16 APRIL 1870

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Rutterford, the Norfolk murderer, who stuffed a dying man's mouth

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with mud, has been reprieved, a huge burn having so swollen his neck that hanging would have produced a horrible scene of torture. The reprieve was unavoidable, but it is one...

The finance of the past year thus arranged, Mr. Lowe

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turns to the future. Ile expects that the revenue for 1870-71 will be :— The finance of the past year thus arranged, Mr. Lowe turns to the future. Ile expects that the revenue...


The Spectator

T HINGS are in a snarl in Paris. 111. 011ivier, it appears, failed to carry his Cabinet with him in his defence of plebiscites, and Count Daru and M. Buffet at last offered the...

Mr. Lowe introduced his Budget on Monday, in a dull

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and tedious, but lucid speech. He showed that, owing to the economy of Government, to the recovery of elasticity in the revenue—a recovery which exceeds £2,000,000, and is...

Note, that the terms of the plebiscite will be fixed

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by a pro- clamation to be drawn up by the Emperor alone, and that he may arrange the question as he pleases. M. 011ivier may protest, but his resignation at the eleventh hour...

All this while the sub-agitation in France increases, and a

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project is on foot for a general strike of workmen throughout the Empire. It will probably fail, as the workmen have no Poor- law to fall back on ; but the workmen at Creuzot...

*** The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript, in any

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Lopez has fallen. General Camara, at the head of a

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few hundred Brazilians, overtook him and about as many Paraguayans on the Aquidaban, in Matto Grosso, on 1st March. The Paraguayans were defeated, and Lopez summoned to...

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The drift of the E lucation meetings an 1 letters

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of the week has all been steadily in the direction of Mr. Forster's Bill. A meeting of the Union was held in London yesterday week, at which Mr. Hughes, though a member of the...

The Irish Land Bill has made hardly any progress this

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week. Almost all the sitting of yesterday week was occupied with discussing Mr. Fowler's amendment over again in the form proposed by Mr. Kavanagh, who wished to draw the limit...

The Austrian Government has been re-formed, with Count Potocki as

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Premier. It is stated that large liberties will be con- ceded to Galicia, and " autonomy " to other States, and that a general plan of reform, including direct elections, will...

Mr. Gladstone moved on Monday for a Select Committee "

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to inquire into the state of the law affecting such persons as have been reported guilty of corrupt practices " as are members of the House of Commons, and to recommend what...

The only symptom of the opposite kind has been a

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memorial signed by 5,000 Nonconformist ministers, and presented to the Prime Minister last Monday, which objects (1) to allowing a rate to be levied for the support of schools...

On Tuesday a bitter little conversation on the no-progress made

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by the House began, which gave occasion to Mr. Mundella to remark rather sharply on Lord Elcho's proposed determination, as long as five Members would join him, to go into the...

The S iturtlig Review of last week contained an article

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on the late General Grey, Private Secretary to the Queen, evidently from the pen of some one familiar with the interior of Court life. The writer declares that the Queen...

The Catholics are much excited about Mr. Newdegate's inquiry .

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into the condition of their convents. Mr. Cogan on Friday se'nnight asked the house to rescind its former vote, but after a short and sharp debate, the debate was adjourned to...

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The Senatus of the University .of Edinburgh have decided on

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appeal against Miss Pechey's title to the Chemical scholarship, earned under the circumstances which we explained last week. And the oddest part of the matter is that in the...

Lady Gertrude Douglas writes to the Times to say that

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she was three years in a convent in Hammersmith, then in convents in Liverpool and Glasgow, and then on her own reqiiest released from her vows and allowed to return to her...

Sir John Lubbock made an effective first speech yesterday week

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on the value of a scientific training for the officers of the Army, a propos of the recent report of the Military Education Commis- sion appointed in 1868, which has discouraged...

M. de Moutalembert's last letter, written not many hours before

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his death, contains a curious and touching expression of the intense realism of our day, as it affected the heart of one of the greatest of modern idealists. It was a letter to...

The-Pall Mall of yesterday contained a most striking and amusing

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note on a paper by a Rouen naturalist, M. Pouchet, the director of the Museum of Rouen. This gentleman has dis- covered that the new school of swallows are improving the style...

The discussion on Sir John Lubbock's speech was rather irrele-

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vant, as it turned chiefly on the importance of discouraging cram- ming, and the desirability of getting the most generally educated men to enter for the career of officers,...

