23 JULY 1881

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The Land Bill has at last passed through Committee, or

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at least will have passed through Committee before the day is over. Yesterday week a good deal of discussion took place as to the qualifications of the Assistant-Com-...

Mr. Gladstone on Monday stated the names of the Land-law

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Commissioners to the House. They are Mr. Serjeant O'Hagan, as Judicial Commissioner, with the powers and position of a Judge ; Mr. J. E. Vernon, of Mount liferrion, the greatest...

Affairs in Tunis grow worse for the French. Not only

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are the tribes " up " everywhere, but the Bey has lost all authority, and the Tunisian troops cannot be trusted, the effect being to throw even fatigue duty on the French...

40 , 6 * The Editors cannot undertaketoreturnManuseript in any ease.

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So far, the non-official threats in Paris against Tripoli and

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the Sultan continue. The Sultan is reported to be still sending troops to Tripoli, and he has not given up his claim to Tunis, and the Republique Francaise tells him that he...


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T HE Dean of Westminster, of whose illness even, we had heard nothing when we went to press last week, died on Monday night, of erysipelas, in his own Deanery, after an illness...

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A man of the name of Patrick Tadford Hickie was

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charged at Bow Street Police-court, on Tuesday, with sending a letter threatening to assassinate Mr. W. E. Forster, the Secretary for Ireland. A private letter, signed with the...

The inquiry ordered by the Corporation into the London Fish

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Supply, which is simply disgraceful, has commenced, and the chief Traffic-managers have given their evidence. They all say that the source of delay and expense is the monopoly...

On Thursday, there was a very lively passage of arms

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'between Sir S. Northcote and Mr. Gladstone, as to the pro- posal of the Government to help on an arrangement between those tenants who have paid their last hall-year's rent and...

Mr. Goschen on Wednesday made a rather curious and very

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interesting speech to his constituents at Ripon, in which he said not a little on foreign politics ; and a little, too, of considerable weight and significance on affairs at...

On home affairs, Mr. Goschen's line was much more sharply

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marked out, and was clearly discriminated from the line of the Government He referred again, with some emphasis, to his difference with them on the subject of the county...

London has been passing through a short spell of tropical

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heat. On Friday week the thermometer rose to 95 deg., and it did not decline below 88 deg. till Wednesday, since which day it has been cooler. During the five hot days the...

There is to be a debate next week on the

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Transvaal, after all. Sir M. Hicks-Beach, aware that Tory Members are quitting town, decided to postpone his motion, though he had obtained a day; but Mr. Rathbone promised to...

The Magistrates of Cuckfield have committed Mapleton, alias Lefroy, for

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trial at the next Sasses Sessions, on the charge of murdering Mr. Gold. There was little added to the evidence, except proof that Lefroy had a pistol ; bat pending the defence,...

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Lord Granville on Saturday made an amusing little speech at

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the International Medical and Sanitary Exhibition. He -said the tendency to empiricism seemed to be an instinct. He had the gout in Rome once, and received prescriptions in all...

Siberian plague, a disease believed to be the same as

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that which raged in Egypt before the Exodus of the Israelites, and which the Book of Exodus describes as a "grievous murrain," and as "a boil breaking forth with blains upon...

Mr. Oscar Browning sent to Monday's Times, as a" curiosity

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of literature," a good specimen of a class of productions that ought to make the wiser Americans seriously anxious for the conclusion of some copyright treaty which would render...

Ayoub Khan has quitted Herat, leaving it almost undefended, and

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after a certain hesitation, is advancing straight on Canda- har, where he has partisans. On Thursday he drove in the Ameer's outposts at Girishk, and a battle will, therefore,...

Consols were on Friday 101 to log.

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A meeting was held at the Mansion House this day

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week to raise funds, much needed, on behalf of a most useful associa- tion,—the Metropolitan Association for Befriending Young Servants,—at which the Speaker of the House of...

