24 JUNE 1848

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The Spectator

TnE new Reform measure has been propounded by Mr. Hume in the Houle of Commons; and the venerable mover has had the satisfaction, not only of making a very long speech him-...

If the first reception given by the Commons to the

The Spectator

Ministerial proposition respecting the West Indies was ominous, the situation of Ministers has not been improved by the debates and incidents of the week. They have had to run...

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Debates an Aprotetbirtss fit varlfament.

The Spectator

REFORM OF THE REPRESENTATION. In the House of Commons, on Tuesday, in anticipation of Mr. Hume' s motion, a number of petitions were presented in favour of extension of the...

The disturbance in Mooltan, as now explained by the last

The Spectator

nei; from India, has ugly traits, but its importance seems to have been unduly exaggerated. The local chief was called upon to per. mit the merging of his territory in that of...

The O'Connells are fairly beaten in Ireland by the more

The Spectator

ardent rebels: the Confederates having taken the management of Re- peal affairs out of his hands, Mr. John intimates that he retires from public life. Peace go with him 1 It is...

The week's intelligence tells no important step in regaining order

The Spectator

abroad ; rather the reverse. In France, the Committee of the Assembly has produced its draft of a constitution ; destined, perhaps, to undergo many changes before it receive...

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The Spectator

The Secret Committee " appointed to inquire into the causes of the recent Cora- mercial Distress, and how far it has been affected by the laws for regulating the issue of...

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be Vrobintes.

The Spectator

We understand it is intended to erect batteries at the mouth of Wey- mouth harbour, and also on the Nothe: the necessary surveys have already been made.— Wilts Herald. Meetings...

gbe QEourt.

The Spectator

TEE Queen held a Court at Buckingham Palace on Saturday last, to re- ceive, on the throne, addresses from the Convocation of Clergy, and the Universities of Oxford and...

Inetrop oils.

The Spectator

The Lord Mayor's annual dinner to the Queen's Ministers was given, with the usual civic magnificence, on Saturday evening. The Marquis of Lansdowne, Lord John Russell, Lord...

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The Spectator

To use a sporting phrase, one of the great events of the season having come off successfully, sportsmen are enabled to calculate the chances of success on their first field-day...

_foreign anti (rolonial.

The Spectator

FRANCE.—The interest of the French news is almost confined to a discussion in the Assembly on Tuesday, upon the demand of 3,000,000 francs for the National Workshops. N. Victor...


The Spectator

The heads of the Repeal and Confederate Associations are busy in the interchange of communications on the proposed formation of the new League. Mr. John O'Connell and some of...

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The Queen and Prince Albert, after the debate in the

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House of Com- mons on the condition of the juvenile poor of London, contributed 100/. in aid.of the Ragged Schools Union. On being informed of the completion of the statue of...

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The Spectator

SATURDAY. The House ht Commons was engaged last night in the discussion of the Ministerial West India scheme. It has now become a critical question, and the discussion waxes in...

At Judges' Chambers, yesterday, bail for Mr. Ernest Jones appeared,

The Spectator

and was accepted by Mr. Justice Pattison: Mr. Jones was set at liberty.

By the United States steamer, which arrived at Cowes yesterday,

The Spectator

we learn that the Mexican Senate has ratified the treaty with the United States, by 23 to 5 votes.

Letters from Dresden, of the 19th, state that the Prague

The Spectator

insurrection has been put down, and that thirteen of the insurgent leaders have been given up as hostages to Prince Windischgratz, who had resumed the command: but no dates are...

Advices from Paris, of yesterday's date, state that much apprehension

The Spectator

prevailed of a renewed attempt similar to that of the 15th May: great military preparations have been made, and General Changarnier has been summoned from Algiers to assist with...


The Spectator

STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY arrsawoow. The report of the Committee of the House of Commons upon Commercial Distress has not excited any interest. Some months ago, while the Committee...

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The transfer of the company of the Theatre Historique from

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Drury Lane to the St. James's has completely stopped the riots by which last week was distinguished. Without infringing on the performances of the merry Palais Royal company,...

