31 MARCH 1894

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Major Lugard, in a long and able letter to the

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Times, has 'explained the reason of Colonel Colvile's attack on Unyoro. Kabarega, the chief of that country—which is, geographically, ,part of Uganda, as Wales is of England—has...

Parliament reassembled on Thursday after its three days' holiday. Three

The Spectator

Bills were introduced and read a first time,—the Equalisation of Rates Bill, the Conciliation in Labour Disputes Bill, and a Bill to carry out the Behring Sea Award. No...

President Cleveland has vetoed the " Silver Seignorage Coinage Bill."

The Spectator

This was passed by Congress in order to swell the amount of silver-currency, or rather of paper-currency based on silver, the Treasury having accumulated vast masses of the...

As usual, Mr. Asquith ended with a peroration which car-

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ried his hearers away. He dismissed all Mr. Chamberlain's fears, he said, because " we of the Liberal party do not share those apprehensions. We face the future with faith and...

Mr. Asquith, not being a Peer, but only a Cabinet

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Minister with ten times the patronage of any Peer, has intervened in the Berwickshire election in the most decided way. He has made a speech which almost covers the field of...

40 0 The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript, in any

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• T HE discussion as to what Count Caprivi meant by his enigmatical utterances at Dantzic has continued all the week. One party will have it that be pointed to some plan of...

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The annual meeting of the .Freeman's Journal Company was held

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in Dublin, on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. The proceedings, which were exceedingly stormy, especially on the second day—on the Tuesday the meeting broke up early owing to...

On Tuesday, Mr. Courtney, speaking at Liskeard, pointed' out the

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recklessness and want of seriousness with which the- agitation against the House of Lords is being conducted. Mr.. Gladstone's last words in the House of Commons were words of...

The Berwickshire election, which took place on Thursday, resulted in

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the return of Mr. Tennant, the Home-rule candi- date, by a majority of 565. He polled 2,722 votes, and his opponent, Mr. Balfour, 2,157. In 1892, Mr. Marjoribank's majority was...

The miniature General Election in Scotland began on Monday with

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the contest in the Leith Burghs. Here Mr. Munro-Ferguson kept the seat, but by a majority diminished by 511 votes. The figures of Monday's polling were : Ferguson (Home-ruler),...

Mr. Agar Ellis gives, in the Times of Saturday last,

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some very curious testimony as to the sense of peace and content which is settling down on Ireland. Mr. Gladstone's resignation seems to have been taken very quietly. " And...

On Tuesday the Canadian Government introduced into the Dominion Parliament

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at Ottawa their new Tariff Bill. The measure is specially beneficial to the goods of the Mother- country. In the case of a great many articles, there are reductions of from 10...

Mr. Courtney made an interesting speech at Bodmin on Wednesday,

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in which he offered a carefully reasoned estimate of Lord Rosebery. He regarded him evidently as a great Opportunist, or, as he put it, " a child of circumstances." " There were...

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We are always being called on to pity somebody, and

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now it is the eldest sons of Peers who raise the melancholy wail. Lord Wolmer, Mr. Brodrick, and Mr. Curzon, all heirs to Peerages, complain in the Nineteenth Century that they...

There are treasures of ancient knowledge to be dis- covered

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yet. Almost every excavation in Egypt yields papyri, and the Greek antiquarians have recently dug up a hymn to Apollo, with its musical notation so far perfect that a Parisian...

Mr. W. Mather, M.P., head of the great engireering firm

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of Mather and Platt, Salford, reports to:the employers in his trade the result of an experiment carefully carried on for a whole year in the reduction of hours. His firm used to...

There can be little doubt that the increasing consciousness which

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accompanies civilisation increases greatly the tendency to suicide. A sort of epidemic of the crime is raging here, the immediate causes usually being fear of poverty, jealousy,...

The Times of Tuesday gives an abstract of a very

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curious proposition de loi which M. Cabart-Danneville recently pre- sented to the French Chamber of Deputies. This Bill, which pro- poses to make better provision for the coast...

The newspapers are publishing a strange story about a treasure

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of which the Indian Government is in search. A private who died recently at Wandsworth, confessed, on his death-bed, that after the storm of Mandelay he and a comrade entered...

Bank Rate, 2 per cent. New Consols (24) were on

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Friday, 994.

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ARE THE IRISHMEN DIDDLED ? " T HEN you've been diddled ! " That, Lady Granville tells us in her letters from Paris, was the answer made by a plain-speaking Englishman to a lady...


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I T is so difficult and so exceedingly important to node:- stand the view taken by the labouring class e s of general politics, that one welcomes a little light fi o n anywhere....

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truth there is in the rumour which has suddenly spread throughout the Con- tinent, that the Great Powers are secretly discussing the possibility of some arrangements which would...

