18 DECEMBER 1858

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The Spectator

INDIA appears to be really answering to the expectation of those who designed the Queen's proclamation and Lord Clyde's plan of campaign. The celebration of the Que,en's...

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Arnputif. .• iiiifLAW D1VOSCE. At lim o nte.eting of the taw Amendment

The Spectator

Siatiety on Monday, Mr. Bast- in gs,the, secretary, read the4ellowing,letter iroui.Lord Brougham_ " It .appetu-s to me very expedient to lay before the Law Amendment Society a...


The Spectator

Some extraordinary proceedings have occurred in St. Pancras. A few months ago the board of directors of the poor elected a new assistant- surgeon—Mr. Muskett. Recently they are...

flu (nut.

The Spectator

THE QUEEN has walked abroad only once or twice this week, according to the court newsman. The Prince Consort has been out shooting. The Prince and Princess of Leiningen, Admiral...


The Spectator

A public meeting of shipowners was held in London on Wednesday "to take into consideration the present ruinous condition of British na- vigation, and to adopt such measures as...

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The Spectator

LOCAL MEETINGS. Reform meetings have been held this week at Leicester and Ports- mouth. At the former, the ballot was the chief subject discussed, and of course adopted. At the...

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The Spectator

Invited to Edinburgh by Mr. Duncan M`Laren, (his brother-in-law) and the party with whom Mr. M'Laren acts, Mr. Bright, true to his. appointment, appeared there on 'Wednesday....


The Spectator

The Irish constables have succeeded in arresting a number of young men in different parts of Ireland—twelve at Skibbereen, three at Bantry, nine at Kenmare, fifteen at Belfast....

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furriga ant enlonial.

The Spectator

rail f P.—The Nei:lieu? of Sunday contained a report by M. Magne, the Finance Minister, who glorifies the flourishing condition of French fi - nance. It is in iaet a budget as...

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The Spectator

THE INDIAN CIVIL SERVICE. As there are at the present time vacancies in the establishment of the Secretary of State for India for eight writers, Lord Stanley has resolved to...

THE A111."R 15.1 VF.R., The mostinteresting paper read at the

The Spectator

Monday ineetin Geegraphie.al Society was entitled "Notes on the River Amur a ad adjacent districts," by MM. Peschurof, Vasilief, Rada°, gachefski, &c. This most extensive...

Page 8

rp mittla 100 110 human Optill:7,1111 Dra bpi tOrEst .0111i

The Spectator

fiticit 17.01■111:1AgfAi 'eirf am.d Biotifislo TH aim daunt r &Z.81 oasis sioiibtqa , - ,rmt li9rft airman es; imilikl:ARRAT;if. wrfDire followingttelegLstdrie alespakii...

Page 9

tt#t OD 4ratrts.

The Spectator

Two pieces, that within the last eight days have been brought before the notice of the public illustrate in a striking manner the change that takes place in popular feeling with...

Iffirr5 tu - tyt eiritnr.

The Spectator

IMPRESSMENT OF SEAMEN. 141h DcambeT 1858. Sin—I believe it could be proved, by reference to the ancient history of England, that the origin of impressment of sea-faring men to...


The Spectator

English Opera has talet n &pal-tine from Dully Lane, and the " legitimate drama" (or what now-a-da)'s passes for such) rctr.4,."6 thither, in the person of Mr. F. T. Smith....

- .MONEY MARKET. Sioux EX(TIAN.P., TheMarket for English . Securities has again

The Spectator

fallen into a partiiillttate of indetitity, the general - Public still .alstainiul,g. front &het fide inyeetruents ofanv amount. From • the o p on ing.ou Id tindny till thd...

Page 10

eltddss fittt Mmy ' kig t be flins bblig, t reit ` ililu i lm

The Spectator

tilt,: derVi after - li t ft e ihlP u . 411 sPel v gig at4 Y . TRientetfi l in ii s still w g)49 ).?" g e t - fa, ir end sur r igne epmment !Tung us. 1 0 Nue about the e, r...

-attformss The peopesali.forsan linelerstr Mirek artnosialit•eirsteiliveyi here MOOItl . IY.tt iteit orktiyibiiiii+

The Spectator

'gjessiassisiosie,sass yvigtrt or'Nerong: Mott 18 no f ..E e k l Pv 1- 1 1. . 1 . 1 %l 1 1 6 . P. P . Cu'P l ' , 1 1 . 4 49J4M a c1.4 1 1c. c 49Q3 e ...99: . C'P Of 8 II:lig -...