On Wednesday the "special correspondents" of the penny Press received

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a more than usually instructive lesson in their art. The Daily Telegraph, had a " special " reporter at the examination before the Cuckfield Magistrates, in relation to the...

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MR. GOSCHEN'S POSITION. m R. GOSCHEN is a bold man, and like all bold men vtho succeed, tenacious of what he once decides upon. It is obvious enough, from his remarkable speech...

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N O victory achieved by Mr. Gladstone during the long de- bates on the Land Bill has been more remarkable than his success in defending the personnel of the new Commission. When...

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THE NEWEST ALARM. T HERE is some ground, we think, for

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the sort of uneasiness which is spreading about Foreign Affairs—it is not very deep, or the Money Market would respond—but the ground is not sufficient to justify the panic...

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A FRESH testimony has been given to the appropriateness of the motto we last week suggested for Leo XIII. It is said, with a positiveness which would scarcely be shown if the...

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B EFORE the Conservative Party became convinced that the creation of peasant-proprietors was the sovereign remedy for Ireland's ills, and was not open to those economic...

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W E have still some hope that we are to escape a re- vival of the worn-out discussion on Protection, for, in spite of some sinister appearances, we cannot believe that the Tory...

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T HE death of the Dean of Westminster is not so much the loss of an ecclesiastic, as the disappearance of a whole region of life, which none but himself is likely ever to...

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W E hope that some of the very able men who are next month to attend the Medical Congress in London will tell us the fact about the modern improvement in Human Health, in a...

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THE POLITICAL SITUATION IN AMERICA. [FROM A CORRESPONDENT:I New York, July 5th, 1881. SIXTEEN years ago I wrote to the Spectator, on occasion of the assassination of President...

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FOR "CHARITY." [TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sta,—One word more for "charity." I do not ask for its exten- sion, but only for its retention, in the places it has always...


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(TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. SIR,—Will you kindly allow me to use your widely-sprea& paper to plead in behalf of Johann Mayr, eldest son of the man who represented the...

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LINES BY THE LITE DEAN OF WBSTMINSTER. [We have received permission to print the following beautiful lines by the late Dean of Westminster, which can hardly, we think, be read...


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WINCKELMANN.* THE man who gave impulse to Herder and drew reverence from Goethe could not have been a common-place person or a pedant, as Winckelmann has been called by some...


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[TO THE EDITOR OF THR "SPECTATOR."] you permit me a few words in reference to the editorial note appended to the letter in your last issue, from " An Opponent of Vivisection ?"...

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Tins is a very interesting and thoughtful book, whatever the geologist and physicist may think of its geological and physical criticisms and theories, of which the present...

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SINCE the author of the Mores Catholici closed the last volume' of that unique and beautiful work, we have had no book which bears any resemblance to it until now. We have no...

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JAMES OUTRAM.* 'RIB noble character, the striking individuality, and the

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chequered career of General Outram supply to his biographer materials full of interest and instruction. James Outram was born at Butterley Hall, in Derbyshire, in 1803. His...

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W110 was Joseph Barker? will probably be the exclamation of many readers, and yet if we are to credit this autobiography,. Barker was such a power in England, that for twenty...

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TRW book of Mr. Hancock's appears to us the best that has yet been written with the view of practically teaching pottery and glass painting, and he may be congratulated on...

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IN the winter of 1878-79, M. de Laveleye, the eminent Belgian political economist, paid a visit to Italy, and recorded his im- pressions in letters to a friend. These letters,...

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The British Quarterly, for July. (Hodder and Stoughton.)—The post of honour in this number is very properly given to Mr. Freeman's " Augustodunum." This kind of essay, with its...

The Little Messmates. By the Rev. Frederick W. Smart. (Masters

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and Co.)—This is a charming little tale, which is only too short, —it does not take a quarter of an hour to read the whole of it ; but it is written by one who knows how to...

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The Theatres of Paris. By J. Brander Mathews. (Sampson Low

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and Co.)—Mr. Mathews's little book ought to dispel the ignorance which yet continues in England on French theatrical matters. In moderate space and pleasant manner (more...

