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Portrait of the
The Spectator'THE BEATING OF DRUMS, the blowing of horns and trumpets, the shouting of men, And trampling of horses, echoed and re-echoed through the streets': thus Eatanswill in Pickwick...
A Man for Seasons
The SpectatorI GNORING the public opinion polls, still in their now familiar disarray, the Spectator, going to press before the polling stations close, boldly portrays the next Prime...
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The Congo Roundabout
The SpectatorKEITII KYLE writes: The Organisation of African Unity is in the same Congolese fix as the UN in 1960. If it sends in a 'peace force' with the consent of the legitimate...
The MLF Show
The SpectatorHEDLEY BULL writes: That any force which is set up in the next few months will fail ultimately to be recognisable as a 'Nato multilateral nuclear force' would seem to be as...
The UN Nightmare , 1.1 ARNOLD VAS DIAS writes front New
The SpectatorYork: Only three weeks separate us from the start of the nineteenth General Assembly of the UN. Unless a miracle of ingenuity supplies a formula for compromise, the organisation...
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Election Commentary
The SpectatorA Sense of Direction By DAVID WATT 'Mlle voters here are playing a key role in the I election,' said the BBC's political correspon- dent describing the struggle at Billericay...
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A Participant's Notebook
The SpectatorD'ye ken John Birch . . . D'ye ken John Birch, Are you keen on Church? Would you Welch on Bob 'Cause he does the job? Have you often said Better dead than Red As you pledged...
Nothing Personal
The SpectatorFortunately, I had heard the day before that the League of Empire Loyalists were to attend one of my meetings in full strength. That means about fifteen. When I arrived to...
Last Word
The Spectator'For the trade unionist the choice is this: whether to remain sunk in the stick-in-the-mud attitude of the Twenties and Thirties, a prey to depression fixations, meeting today's...
Homes and Mortgages
The SpectatorMr. Wilson, in one of his more elegant phrases, observed that most of 'those who criticised what Mr. George Brown did (or did not) say about reducing interest rates wouldn't...
Gold for Mike There may not be many medals to
The Spectatoraward when this very dult general election is over. More repu- tations have been broken than made. But one top award on the Tory side is at least assured. The service to...
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Election TV
The SpectatorThe Soloists By 3. W. M. THOMPSON FINE one leading politician who has un- I questionably gained substantially in popular appeal through television in this election is Mr. Jo...
View from the Left .
The SpectatorPolling Day Thoughts By DESMOND DONNELLY T liE final impassioned appeals were made. The gunfire of the loudspeakers became muffled and then died. A strange army of people got...
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An Election Anthology
The SpectatorI don't think you should take words too seriously.—Lord Blakenhatn. Except among the faithful—and not even among all of these--neither of the parties fight- ing for power...
The Press
The SpectatorFair and Scare By RANDOLPH S. CHURCHILL T HE press coverage of the election has not been dictated by a cartel of newspaper pro- prietors as the television and radio coverage...
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The Real Lesson?
The SpectatorBy ALAN WATKINS A Li- that remains is for the party workers to knock up the voters; and then, for a few hours, the officials come into their own. The local bank employees count...
News Value
The SpectatorOf all the irrelevancies, the most ridiculous, to my mind, was the eager exploitation of Mr. Hogg's hasty aside to a heckler about adultery. By some miracle of journalistic...
Mob Tactics
The SpectatorThe ugly appearance of the shouting-down technique at meetings has symbolised, in an ex- tremist way, the noisy confusion of the cam- paigns. Tempers ought to rise somewhat...
The Don't Cares One effect of this sort of propagandist
The Spectatorexcess, I fear, is that it furthers the estrangement between the electorate and politics which has been de- plored from many quarters in recent years. People complain that they...
A Spectator's Notebook MOST people will be glad when it
The Spectatoris all over, for it has not been a very satis- factory ' general election. There has been too much confusion of issues. Too many irrelevancies have obscured the argument. Too...
Page 11
No Cheers for
The Spectatorthe Loser From mURRAY KEMPTON NEW YORK M R. GoLowATER's movement has always been a Vendee stirred in the west against the great capital on the Eastern Seaboard. As bishop of...
Backbone It seems likely that the 'result of this election,
The Spectatorwhen analysed, will confirm other evidence that the electorate is splitting up and re-forming in new groupings. Dr. Henry Durant, of the Gallup Poll, says that the proportion of...
Moscow Bingo
The SpectatorIn spite of the faint mystery about the week- end fire at the British Embassy in Moscow, and the contradictory statements made afterwards, most people who have actually been...
The Visitors Neither of the two State visits ending this
The Spectatorweek seems to have been a conspicuous suc- cess. The Queen's presence in Quebec has served only to provide the Separatists with extra pub- licity, and it was unwise of the...