The Spectator

written than those of any other daily paper. Then again, all clergymen to uphold youth in arms against age, with its experience, and hence the end, in some measure,. the command...

Page 11

lce lii .4 •Aq'T:10PairVEltplAii4ONTIANNIPTiOrtTUN ITV, . /50 (10111:10 I l010 Ili

The Spectator

rft1q. t w1.,5:4 i .: 1.1 ,.,-,11(1: 111,. lAIMWOrSili:rialtith*haugsi eVaretneelptseent 01)1 - eminent is the bip tidithit Joan , . - teeStlinatOi lite OtinflOpportunities, and...

Page 12

Tim judge in ordinary of the Probate Divorce Court has

The Spectator

invited comment on his own observations and. no judge on our Bench could better afford to do so. It is a case, indeed, where public criticism affords the best assistance to the...

LUCKNOW HONOURS.""'"I'l 1 ' 11 '

The Spectator

The difficulty of distributing honours will always be 'one' of the greatest difficulties of " the authorities." There is sure to be dissatisfaction and criticism whatever may...


The Spectator

..4,...w., sfy, adds to the public impression that " Reform" has _y.. 4pretext. Somebody should convert it to a reality. Alit report is that the Ministerial Bill is actually...

Page 13

THE 193WESII tilEATRE IN T.0.7.4DON.` TitO1C1B1.1" no 1,010 . 6i'4eaiiet6: 'in the

The Spectator

next Christmas t *in - be More brilliant or pleasing than the Adelphi Theatre *st, 'night of its openin i g. It will not only be the reasseratliSig an'tindience to meet old...

Page 14

MUM' I 78 i m am e e k e tifAlcii i 3 es HI '0ffIgl9ir t II91 14(1

The Spectator

d3 Alimeurtsur museuM ota ni won' ne werno &feral line8 lo n aoiag p . ho' .Noriii the andiende barely admitted and. allowed space rf o r exist- under . Ntini I Planta g...

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The Spectator

Post the fifth , time in his long career, .Alexander Humboldt has written an introductory preface out of friendship to his young friend MialLausen. As the hook scarcely supports...

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The Spectator

Trri3 marked incidents in the life of " Vathek, England's wealthi- est son," are not many, or in themselves striking. He was born in 1759, his father being the celebrated...

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The Spectator

The tide is flowing again ; the week having produced some thirty publications of various kinds, several of the most important having reached us at too late a period even to...

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lute Arts.

The Spectator

TILE ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHIC ASSOCIATION. The second annual exhibition of this most useful and excellent society has just opened at the old Water•Colour Gallery and brings...


The Spectator

Moore's Irish Melodies, nub Symphonies and Accompaniments for the Piano- forte. People's Edidon. Longman and Co. Moore's great collection of the melodies of Ireland, united to...


The Spectator

On the 15th November, off Monrovia, west coast of Affica, brought on by ex. ;insure in the zealous discharge of his duty, Lieutenant Spencer De Lacy Lacy , lt.N., of H.M.S....


The Spectator

PROM THE LONDON GAZETTE, DECEMBER 10. Wan OFFICE, Pall Mall, Dec. 10.-3d West India Regiment—Lient. V. 1. Mesas to be Capt. by purchase, vice Dalrymple, who retires; Lieut. 3,...


The Spectator

On the 9th December, at St. Michael's Church, Coventry, Thomas Marsh Hon. fall, Esq., 15th King's Ilussars, eldest son of Thomas B. /torsion, Esq., M.P., to Emily Sarah Ling,ard...


The Spectator

On the 24th.November, at Hartford, Connecticut, 17.5., the Wife of Colonel SamL Colt, of a son. On the 10th December, at Great Yarmouth, the Wife of Edward Bradford, Esq.,...

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The Spectator

Bankruptcy Annulled.-JOSEPH OUSTON, Hull, nine-merchant. - Bankrarpfs...- , Triomos WrLizoits, Jermyn Street, dealer in trines-DANIEL Min- MAIM, Park Street. Grosvenor Square,...


The Spectator

BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Prices.) Soloed. Holiday. T.,csday. Wsdnes. Thurs. .Fridook 3 per Cent Consols shut - -- -- - - Ditto for Account 97t 97ex d. 97; 971 171 96,1 3 per...