The principal benefit concerts have been Mr. John Parry's, on

The Spectator

Monday evening; Madame Sala's on Wednesday morning; Messrs. Blagrove's and Mrs. Schwab's, on Wednesday evening. The celebrated pianist M. Chopin gave a matinde on Friday, at...

At the Royal Italian Opera, the " business " is

The Spectator

almost entirely in the hands of Grisi. She has this week performed in Norma and La Gazza Ladra; while Viardot-Garcia and Alboni have been singing scenes and portions of operas...


The Spectator

Being always adverse to the mutilation of works of art, we cannot ap- prove of the manner in which the opera of Roberto il Dictoolo was produced at Her Majesty's Theatre on...


The Spectator

The performances of Mr. John Hullah's upper singing-class, in Exeter Hall, closed for the season, with a miscellaneous concert, on Wednesday. The programme was various and...

From the great applause with which certain sentiments are received

The Spectator

by London theatrical audiences, a foreigner might conclude that money-making was-the thing held specially in abhorrence by the inhabitants of this metropo- lis. An attack on...

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The Spectator

Wzritir Mr. Hume gave expression, on Tuesday night, to the popular belief that the business of the nation is carried on too much for the special benefit of the aristocracy, Lord...


The Spectator

DIAGNOSIS OF THE HUME DEBATE. Mn. HUME'S lesser Charter is not only the proposition of a mea- sure, but also a symptom of more maladies than it professes to remedy. To be...


The Spectator

LORD PALMERSTON'S is a genius of that infelicitous order, that the more his ability is displayed, the more disastrous is the effect. Every fresh publication of diplomatic...

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The Spectator

IN every attempt to deal with West Indian affairs, British states- manship exhibits its greatest weaknesses ; the discredit growing with the growth of time. The plainest...


The Spectator

TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECIATOB: Son—I was somewhat surprised at the letter of Mr. Bakewell in your last jour- nal; a copy of which I transmitted to W. Carpmael, Esq., with a...

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The Spectator

ToWas AND num.% The Discovery of the Lsrge, ani Beantiftd Empire of Guiana ; with a Relation of the Great and Goldtn Clyou St mon (which the Spaniards call El Dorado), fcc....

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The Spectator

THE historian of mankind, and to some exteht of nature, has this disad- vantage, that he cannot draw his knowledge from the things themselves which he is engaged upon, but must...

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The Spectator

This little volume displays a promise that may not hereafter be re- alized. The Poems of Dora Greenwell are frequently characterized by independent thought, strength of...

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The Spectator

On the 14th June, at Ipswich, the Lady of Lieutenant-Colonel Shirt, of a daughter. On the 15th, at Blendworth Lodge, Lady Knighton, of a still-born Infant. On the 15th, the...


The Spectator

BOOKS. Annals of the Artists of Spain. By William Stirling, M.A. In three volumes. Poems. By Dora Greenwell. Narrative of Services in Beloochistan and Afghanistan in the...


The Spectator

Results of the Registrar-General's return of mortality in the Metropolis for the week ending on Saturday last— Number or Sprbig Total (including unspecified causes) 1008 eta...

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The Spectator

.Azarvico-At Gravesend, 18th June, Gwallor, Edwards, from Penang ; and True Briton, Consist, from Madras ; and 21st, Letitia, Thorpe, from Cochin; and 29th May, °ode% from...


The Spectator

Tuesday, June 20. PARTNEBSHIPS BD:MOLTED. H. and H. Bush, Bristol, general merchants-Cave and Co. Cwm Avon, Glamorgan. shire, drapers-Edwards and Von Dohren, Savage Gardens,...


The Spectator

WAR-OFFICE, June 23.-6th Reid. of Drage-Lieut. A. Lowther to be Adjt. vice May- cock, who resigns the Adjtcy. only. 13th Light Drags.-Brevet-Col. Sir C. F. Maclean, Bart, from...

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The Spectator

BRITISH FUNDS. (Cloaing Prices 1 &deed. Ifortday. Danday..W.ines Thurs. $ per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 831 ex cl. 831 shut — 88.3 6: Spec Cents Reclined 84 31 per...