30 DECEMBER 1905

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The news from Russia, confused and fragmentary though it is

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owing to the breakdown of communications, shoWa that the forces of reaction' and revolution are engaged in a life-and- death struggle, the issue of which is still uncertain. In...

If France stood completely isolated, we fear that the temptation

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to act at once would carry away the GerIntua Government, which, in spite of its immense apparent strength, is a nervous Government.—It realises more clearly than does the...

In confirmation of our view that the German Government realise

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that the time has gone by for attacking France, refer- ence may be made to a telegram from the Times correspondent in Paris published on Friday. It is there stated that there is...

T HOLTGH we do not wish to seem unduly pessimistic, it

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cannot be pretended that the New Year opens auspiciously in the region of foreign affairs. It is clear that grave apprehension as to the future is entertained in Paris, not...

What is the temper of the German people as a

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whole it is difficult to say, but we should imagine that the vast majority are as anxious to avoid war as the leaders of the Social Democratic party obviously are....

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The news from the Baltic provinces continues ominous, four trains

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having been wrecked by the insurgents; a general strike began on Christmas Day in Kharkoff ; and Odessa is reported to be at the mercy of the terrorists. On the other hand, the...

Prince d'Arenberg, naturally enough, sought to discount Count Reventlow's heroics.

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The Pan-Germans, he argued, were like the French Chauvinists,—a comparison to which M. de Noussanne very properly demurred, for M. Deroulede is a sucking-dove alongside of...

The Prince and Princess of Wales, after their visits to

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Agra and Gwalior, returned to pay a second visit to Lucknow, where on Monday the Prince laid the foundation-stone of a new Medical College for natives, —a scheme which it has...

M. de Noussanne, a well-known French journalist, con- tributes to

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the Echo de Paris two interviews which he recently held in Berlin with Count Reventlow (the Pan-German leader) and Prince d'Arenberg. Count Reventlow frankly declared that...

It is difficult to view the so-called settlement of the

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question of the financial control of Macedonia otherwise than as a "climb down" on the part of the Powers, the Sultan's con- cessions having been carefully neutralised by...

The Times of Thursday published a striking article on the

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new Chinese Army by its special correspondent who was lately with General Nogi. He describes the work of that Army— which has been mostly created within the past four years,...

The Times of Wednesday contains an illuminating study by its

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Military Correspondent of the armed strength of France in the event of a sudden attack by Germany. The keynote of the article is that the French nation has closed its ranks....

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On Wednesday the Viceroy of India received a state visit

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from the Teshu Lama, the second in rank in the hierarchy of Tibet, and the Tongsa Penlop, the temporal ruler of Bhutan. Even Calcutta can scarcely have witnessed many ceremonies...

Mr. Sidney Lee contributes to the Times of Wednesday an

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account of an interesting Shakespearean discovery which he has made. In an account of the household expenses of th e sixth Earl of Rutland, preserved at Belvoir, there is an...

The Report on "The Regulation and Restriction of Output" in

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the United States and Great Britain recently issued by the Bureau of Labour of the United States, which is noticed in Thursday's Times, is a document of great interest. Dr....

Under the heading of "The Wastage of Child Life" the

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Times of Thursday publishes an interesting account of an experiment carried out in the Yorkshire industrial village of Longwood, one of the wards of the borough of Huddersfield....

Mr. John Burns opened his campaign in Battersea on Wednesday

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night with a remarkable speech, the sincerity and eloquence of which cannot be denied even by those who differ most acutely from his views on many of the burning eniestions of...

Mr. Balfour addressed a meeting at Haddington on Tuesday in

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support of Mr. Craig Sellar, who has been adopted as the Unionist candidate to oppose Mr. Haldane. Mr. Balfour began by paying a tribute to the ability, high character, and...

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T HE official policy of Russia has now revealed itself as

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one of stern repression. In Moscow dining the 'week a war has been raging between the revolutionaries and the Government which has had no parallel since the Barricades of 1848....

