21 JULY 1883

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*** The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript, in any

The Spectator


Mr. Childers received a deputation on the subject yelagrday week,

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from the Associated Chambers of Commerce, and replied with great ability and firmness. He pointed out that the Com- pany presided over by M. de Leeseps had, in the belief of her...

The Report of the British Directors of the Suez Canal,

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Sir 3, Stokes and Sir C. Rivers Wilson, was published on Monday, and it would have been well, we think, if it had been ready for publication, and had been laid on the table of...

The negotiation concerning the Suez Canal has been the great

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subject of the week ; and we may say of the agitation against it, that the week which came in like a lion has gone out like a lamb. The fury and resentment expressed yesterday...

A remarkable little discussion took place on the Suez-Canal agreement

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in the House of Lords on Tuesday, Lord Granville remarking that the opposition of Lord Palmerston to the Suez- Canal scheme had given a great stimulus to the raising of the...

Upon this speech of Lord Granville's, Lord Salisbury made a

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most extraordinary comment. He deplored the fact that her Majesty's Government had countenanced M. de Lesseps in a view of his monopoly which made it a standing obstacle to the...


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T HERE is no farther news of the unpleasant affair in Madagas- car, but there seems no danger at all that it is likely to cause any disagreement between France and England. M....

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Lord Dnfferin made not only an amusing, but a very

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hopeful speech concerning Egypt, at the dinner of the Worshipful Com- pany of Grocers on Wednesday, where he declared that he should , have been very glad to enlarge on such...

The London Chamber of Commerce met on Wednesday at the

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Cannon-Street Hotel, under the presidency of Mr. Herbert Tritton, the Chairman of the Council, who made a very tem- perate speech on the subject of the Government proposal for...

A very unfortunate amendment was carried by Mr. Balfour, who

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proposed that in respect of improvements for which the. consent of the landlord need not be asked, the compensation shall never exceed the amount of the outlay. The objection to...

The Daily News resents the criticism very naturally made on

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its attitude towards the Government on the Suez Canal ques- tion. But our contemporary has quite mistaken the point. Even a loyal supporter of the Government may find himself at...

The opinion of the French physician, Dr. Vulpian, who saw

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the Count de Chambord last Sunday, and stayed some days at Frobsdorf, is said to be more favourable than that of his Austrian medical advisers, and there seems to have been some...

The House went into Committee on Tuesday afternoon on the.

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Agricultural Holdings Bill, and the great question of "the- sitting tenant's" claim for improvements was raised pretty early by Mr. Borlase. The complaint is that a tenant who...

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The O'Conor Don had the courage to attempt a contest

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at Wex- ford,—the borough for which Mr. Healy sat before his election for Monaghan,—bat was beaten on Tuesday by a majority of 181, 307 voting for Mr. W. H. K. Redmond, and only...

The Rev. John Henry Timins, Vicar of West Malting, the

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clergyman who was found to have poisoned Sarah Ann Wiight, by: administering to her a teaspoonful of bitter almonds by mistake for sweet oil of almonds, was acquitted of all...

The Corrupt Practices Bill passed through Committee yester- day week.

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In the sitting of that day a new clause was added - to the Bill, making it a corrupt practice to promise the with- drawal of a candidate in consideration of any payment or pro-...

The University of London must certainly be given credit for

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complete impartiality. In its new matriculation list, contain- ing 554 names—the number of candidates was no less than 932 —two girls come second and third upon the list, and...

Mr. Mundella made an interesting speech on the religious -effect

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of the Education Bill, this day week, at the Crystal Palace, when distributing the prizes for Scriptural knowledge to - the children of the London Board Schools. In all the...

Mr. Bright made an interesting speech on Wednesday at the

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Royal Normal College and Academy of Music for the Blind, Upper Norwood, pointing out the great advantages which the College confers on its students ;—indeed, it enables...

The Irish medical men are greatly offended that a mere

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knighthood has been offered to—and accepted by—Dr. Porter, of Merrion Square, one of their most distinguished physicia as. This is, they say, derogatory to Irish medicine, as...

The Bishop of Peterborough's state is, we deeply regret to

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say, one to cause the gravest anxiety. indeed, if we may interpret the bulletins by the usual canons, very little hope is entertained of his recovery.

Bank Rate, 4 per con+. Consols were on Friday 99,i

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to 9i I.

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THE GOVERNMENT AND THE SUEZ CANAL. T HE English people in one of its periodical frets and fumes is one of the most amusing spectacles on earth, to those who can look on calmly...

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W HEN we see the selfish greediness with which class- interests assert themselves in politics, we do not wonder that there should be a craving after that international...

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I T has been becoming increasingly evident since Lord Beaconsfield's death that he had "educated his party" more successfully than he had himself imagined when he made the boast...

