30 APRIL 1836

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The Spectator

Tim Peers have not disappointed the expectations of the country. Their dealing with the Irish Corporation Bill has been perfectly consistent with the mad policy which has led...

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Passing from the British Parliament to the French Chambers, we

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find the Deputies still debating the bill for regulating the Custom-duties. The Ministers and the majority of the Chamber bold fast to the prohibitory system ; and the ignorance...

The Russian and Prussian troops have retired from Cracow, leaving

The Spectator

a small Austrian garrison in possession of the territory.

In our second edition last week, we stated that intelligence

The Spectator

had been received of the prorogation of the Parliament of Lower Canada, by a speech from Lord GOSFORD, strongly tinctured with chagrin at the result of the session. Addressing...

nebatel anV Prortaingst in Parliament. 1. THE IRISH CHURCH.

The Spectator

In the House of Commons, on Monday, Lord MORPETH presented petitions from the Grand Juries of Mayo and Longford, and from a parish in the county of Cork, for an alteration in...

In the Spanish Proceres, the Ministerial address, " in totality,"

The Spectator

has been voted unanimously; arid MENDIZABAL seems to be secure in his Premiership. He, has, however, been in some per- sonal danger, from a duel with ISTURITZ ; each party fired...

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On Wednesday, Messrs. Grote, flume, Warburton, Rowring, O'Connell, Ewart, T.

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Duncombe, Seholefield, Aglionby, Marshall, Leader, Colonel Thompson, Sir William lloleswortle Mr. J. Craw. furd, Dr. Birkheck, and several other gentlemen, had an interview with...

ebr Court.

The Spectator

TIIE King gave a grand dinner to the Knights of the Garter on Satur- day, at Windsor Castle. On Thursday, their Majesties came to town; and the King held a Levee, which was...

Ebr iiirtropoTi4.

The Spectator

A public meeting of the members of the Parochial Society of St. Martin's, electors of Westminster, mid others, was Itch' on Wednesday, at the Two Angels and Crown Tavern, Upper...

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The final examination relative to the late fire in the

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Burlington Arcade, took place on Tuesday, at the Alialborough Street Police- The final examination relative to the late fire in the Burlington Arcade, took place on Tuesday, at...

The mining districts of Northumberland, Durham, and Cumberland, continue in

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a state of great prosperity ; lead being now thirty pounds per ton, with every prospect of a thither increase in price. It is but a short time since the same article stood at...

ebe COMM)).

The Spectator

A long discussion took place in the Bristol Town-Council on the 18th instant, on a resolution moved by Mr. Maze, condemning the selection of Magistrates for Bristol by Loud John...

The Amelia Thomps• n sailed on TI ursday for Vali

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Liemen's Land, with a cargo of female emigrants, and others, in all 280 persona. The Tomes says- " Of these the families, principally English, make up about one third. The...

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Mr. James Wood, late banker at Gloucester, died a few

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days ago. The Courier furnishes the following particulars of his will, which is likely to furnish plenty of occupation for the lawyers, as the property be has left is estimated...

Last night, the anxiety of the Tories for the extension

The Spectator

of the elec- tive franchise and the purity of election was manifested, in a discussion of the 52d clause in Sir JOHN CamenELL's Registration Bill. The object of the clause is to...

We observe the announcement of a plan which seems calculated

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to supply a want long felt in this metropolis. It is proposed to erect a budding containing a great hall for musical festivals, w : th concert- rooms of various sizes, so as to...

The Honourable Francis De Grey, son of Lord Walsingham, was

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drowned on Monday, at Wouldham, near Rochester. Mr. De Grey imprudently entered the water with all his clothes on, to secure a boat that was drifting down the Medway, although...

A Court of Directors was held at the East India

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House, on Tues- day; when Lieutenant-General Sir Thomas Peregrine Maitland, K.C. B., the new Commander-in-Chief of the Forces on the Madras establishment, was unanimously...


The Spectator

SATURDAY NIGHT. It is stated in the Parisian Journal du Commerce, that M. TRIER. received important despatches on Wednesday from General HAKIM% who commands the French troops...

The Colonist, a Sydney paper, lately received, mentions the capture

The Spectator

of a small vessel called the Alice, belonging to Mr. W. C. Wentworth, by the Prince George revenue cutter, commanded by Captain John "Roach. The Alice had been seized by nine...

ierellitit re tig.

The Spectator

The Gazette of last night announces the appointment of Lord Ban. HAVEN to be High Commissioner of the General Assembly of:the Church of Scotland; of Mr. HENRY WILLIAM MACAULAY...

The labours of the Dublin Election Committee are drawing towards

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a close. Mr. O'CoNNELL's counsel gave notice last ;night, that he should commence the bribery cases this day. On Thursday the Times undertook to defend Lord LYNDHUREIT against...

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The Haymarket opened on Monday, with the old company, FARREN

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excepted—who was it host in himself—and the addition of VANDEN.. MOPE and ELLEN TREE for tragedy, and SrarrroN and Miss P. HOR- TON for opera. MORRIS has prudently resorted...

The New Strand Theatre, having been at last licensed by

The Spectator

the Lord Chamberlain, opened on Monday, under the joint management of Mr. lamatosii of the York and Liverpool Theatres, and Doussas JhR- ttot.n the dramatist ; who made his...