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W E publish to-day two important letters dealing with possible solutions of the education problem: One of these, written by Canon Beeching, suggests the ques- tion whether it...

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W E believe that the great bulk of the nation has

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come to agree with the Spectator in the policy which it has advocated during the past four or five years in regard to physical training of a military character, including the...

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A DISTINCTLY cheering impression in regard to the condition and prospects

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of the trade and industry of the country as a whole is to be derived from a perusal of the extremely interesting supplement dealing with that subject which was issued on...

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The year that closes to-morrow has a bad record as

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regards London pauperism. London, indeed, holds a specially unfavourable position in this respect. It attracts paupers more than other cities, and it has fewer means of...

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insufficient amount of sleep not only causes slackness and weariness

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in games and lessens the power of fixing attention on work, but is "a definite factor in the causation of intellectual inefficiency." It is not necessary, however, to insist on...

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T O those who have the power of dreaming, life is the richer for the gift. We do not speak of that type of dream where time is passed as it might be at a railway- station, where...

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T HAT a moral sense may exist in animals we think no one who has ever kept dogs will deny. It is not easy to compare it, however, with the moral sense as it exists in men. If we...

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pro THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.1 SIR,-A Liberal Government

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is now in power, and we are assured that one of its first undertakings will be a measure to revise the education settlement of 1902. We are further given to understand that the...

Page 13


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[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR."1 SIR,—Unionist Free-traders have owed so much to the Spectator all through the Fiscal controversy that none of them can differ from it...


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1To THE EDITOR Or TUE " SPECTAT011.1 SIR,—According to present appearances, the Liberal party will soon be called upon to declare how much they will retain and how much they...

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[To THE EDIT011 OF THE " SFECTATOR. " I SIE,—You are unsparing in your condemnation of Mr. Balfour- for not having cut down Irish representation by thirty votes. If it was his...


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Srn,—Mr. Balfour after many years of power has left Home- rule over-represented by thirty seats. Such has been his betrayal of Unionism, and above all of Irish Unionists, who...

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[To THE EDITOR OF TIlE " SPECTATOR:1 would invite believers in the party system of govern- ment as perpetual and universal to mark what is now before them. Of those among the...


The Spectator

LTO VIE EDITOR OF TUE " SPECTATOR:1 Sin.,—One cannot move long in German circles without the question of Anglo-German relations being raised. After reading Prince Billow's...

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Snt,—The facts as to the Khalifate are briefly as follows. It is an article of faith throughout the world of Islam that the Khalif must belong to the Arab tribe of the...

SIR,—Most evolutionists believe that the moral sense has been the

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last mental faculty to appear, and that even within historical times it has undergone a marked accentuation in all civilised nations. There is strong evidence that the moral...

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[To THZ EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR, — It has been represented

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to me that considerable numbers of people have failed to grasp the exact meaning and object of our proposals. May I therefore give a brief explanation ? Our contentions are as...

[To THE EDITOR OF THE 'SPECTATOR.'] SIR, — How can we who

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are deeply concerned for the welfare of agriculture and the stability of our nation find adequate words to express our gratitude to Mr. Herring for his far- sighted generosity,...

SIR, — Your interesting leader of November 25th on the unem- ployed

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ended with a suggestion concerning the equalisation Already, as you are aware, the Metropolitan Common Poor Fund, on which all Boards of Guardians draw for a largo propor- tion...

Srn,—By way of showing how the money of the taxpayers

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is thrown away, I send you a circular that I recently received from a firm of wine merchants of foreign name trading in • London. They offer several thousands of cases of...

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The wandering roads command, THE BELOVED COUNTRY.

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And bosom-deep in fragrant fields The lined virgins stand,— The Lady Mary walks abroad In that enchanted land. Where convent cell and pilgrim path The mystic Quest...

see in your issue of December 23rd (p. 1084) that,

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as usual, bright ideas come from Sheffield. It will give me great pleasure to be one of the "three-pounders" required by Mr. Benjamin Burdekin to help Colonel Pollock carry out...