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M R. COWEN, in speaking on Saturday to the miners of Durham, hit upon an odd accusation against the House of Commons, and a still odder remedy for the evil of which he...

THE SITTING TENANT. B UT for the success of Mr. Balfour's

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amendment, we should say that the Agricultural Holdings Bill was moving on fast. Two clauses in as many days, when in one of them is embodied the two main principles of the...

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T HE movement for recognising in some public way the ser- vices rendered to Scotland by the Duke of Buccleuch is receiving the cordial adhesion of the abler and more influential...

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1Hil, SET-OFFS AGAINST MODERN SCIENCE. T HAT science has as much

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right to its airs of self-con- fidence, as an unparallelled series of almost unex- ampled successes could give it, every intelligent man will admit. In the line of its own...

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S UPPOSING that one possessed Prince Hassan's carpet, the tree of inexhaustible fruit, the flask of unfailing water, and the cloak of invisibility, so that one might travel in...

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A LL lovers of English Lakeland and all believers in the need of keeping the few Dales left to us inviolate for the rest and pleasure of weary England will owe a debt of lasting...

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BracrAron."1 SIR,—You think the" Shaw affair" not very important, because, you say, there may be evidence of imprudeoces. Is it quite fair to say that ? Is Mr. Shaw's case...


The Spectator

THE SUEZ CANAL AND SELFISHNESS. (TO THE EDITOR OF TILE "SPECTATOR.) SIR,—It appears that the Government have made the best bargain they could with bard-headed monopolists in...


The Spectator

LTO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPEC TATOR."] SIR,—You would not, I am sure, wish to do an injustice even to "such a man" as Mr. Bradlaugh. Allow me, therefore, to assure you that Mr....

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MACHIAVELLIANISM.* Tills handsome edition of the principal works of Machiavelli is the completest and the most accurate that has yet appeared in an English dress. It has...

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A MODERN SPANISH TRAGEDY.* IT would probably be an impertinence

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to the author of Gloria to style him the Spanish Victor Hugo, for, to all appearance, that would be attributing to him a literary ambition of which he is, no doubt, unconscious....

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THE admiration for the writings of Walt Whitman which has been expressed by several cultivated writers and critics of our time has been a matter of much surprise to us. That Mr....

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IN spite of the reputed impossibility of "seeing ourselves as others see us," there is always a charm in making the attempt to look at ourselves from an outside point of view,...

CHURCH AND BRODRIBB'S " LIVY."* Hamm records but few campaigns

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that are comparable for interest with those of Hannibal, and fewer still, perhaps, than have been painted in colours so bright and enduring. Livy was the Macaulay, as Polybius...

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methods, spirit, and style of the writers of these two volumes than to any fresh facts they have discovered, or any original theories they propound. In his preface, indeed, Mr....

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OICE of the charms of living in an old country like England is to be found in the wealth of antiquarian interest, often, it is true, of a very humble kind, with which every...

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Mn. STEVENSON has no need to apologise for offering this work to the public. The information it contains is, as he truly says, both new and important, and the evidence is that...

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The French Revolution, 1789-1795. By Bertha Meriton Gardiner. (Longmans.)—The adult reader of this volume, the latest of the "Epochs of Modern History," will do well to bear the...

Eberhard ; or, the Mystery of Rathsbeck. By Katherine Clive.

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(Tinsley Brothers.)—The author of this grotesque story deserves some credit for the originality of her plot and for the industry she has displayed in the development of it,...

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medical man, an antiquarian, and a geologist ; and even

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as the author of "The Philosophy of Apparitions" and "History of the Foundations of Manchester," he deserved something in the shape of a biographical notice. But a brief and...

Nover.s.—Pretty Miss Neville. By B. M. Croker. 3 vols. (Tinsley

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Brothers.)—The first volume of this novel relates the sayings and doings of the heroine while she is living at her Irish home, and was a very plain-looking hoyden. In the second...

Friends and Lovers, by Annie Thomas (White), contains a really

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wonderful number of vulgar characters, who use language worthy of them. Among them are a Lord Charldale, who is, till about the last page of the story, a habitual drunkard, and...

The Marriage in Cana in Galilee. By Hugh Macmillan, D.D.

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(Mac- millan and Co.)—Dr. Macmillan expounds the circumstances of this miracle with much care, with a good-sense and a sound judgment that are but rarely at fault, and with some...

Juvenal, Persius, Martial, and Cattalus; an Experiment in Trans- lation.

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By W. F. Shaw, M.A. (Regan Paul, Trench, and Co.)— Prose translations, Mr. Shaw thinks, are not attractive, and trans- lations in rhymed verse are seldom faithful. The third...

The New Biblical Atlas and Scripture Gazetteer. (Religious Tract Society).—This

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atlas, the maps of which are the work of W. and A. K. Johnston, is designed as a "companion to Dr. E. P. Barrow's Biblical Geography. The maps are sixteen in number, and supply...