Sticky Wicket One or two newspapers, I see, have sent
The Spectatortheir cricket correspondents to Cardiff to make sense of Tod Dexter's political activities there. They have, of course, produced excellent reports, but somehow I am reminded of...
Reflections of a Victor
The SpectatorProclaiming their choices By symbol and token, The popular voices Have clearly outspoken. You leave it or take it. The ballot discloses. We've managed to make it By tip of our...
'Palinurus Nods?
The SpectatorEntertaining and as apparently omniscient as ever, Mr. Connolly reviewed two books on the ancient world in last Sunday's Times. In his com- ments on J. M. C. Toynbee's Art in...
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Every Night at the Palladium
The SpectatorBy MALCOLNI RUTHERFORD IT seats 2,500: there are thirteen performances a week; it is the most popu- lar and the best-known theatre in London. A 'You don't have to think,' they...
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SIR,—In as much as 'psyche' is derived from the Greek,
The Spectatormeaning spirit or mind, much of the confusion to which Dr. William Sargant referred could be avoided if the word psychiatry were used to describe only the treatment (i.e.,...
The SpectatorSIR,—I would remind Leslie.Adrian that, under the recent heavy increase in bank charges, the use of credit transfers and cheques costs the average bank customers about...
SIR,—Leslie Adrian should understand that stores and shops insist upon
The Spectatorthe cheque-using customer putting his name and address on the back because it is of great assistance if a cheque 'bounces' on account of a technical error. For examine, quite...
The SpectatorSIR,--Mr. Philip Hobsbaum, in his letter in the Spectator, could not have chosen a more revealing phrase than 'a seminar in creative writing' to serve as the crux of his...
The SpectatorSIR,—I was amused at Quoodle's comments under the heading of 'The Day of the Dons.' But isn't his point a bit naive? Surely he's well versed in this sort of thing? My...
The SpectatorSIR,—Perhaps some PhD thesis will be written to establish that the cuckold was given horns in error. It could be illustrated with an example provided by Michelangelo with his...
ihm Letters
The SpectatorBelfast Riots Alexander Walker The Freudian Schism A. a. 'Baker The Day of the Dons P. R. Gayton The Movement and the Group Douglas Hill Unfair to Britannia Robert T. Elson...
SIR,—I have today received the Spectator of Sep- tember 11,
The Spectatorin which Suzanne Cronje replies to a letter from Jan Botha, the National Public Relations Officer of the Progressive Party, of which 1 happen to be an active member. There is...
SIR,—An event of historic significance is due to take
The Spectator- place on October 18 when a Holy Relic of the Buddha is enshrined at the London Buddhist Vihara in Chiswick. As it is the first enshrinement under official auspices of a Buddha...
The SpectatorSIR,-1 must pi - latest on behalf of the magazine I represent, and a very fine cartoonist, against the description in your issue of October 9 of the Time magazine cover of...
SIR,—Surely the rumour sMr. Lythe has heard of a 'heavy'
The SpectatorSunday newspaper issuing a Supplement containing news is unlikely. A supplement containing only advertisements seems more probable. R. M. C. NOTT
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The SpectatorSIR,-1 must appeal to those of your 'readers whose daughters wish to become nurses, but who constantly find themselves discouraged by well-meaning but misguided parents. If only...
The SpectatorSIR,—Mr. Hashim B. Ambia in hi S letter on 'The War That Cannot Be Won' (in North Borneo) says he is surprised that there is much speculation about the UN 'referendum' held in...
The SpectatorSIR,--If Mr. James Loose has recovered from the shock administered to him by the pen of Mr. D. Eirwin Morgan, I wonder if he would be kind enough to tell us what I have never...
The SpectatorSIR,--Mr. Hancock's letter about railway closures: speaking as the general public, all I care about is that Mr. Hancock's subsidised travel should not be paid for out of my...
The SpectatorSia,—Your film reviewer should know that there is a difference between a non-commissioned officer and a warrant officer. KENNETH J. MILNER 84 King's Avenue, Woodford Green, Essex
The SpectatorSia,—'Why is it always the rat-infested houses that get the headlines?' This question was recently posed in the introduction to a programme on BBC TV con- cerning the new...
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THE FUTURE OF STEEL be the master: 'Is it to
The Spectatorbe the British Iron and Steel Sin,—Charles de Peyer asks (October 2) which is to Federation, controlled by a few large companies, or the Government?' Neither. The one to decide...
l 'EMBERTON BILLING am at present working on d new biography
The SpectatorOf Noel Pemberton Billing, Independent Member (4 Parliament for East Hertfordshire in 1918, founder of The Vigilantes and editor of The Imperialist. Would welcome hearing from...