The Lyceum company have bestowed—or rather wasted—a great deal of

The Spectator

pains in getting up an English version of SCRIBE'S drama, the Huguenots, but without .MEYERBEER'S music, which is the most striking feature of the Parisian performance;...

The French Plays do not appear to interest the public

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; and, we hear further, are not quite satisfactory to the subscribers. The ma- nagers rely too much on the attraction of the name and talents of JENNY VERTPRE. She is a star,...


The Spectator

POWER reappeared at Covent Garden on Monday, in a piece he has written for himself, called O'Flanniyan and the Fairies—" a Midsum- mer Night's Dream—not Shakspeare's."...

At Drury Lane, the manager and actors have been taking

The Spectator

their benefits, previous to the commencement of the MAMMA:4 season. Madame MALIBRAN—or now more properly DE BERIOT—is to appear in the well-worn Sonnambula, before she comes...

MONEY ' 111 A ItK ET.

The Spectator

&NAM EXCHANGE. FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The Consul Market has continued steady during the whole week, and the finctuations have been unimportant. The sales of Long Annuities and of...

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The Spectator

MOCK ntronms IN CHANCERY AND THE GREAT COURT OF APPEAL. THE Chnncellor's own account of the intended ref ems in the Coast of Chancery, and in the Appellate Jurisdieti a 1,1 the...


The Spectator

Loan ,Ions RrssEi.L acted discreetly in refusing- to discuss with Mr. ls'r eteist the benefit whieli religion derived from the presence of the Bishops in Parliament. Lord JoeN...

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RicE's Bill. as in mercantile business, the producer with small

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capital will be Another objection to the Stamp-duty, and one which deserves driven out of the field by competitors whose means enable them the serious consideration a every...

STATE OF THE AGRICULTURISTS: OVERTRADING: great extent :" his examination

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(at page 38 of the Report) then JOINT STOCK BANKS. proceeds as follows. their labourers in a state of comfort ; not worth as many shillings, who were trusted 20,000L, and who...

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The Spectator

THE last Philharmonic Concert was not one of the best of the season; and we dare say much blame will be thrown on the Directors, although, in the present instance, they are much...


The Spectator

IN the early part of the season we noticed the formation of a small party of junior instrumentalists for the purpose of producing in public modern compositions for the chamber....


The Spectator

A CORRESPONDENT Calls upon us for an explanation of what appears to him a discrepancy in our account of the rehearsal and the performance of Srotta's Psalm 4 ' Unendlicher...

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The Bible supposed to have been Charlemagne's was sold by

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auction on Wednesday, at Evans's rooms in Pall Mall, for 1,5001.: it is said that 2,5001 was expected to have been offered. M. Flaunt) Didot, the celebrated printer, and Member...


The Spectator

THE two grandest and most feasible projects that have hitherto o.icupied the attention of 1 he world with respect to the ocean, is to connect the Mediterraiwan with the Red Sea...


The Spectator

TreATEL116 Narrative of a Journey from Lima to Para, across the Andes and down the Amazon; undertaken with a iew or ii,certaining the Practicability of a Novi:table Com-...

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The Spectator

OF the two works whose publication has been stimulated by the interest at present felt respecting China, the Historical and De- scriptive Account, in the Edinburgh Cabinet...

The Fellow Commoner is the biography of a thief; whose

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fa- ther was hanged, and whose mother, after a life spent in peccadil- loes and drinking drams, is converted at the eleventh hour by a reli- gious spinster. The old maid adopts...


The Spectator

THE most striking point of A Day in the IP - oods, is the condi- tion of its writer. THOMAS MILLER "iS an entirely uneducated person, who at the age of nine years was thrust...

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The Spectator

SOCIETY OF PAINTERS IN WATER COLOURS. THIS delightful and popular exhibition opened on Monday last. The pressure of political matters, which prevented even a brief mention of...

The appearance of two second editions may also be noted-

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1. Colonization if South Australia, by Colonel TonasNs ; which c n tains a variety of additional matter relating to the new colony of which the volume treats. 2. Mrs. STRUTT's...

Travelling Opinions and Sketches in Russia and Poland, con- tains

The Spectator

the narrative of a trip to St. Petersburg in an English merchant vessel ; a rapid tour to the fair of Novgorod, partly in a boat, partly in the telegas or four-wheeled vehicles...

Mr. CARPENTER'S Life and Times of Milton, is a kind

The Spectator

of politi- cal biography of the great Republican, in which the events he was engaged in are illustrated by extracts from his own writings, or the commentaries of his various...

Three poems are on our table, not of sufficient excellence

The Spectator

to attract universal attention, but certainly superior to the general run of verses. They are 1. The Vale of Lanlierne, and other Poems, By Heeite SEWELI. STOKES. 1. The Vale...

Among other things, we have to acknowledge the receipt of

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a popularly scientific work, from which we anticipate much of pleasure and improvement, Dr. COM Hies treatise on Digestion and Dietetics ; as well as a novel by Mr. NBA LE, the...

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The Spectator

Tate splendid work has at length appeared, and it more than realizes the expectations formed of it from the specimens put forth. There is something so fascinating in the union...