20 DECEMBER 1856

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tion to support Herat against the Persian invasion would not

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take the shape of war against Persia, but would be simply a de- fensive act, leaving the responsibility of consequences to the aggressors on the spot. There would have been some...


The Spectator

EXPECTATION now concentrates upon Paris, where the members of the Conference are gradually receiving their authority to sit for the several Powers. While we write, the authority...

President Pierce's message to the American Congress, probably his last,

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is rose-coloured in its view of the internal condition and circumstances of the Union; but in various passages there are signs of considers.ble irritation and of an uneasy...

Queen Victoria went down to Cowes the other day, on

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purpose to receive from the hands of a special messenger an unusual gift. This was no less than the returned Resolute of Sir Edward Bel- cher's squadron ; which, abandoned by...

Page 2

Among the " movements " which have been struck up

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lately, is one against the Income-tax ; and it is a movement that has de- cidedly "taken." Beginning modestly, in small local meetings, and hints here and there for the "...

The gossip about new promotions in the Opposition ranks con-

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tinues; and among others, the Morning Post, recognizing the possible " difficulties " between "Leader No. I" and "Leader No. II," still finds it difficillt to believe in the...

The men of Manchester appear to be working out a

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track which may lead to a manageable system of public education for the whole country. The conference with Sir John Pakington seems to have been really practical in its spirit...

Cht (fund.

The Spectator

Tun Queen has been out of &ors a good deal during the past week. In addition to those walks and drives which are matters of routine, her Majesty, accompanied by Prince Albert,...

t4t 3trtrap1is.

The Spectator

The Court of Aldermen sat on Monday to elect a-new Recorder. The resignation of Mr. Stuart Wortley was accepted ; and resolutions were passed expressing a deep sense of the...

Since the arrival of D.Liviiigstone in Letdon . ',.. time-ta& op- portunity

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have been economized to secure as large an " exploita- tion " of the African traveller as possible. A missionary under the London Missionary Society, he was obliged to give his...

The Law Amendment Society, which has made itself an aux-

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iliary to the Legislature, has laid down a course of active utility for the season. At the last meeting, Lord Brougham, absent in body but present in mind and by letter, pointed...

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The United States officer in charge of the Resolute, Commander Hartstein, landed at Portsmouth on Saturday. He was received by Sir Thomas Maitland, pro tempore...

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Lord Bch° has intimated to his constituents in East Lothian, that his medical adviser has prescribed to him to abstain from all business for the next twelve months ; that he is...


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Frourt.—Prince Frederick William of Prussia has been entertained by his host the Emperor with splendid reviews, a ball, banquets, and a hunting expedition at Fontainebleau....


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'There has been a " run " on the branches of the National Bank at Tip- perary, Clonmel, and Cashel, apparently without any real cause, but sup- posed to have originated in alarm...

Page 8

Parliament was formally prorogued on Tuesday, by Commission, un- til

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the 3d February ; then to meet for the despatch of 'business. The Convocation of the Province of Canterbury was on Wednesday prorogued by the Vicar-General, Dr. Twiss, under a...

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The Incorporated Law Society had a talk with Sir Benjamin

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Hall the other day about the removal of the Law Courts—asking for a Committee of inquiry and so forth. Sir Benjamin replies modestly, that the - initia- tive does not lie with...

The Lords Justices yesterday gave judgment on the appeal in

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the ease of the Royal British Bank from the decision of Vice-Chancellor Rindersley. Both the Lords Justices concurred in the judgment, which was as follows- t.t Dismiss the...


The Spectator

SATURDAY. The second Paris Conferences seem to recede as we approach the date originally stated with much confidence as the period of opening. A short time ago it was said...


The Spectator

On the 6th December, at Pan, the Right Hon. Lady Elibank, of a son. On the 11th. at Hyde House, Winchester, the Wife of the Rev. Edward Firm- stone, of a daughter. On the 11th,...

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The Spectator

STOCK EXCELADOE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The Bank Directors yesterday reduced the rate of discount from 6i to 6 per cent. This has given great satisfaction in the City, particularly...

At the Maidstone Assizes yesterday, Dedea Redanies, soldier of the

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late swiss Legion, was sentenced to be hanged for the mnrder of Caroline and N a na Back, near Dover. The, prisoner had put in the singular plea of " guilty" of one murder and...

At the Olympic, a new farce entitled Crinoline has been

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produced, with the extraordinary qualification of originality. A wife, ordering a crino- line petticoat to be made unknown to her husband, adopts a mysterious course, that is...

Miss F. Horton has provided her entertainment with a new

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" first part," in which she introduces three fresh characters, namely, a formal old maid, a jovial Irish dame, and a travelled lady, who alas! turns out to be a swindler. The...

tOr gOratrefs.