RESPECT FOR WINE S ia, — Like Mr. Gabor Denes, I too had
The Spectatorwondered Whether Leslie Adrian was talking about the same lIgland which 1 know. In the past eighteen years, b aPent largely in Central Europe, but partly in gland, 1 have the...
kEITH DOUGLAS are preparing, for publication by Faber and Faber,
The Spectatora collected edition of the poetry and Prose of Keith Douglas (1920-1944). We are thinking at including any letters written by Douglas (or extracts therefrom) which 'throw an...
Pushing Out Sir William
The SpectatorBy TERENCE BENDIXSON SET one architect to master-plan for a scond architect and the result is likely to be third-rate architecture. Yet the prac- tice has the complete...
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The Way the West was Won
The SpectatorCheyenne Autumn. (War- John Ford, arch legend-spinner, has made the West his own to such an extent that some things about it now seem characteristic, not of the West , but of...
Oblong Opera
The SpectatorBy CHARLES REID Anything that comes to us from the theatre, with its three dimensions and glow and spark, must seem wet blanket when transferred to the foggy grey-blues of TV....
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Dancing the Blues
The SpectatorBy CLIVE BARNES The dance heritage of the American Negro has become, I suppose, in effect, the great American folk-dance, although some claim could also be made for square...
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The SpectatorAustralia Deserta 13y V. S. NAIPA . I.JL T HE great moments of theatre are moments of embarrassment. The mischievous but acute Observation was made recently in an essay by...
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Poets and Editors
The SpectatorPoems by W. S. Landor. Edited by Geoffrey Grigson. (Centaur Press, 4 gns.) The Esdaile Notebook. By P. B. Shelley. Edited by K. N. Cameron. (Faber, 35s.) SHELLEY, Byron and...
Auld Song's End
The SpectatorIf Freedom Fail. By Moray McLaren. (Seeker and Warburg, 42s.) THERE are two theories strongly held in Scotland about the Union of Parliaments. One is that gave the energy and...
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Right Moments
The SpectatorThe right moment doesn't come Ticking inevitably round like teatime. It's not a dental assistant saying: `Mr. Williams, were you waiting • For the right moment of the day? "...
Short Takes
The SpectatorFestival Night. By Cesare Pavese. Translated by E. A. Murch. (Peter Owen, 21s.) Lost Upon the Roundabouts. By A. L. Barker (Hogarth, 21s.) Stories from the London Magazine....
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The Golden Waste
The SpectatorEdwardian England, 1901-1914. Edited by Simon Nowell-Smith. (0.U.P., 75s.) t THIS is the book for grandfather: as a boy he Will have had a taste of it all. England in the world...
The SpectatorIN twenty years it will be 1984. If Mr. Packard is to be believed it is already 1984 in the United States, with Big Brother, transistorised and micro- miniaturised, watching you...
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A Touch of the Apostasies
The SpectatorTHE sixteen-hundredth anniversary of the death (or assassination) of the Emperor Flavius Claudius Julianus was mutely celebrated last year. Julian the Apostate has always been...
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. Investment Notes
The SpectatorBy CUSTOS N ow that the election is upon us it is inter- esting to look back on market behaviour during this highly political period. The idea that the Conservatives would win...
The Economy
The SpectatorAction for the New Government By NICHOLAS DAVENPORT THE first task of the new Government is to take more positive action to redress the balance of pay- ments than just borrow...
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The SpectatorBy PHILIDOR No. 200 H. JOHNER (Neue Zfireher Zeitung, 1944) BLACK (9 men) WHITE (10 men) WHITE to play and mate in two moves; solution next week. Solution to No. 199...
Company Notes
The SpectatorBy LOTHBURY T HE report for the year ended April 5, 1964, discloses that Land Investors is in a stron g financial position. Cash resources are £1.2 million and, the Norwich...
SOLUTION TO CROSSWORD 1139 ACROSS.L-I Develop. 5 Sackbut, 9 Bloom.
The Spectator10 Provision. It Tea-bag. 12 Ceremony. 14 Blend. 15 Trellised. 18 Enriching. 20 Throb. 22 Anatolia. 24 .Essoin. 26 Stillages. 27 Etihu. 28 Some- day. 29 Retinue. DOWN.-1...
The SpectatorACROSS 1. Fruits of victory, 1944 (10) 6. Care about the size of the city? (4) 10. Greenwich Mean Time and a little gold in the compass (5) 11. Relative awaiting settlement (9)...
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Consuming Interest
The SpectatorThe Battle of the Bottle By LESIE:114: ADRIAN An expensive Soho restaurant marks as chateau-bottled clarets some that have been bottled in Bordeaux. Subtle, but teetering on...
Another Part of the Forest
The SpectatorThe Untrodden Ways By STRIX Once it was an asset to the community. A net- work of heavily overgrown lagoons and pits marks the sites where, for centuries, clay and sand were...
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The SpectatorBy ALAN BRIF,N Yet going back over the newspapers, day by day, I read how politicians, commentators and psephologists have been announcing, with vary- ing degrees of confidence,...