Sackcloth and Broadcloth. By Jean Middlemass. 3 vols. (Tinsley Brothers.)—The

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main interest of this book lies in the comparison between the Rev. Lawrence Sivewright, a somewhat worldly parson, of latitudinarian views, and a ritualist priest, Mr. Lently....

Sir William Herschel : his Life and Works. By Edward

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S. Holden (W. H. Allen and Co.)—There are, it seems, in existence copious materials for a detailed biography of Sir William Herschel. But we may very well be content with the...

hope ultimately to arrive at a "religion of nature" compounded,

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it would seem, out of the evolution theory and the new truths (so he regards them) brought to light by the recent alleged phenomena of spiritualism, and not denied or ridiculed...

Horses and Roads. By "Free-lance." (Longmans and Co.)— " Man's

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inhumanity to man" is open to objection, but his ignorant cruelty to the animals whose lives are worn out in his service is absolutely inexcusable. In Horses and Roads, "...

Lilian Adelaide .Neilson. By M. A. de Leine. (Newman and

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Co.) —Mr. de Leine calls his brochure " a memorial sketch, personal and critical," which appears unnecessary, as any biography, however slight, can scarcely avoid possessing...

Anti-Theistic Theories. By Robert Flint, D.D. (Blackwood and Sons.)—The author

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of this work writes . with strong convictions on the side of belief, yet, we believe, he takes pains to be fair to his opponents. The various Anti-Theistic theories, Atheism,...

Stonehenge. By W. M. Flinders Petrie. (Stanford.)—This is an interesting

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monograph. The author has made elaborate measure- ments, examined the character of the stones narrowly, and come to certain conclusions, conclusions which will not be the less...

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We have received An Abridgment of Adam Smith's Wealth of

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Nations. By Wolseley P. Emerton, B.A. (Thornton, Oxford.)—Mr. Emerton has republished here in one volume a work that originally appeared in two parts, furnishing it at the same...

Reminiscenccs of Manchester Fifty Years Ago. By J. T. Slugg.

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(J. E. Cornish, Manchester.) — A gentleman whose recollections stretch back to a period of fifty years ago, supposing that he has been in the habit of using his eyes and ears...

The Shakespeare Tapestry Woven in Verse. By C. Mulkey. (W.

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Blackwood and Sons.)—We are indirectly indebted to this author for some pleasant reading. We hasten to say that our pleasure was due to Shakespeare, not to the Tapestry. The...

ll'i/d Africa. By T. A. Bullock, LL.D. (Simpkin, Marshall, and

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Co.)—An instructive specimen of the compiler militant. Dr. Bullock asserts that his aim and plan are exclusively his own. We have no opportunity of saying how true this is of...

Encounters with Wild Beasts. By Parker Gillmore. (W. H. Allen

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and Co.)—The title of this book sufficiently describes its contents, and the name of Mr. Gillmore is a guarantee for their genuineness and excellence. " Ubique " is the nom de...

Henry Smart : his Life and Works. By W. Spark.

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(William. Reeves.)—In his preface, Dr. Spark regrets that so few biographies. of distinguished English composers are published, and contrasts the apathy of the musical world in...

Modern 1Vonders of the World. By W. Gilbert. (Strahan and

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Co.) —We suppose this book is meant to teach children our material con- ditions under the guise of telling them a story. This plan has long been a favourite with doctrinaire...

Three Years After. By J. C. Phythian. (Published for the

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Author, by Cassell and Co.)---Three years ago Mr. Phythian visited Norway, and recorded his experiences. He has now repeated his visit, and again written an account of it for...

Evelinct; or, the History of a Young Lady's Entrance into

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the World, by Frances Burney, appears in " Bohn's Novelists' Library." (Bell and Sons.) Mrs. Anne Raine Ellis, whose charming" Sylvestra." has given her the best possible right...