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That "fine old institution" the Westminster Play has this year been manifested with all its peculiar pomp. The same proscenium, with the same drop-scene, rising to discover the...

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The Spectator

THE NEW ORGAN IN ST. MARTIN'S RAIL. At Mr. Hullah's performance of The Messiah on Wednesday evening, and again at a special performance last night, a new organ was inaugu-...


The Spectator

Although many of our older playgoers have, no doubt, a vivid recol- lection of the farce of The Village Lawyer, once illustrated by the comic talent of the late Mr. Charles...


The Spectator

The Sacred Harmonic Society announce from time to time the progress they are making in their preparations for the great Handel Festival at the Crystal Palace next spring. Plans...


The Spectator

THE GAME OF CONFERENCES. " PEACE," in its present aspect, looks almost as tangled an gloomy as war, and the " assurances " are not very assuring. The assertion is repeated over...


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A choral concert of madrigals and part-songs was performed at the Hanover Square Rooms on Thursday evening, by a newly-formed asso- ciation which calls itself "Mr. Henry...

Page 13

It is interesting in connexion with them to notice the

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passing of one of those paroxysms which have alternated in Ame- rica with the endeavours to counteract the extension of slavery, or even to put down "the domestic institution."...

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often asked—far oftener than polite people sup- pose ; and we do not know that any advantage is gained by whis- pering it instead of asking it audibly. There are reasons for the...


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Ix some respects those things which make our system good for political purposes .make it bad for administrative purposes. We sacrifice the conduct of business to the conduct of...

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Ar last the discussion on the subject of penal servitude as the sub- stitute for transportation is assuming a character of common sense. Some who have lately joined in the...


The Spectator

IT is scarcely possible that such a task as that of rechristening five or six hundred streets in London could be performed with any satisfactory completeness if done at a blow....

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A LOCAL war has broken out at Plymouth, which involves prin- ciples interesting in many parts of the country. It is a question of the right of way, but one of rather unusual...


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"Take nothing for granted about Russia systematic fraud and lying mis- representation are the policy of that Government. In matters of finance the Russian Government is the most...

Page 17

'1i aruu.

The Spectator

FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE, DECEMBER 16, WAR DEPARTMENT, Pall Mall, Dec. 16.—Cavalt - y-12th Light Drags.—Major- Gen. Sir L. B. Lovell, K.C.B. to be Col. vice Gen. Sir H. J....


The Spectator

FROM 273E LONDON GAZETTE, DECEMBER 16. Partnerships Dissolved.—Wood and Newberry, Wilson Street, Finsbury, cabi- net-makers—Keller and Co. Hatton Garden, stone-dealers—Abraham...

[For Boons and Finn ARTS, see the acconzpanying Supplement.]

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BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Prices.) &lewd. Monday. ruesday. Wednes. Thurs. Friday 3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 5 per Cents Reduced New 3 per Cents Long Annuities...

Page 22

London: Printed by Josaen etas-eon, of 320, Strand, In the

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County of Middlesex, Printer, at the office of dossrx Ctsr- sou, No. 10, Crane Court, lathe Parish of St. Dunstan's in the West, In the City of London ; and Published by the...

Page 23


The Spectator

A. STAFF - OFFICER' S LETTERS PROM READ -{117ARTERS. * THIS narrative of the Crimean war, from the first arrival at Scu- tari in April 1854 to the capture of Sebastopol in...

5Ittfatur ,itppitment.

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DECEMBER 20, 1856.

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ALTHOUGH Mrs. Westropp has lived for some years in Italy, her volume only relates to a sojourn at Rome during the months of June and July in 1854, a subsequent residence at the...

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NEW NOVELS. * THE story is less retarded by writing, in

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Isabel, the Young Wife and the Old Lore, than in Mr. deaffreson's previous novel of "Crewe Rise,"—not exactly by writing for the sake of writing, but by too prominent an...

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England's Greatness : its Rise and Progress in Government, Laws, Religion, and Social Life ; Agriculture, Commerce, and Manufactures ; Science, Literature, and the Arts. By John...

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Wednesday evening was a brilliant one for the Photographic Society . The Council-room of King's College was hung round its four walls with photographs of all sizes and...


The Spectator

We have received from Mr. Lake Price, the gentleman so well known for his Venetian water-colours and now for his mediteval and other pic- turesque photographic groups, a...


The Spectator

The work of Messrs. Crowe and Cavalcaselle on the early painters of the Flemish sell.. performs for them something of the same function which Kugler's dbook accomplished for...

fins Arts.

The Spectator

THE TURNER BEQUEST. e very point of rightness for figure-painting in landscape is hit. Look at the fish-wives with their skate in the foreground ; the huddling crowd up the...