A Madrid correspondent of the Times mentions a curious story

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of the perhaps half-crazy Atheist republican under sentence of death who so coolly took his seat in the Cortes the other day,— Senor Sutter y Cap-de-vila. When he was smuggled...

Consols were on Friday evening 94 to 94.

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MR. GLADSTONE'S SINGLE-HANDED FIGHT. T HERE is something almost painful in the spectacle of Mr. Gladstone's single-handedness in this Irish Land Bill- baiting. We have all read...

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M R. LOWE'S Budget is most satisfactory, quite unobjection- able, and just a little humdrum. It is most satisfactory because, after all, the first duty of a financier is to see...

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A THOROUGHLY able and thoroughly informed Irish politician discusses in the new number of the Dublin Review the question whether Ireland be or be not " irrecon- cilable," but...

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T HE situation in France, we fear, is growing very serious. The work of the last three months has been undone, and the Emperor appears to be once again drifting towards auto-...

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L OPEZ has fallen ; dying, as he said he would, fighting hard for his own power and the independence of Paraguay. He was offered his life on condition of surrender, but refused,...

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ABOO KESHUB CHUNDER SEN and the Dean of West- minster are widely different persons, but they have one remark- able idea in common, — that Christianity may possibly have lost as...

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C ANON WESTCOTT'S paper in the new number of the Contemporary, the substance of which is stated to have been read at Sion College in February last, " On a Form of Confra-...

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(To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPRCTITOR.1 SIR,—Will you publish these

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few observations on the Laud Bill from one who is neither a landlord nor a tenant, and interested in the question only as an Irishman? The one point which is now practically...

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AT TWENTY-THREE. LIFE is delight, each hour that passes over Comes like a maiden's kisses to her lover, Comes like the fresh breath of the mountain breeze, Comes like the...


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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. " ] Si n, I wish to suggest that if Lord Russell's plan be carried out, of a chapter of the Bible to be read before school to impart a...


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[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. " ] quite concur with much of what has been said in the Spectator of last week by your correspondent, Mr. Gairduer, as to the questionable...


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[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. " ] SIR,—I venture to think that Mr. Lowe's Budget is a mistake. With the magnificent surplus at his disposal, with the strong Parliamentary...

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MRS. WEBSTER'S POEMS.* 'TILE noisy critic who has lately been telling us that Mr. Browning is no poet will probably deny the title to Mrs. Webster. She belongs to the same...

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Tilts cannot be regarded as a second edition of the smaller work published by the same lady in 1856, when her name was Mrs. Speir, with the title Life in Ancient India. The...

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THE lady who in her old age sat down to indite the two pleasant volumes now included in a cheap form in the Bibliotheque Char- pentier, was one of the most successful artiste,...

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HOR. TENNYSONIANZE.• TILE editor of this volume dedicates it to

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the students of Tennyson " veuiam orans pro se sociisque quod poetam recentioris mtatis maransum ad priscos Latini carminis modos redigere ausi sint." Certainly the task of...

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at all, there must surely be great heartiness in the welcome afforded it. We do not say that it might not have been better than it is. The publication of Sir Charles Bell's most...

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volume now before us is an elaborate critical examination by a learned Roman Catholic of the alleged early origin and sufferings from persecution of the Waldenses, and is the...

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Strong Drink and Tobacco Smoke. By H. P. Prescott. (Macmillan.)

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—This book does not attempt the task—about the most useless, by the way, of all human labours—of advising or dissuading from the use of the things of which it treats. If it has...

The Story of Our Colonies. By H. R. Fox Bourne.

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(Hogg and Son.)—Mr. Fox Bourne, who is a well-known authority on this subject, gives us in the compass of a moderately-sized volume a variety of infor- mation about our...

Dublin Review. April. (Burns and Oates.)—We have noticed else- where

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the very interesting and able political article in the Dublin on 'Is Ireland irreconcilable ; or rather, perhaps, on why Ireland appears to be irreconcilable ?' The ablest of...

Architectural and Decorative Designs. Drawn by Enrico Salandri. (Atchley.)—This is

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a handsome quarto volume, the object of which is to supply those who are at work at various "fine-art" productions with appropriate designs. Many of these are taken from ancient...


The Spectator

Messrs. \V. H. Allen and Co. publish very opportunely a most interesting little volume under the title of the Brahmo Somaj, Four Lectures by Keshub Chunder Sen. Edited by Miss...