[THE experiment proposed by Colonel Pollock for which we are

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asking subscriptions may be briefly described as follows. Colonel Pollock declares that if funds sufficient to meet the cost are raised, he will undertake in six months to g ive...

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LA.NDASHIRE music recently sustained a severe loss by the premature deaths—they both died at forty-three, and within a year of each other—of Alfred Rodewald, the founder and...

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FATE and Lord Kitchener are indeed to be congratulated on

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their choice of Sir Ian Hamilton as the representative of the Indian Army upon Manchurian battlefields. Others besides Sir Ian will bless the "cutting blasts" which, breathed...

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IT is somewhat curious that as attacks on classical study

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grow continually more vigorous, so the output of books connected with it seems steadily to increase. The number of classical school-books is now legion, more learned volumes...

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an actor in the first part of a political drama is found giving his opinion on the closing scenes. Mr. Lionel Phillips has a long and varied South African experience behind him....

NATURE AND SPORT.* THE volumes which we propose to notice

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shortly in the following review all deal with Nature and natural history in some form or another. Though several of them are not of surpassing merit as literary work in the...

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IT is not often that writers achieve equal success in

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chronicling the homely annals of the poor and in awaking the clarion tones of military romance. Yet this distinction cannot be denied to Mrs. Woods, who in her new story marks a...

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The Russian Court in the Eighteenth Century. By Fitzgerald Molloy. 2 vols. (Hutchinson and Co. 245. net.)—This belongs to a class of books which it is difficult to appreciate....


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The Age of Transition. By F. J. Snell, M.A. 2 vols. "Hand- books of English Literature," Edited by Professor Hales. (George Bell and Sons. 7s. net.)—This volume completes the...


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C ITRRENT LITERATURE. Through Five Republics of South America. By Percy F. Martin. (W. Heinemann. 215. net.) — This "critical description of Argentina, Brazil, Chile,...

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[Under this heading we notice suois Books of as week as haus not been ressmd for review in other forms.] Gleanings and Reminiscences. By Thomas Ellison. (Henry Young and Sons,...

Whitaker's Almanack for 1996 (12 Warwick Lane, is. net) has

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now, we see, attained its thirty - seventh year, a vigorous age, to which it is not unequal. Every issue has something in the way of improvement, some new approach to...

• Facts and Fancies. By C. C. Bombaugh, A.M. (J.

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B. Lippincott. 10s. 6d. net.)—Here is a book out of which a diner-out may well supply himself with materials for conversation. The first two chapters, it is true, are...

Letters and Exercises of John Conybeare. Edited by F. C.

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Conybeare, M.A. (H. Frowde. 10s. 6d. net.)—John Conybeare was schoolmaster at Molten and Swinbridge, in Devonshire, in the last decades of the sixteenth century, and he left a...

The Journal of Education. (William Rice. 7s. 6d.) — This, we see,

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is the thirty-seventh year of the Journal. Physical man is at his best, according to Aristotle, at thirty-five ; intellectual man at forty-nine; hence our contemporary is very...

Hazel's Annual. Edited by W. Palmer, B.A. (Ha.zell, Watson, ang

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Viney. 3s. 6d. net.)—This periodical (which attains its majority with the year 1906) describes itself as "a cyclopaedic record of Men and Topics of the Day." It spreads,...

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NEW EDITIONS. — Ifakluyfus Postumus, or Purchas His Pilgrimes. Vols. IX. and

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X. (J. MacLehose and Sons, Glasgow. 12s. 6d. per vol.)—This reissue is to be completed in twenty volumes.—The Poetical Works of Lord Byron. Edited, with a Memoir, by Ernest...


The Spectator

Brock (W. J.), Sanitary Laws of Scotland and Principles of Public Health, 12mo (Oliver & Boyd) net 7/6 Footpath Way (The), 12mo ( uli ) n et tj2 Green (W. C.), Memories of Eton...