Bell, 15s.) The Science of Life. By Lois and Louis Darling. (Constable, 18s.) THERE was a time when...

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Worlds of Difference

The Spectator

Outer Space. By Eunice Holsaert. Illustrated by Ronni Solbert. (Oliver and Boyd, 7s. 6d.) Space Travel. By William M. Hutchinson. (Oliver and Boyd, 4s. 6d.) The Moon of...

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Causes and Rebels

The Spectator

Odd Boy Out. By M. E. Buckingham. (Faber, 16s.) Marlborough. Written by the Boys. (Kenneth Mason, 18s.) PINT-SIZED rebels without causes may worry social workers but their...

Seeing Who Salutes

The Spectator

WE have not yet gut a Cadet Edition of Henry Miller or a Kama Sutra for the Beginning Reader, but, clap hands, for as of this publish- ing season we do have The Young Man's...

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Home Truths WHEN I was a child, my Canadian newspaper,

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to fill up space, carried this sort of thing: Old Shave People in Mesopotamia 5,000 years ago had efficient razor blades of volcanic glass with slate handles. Long Line The...

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Investment Notes

The Spectator

By CUSTOS T HE setback in the gilt-edged market went a stage further this week. The reason was Clear. American Treasury bill rates are still edging up—ninety-one-day paper was...

Company Notes

The Spectator

By LOTHBURY CUR AYNSLEY BRIDGLAND, chairman of Regis aProperty, again tells shareholders that he is waiting for interest rates to fall before he de- cides upon further...

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Consuming Interest

The Spectator

La Bombe c'est la Bombe By ELIZABETH DAVID who can make a souffle.' You remember how Gertrude Stein wrote that when her friends were all beginning to be t� known, Braque...

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Double Windows

The Spectator

By LESLIE ADRIAN 'Wits:bows are the Cin- derella of British homes,' says a pleading little book- let issued by the Insula- tion . Glazing Association. 'Nobody, just nobody pays...

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The Spectator

By ALAN_BRIEN CORRESPONDENCE Columns are notoriously unsatis- factory arenas for contro- versy. The last contributor always seem to have the best case and few readers can...