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MR. ASQUITH IN BERWICKSHIRE. A FTER his speech in Berwickshire, on

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Tuesday, Mr. Asquith must be congratulated on belonging to a political organisation which exactly answers to his ideal. What he desires, is " the greatest possible interchange...

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A T the first blush it may appear strange that we should be inclined to pay special attention to Mr. Healy's pub- lished views on the political situation, for his brief article...

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I T is with the greatest possible satisfaction we note that the Times has begun to advocate the adoption of light railways, or rural steam-tramways, as a means of helping...

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[FROM A CORRESPONDENT.] D R. NAPOLEONE COLAJANNI, a Radical Member of the Italian Parliament, and a man long and familiarly acquainted with Sicily, has recently published at...

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I F the truth were told, we suspect that not a few of those who have this week read the account of the plucky conduct of Mr. Locke, the grocer's assistant, have asked them-...

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M R. WALTER POLLOCK'S explanation of the great Indian rope trick, as offered in the Pall Mall Gazette of Saturday, does not seem to us to explain much. With his general theory,...

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.F OREST and Stream " describes in a series of papers a great experiment in the preservation of wild animals and natural scenery by a wealthyAmerican, Mr.Austin Corbin. The...

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T HE publication of a Blue-book on Surnames in Ireland comes with special appropriateness, in view of the recent reprint of Dr. Douglas Hyde's eloquent paper on the necessity...

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[To TEE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR. "] Sin,—Your article in

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the Spectator of March 17th deserves , the thanks of every humane person. Surely every creature of God has its rights by virtue of its creation. None but the Creator can limit...


The Spectator

HAVE ANIMALS RIGHTS ? [To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—My attention has only just been called to an article under the above beading in the Spectator of March 17th....


The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] Sin, — My attention has just been called to an article in the Spectator of March 24th, containing a statement which does not coincide with...

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"Srsorsron:] SIR,—Are you correct in describing the circular of the London School Board, in the Spectator of March 24th, as exactly embodying the religious teaching given in 90...


The Spectator

THE FIRST SKYLARK OF SPRING. Two worlds halt thou to dwell in, Sweet,— The virginal, untroubled sky, And this vext region at my feet.— Alas, but one have I ! To all my songs...


The Spectator

PROFESSOR FLINT'S "HISTORY OF THE PHILOSOPHY OF HISTORY." FIRST NOTICE.] PROFESSOR FLINT has judiciously commenced his rather voluminous book with a statement of the end at...


The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR OP THE "Sprorsror.."] Snl,—These are not so rare as is supposed. There are three of us alive and fairly able-bodied, two cousins and myself, whose grandfather...

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As Glasgow 1877, Edinburgh 1878, Glasgow 1884, Crieff 1886, and Crieff 1888, are the dates and places which vouch for the very curious dramas before us, we presume the author to...

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THE work before us is an attempt made by a German observer to show how great an advance towards social peace—that is, industrial peace and the reconciliation of capital and...

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WE read in this book not only the autobiography of a man but the story of English religion during his lifetime. We are taken behind the scenes of the stage of the Christian...

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comfort, and we cannot but feel, some reassurance of long-cherished beliefs, when we turn from critical controversies about the date and authorship of the Psalms to such a book...


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MRS. LYNN LINTON has more than once been on the war- path, but never have the martial paint and feathers been more conspicuous than in the three volumes of her latest novel. Not...

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Portugal and Its People. By W. A. Salisbury. (Nelson and

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Sons.)—We can hardly agree with Mr. Salisbury in his belief "that the history of Portugal and its people is not second in interest to the annals of any people past or present."...


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The Beal Presence. By W. A. Whitworth, M.A. (Printed for Subscribers.)—This volume contains a sermon on the " Real Presence," and another on the meaning of the Holy Communion....

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An Adopted Wife. By Arthur Kuper. (Griffith, Farran, and Co.)

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—This is a story of the Malay Peninsula, and has, as may be supposed, a certain amount of local colour. This has chiefly to do with the Chinese and their ways. The story is of a...

The Spectator

What is the World coming to ? By W. Graham

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Moffat and John White. (Elliot Stock.)—This is described, on the title-page, as " a novel of the twenty-first century, founded on the fads, facts, and fiction of the...

Butler's " Analogy " and Modern Thought. By Alexander Richard

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Eagar, D.D. (Society for Promoting Christian Know- ledge.)—Dr. Eagar annotates, explains, and supplements the arguments of the Analogy. All three processes that great work...

Religious Thought in Old English Verse. By the Rev. C.

The Spectator

S. Abbey. (Sampson Low, Marston, and Co.)—This volume has an aim of its own which it would not be easy to find attempted elsewhere. It is, in short, a history of English...

Sodor and Man. By A. W. Moore, M.A. (S.P.C.K.)—This is

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one of the highly useful and interesting series of " Diocesan Histories." Sodor and Man (" Sodor " = the South Isles) does not claim so long a descent as some of our English...

Manual of Councils of the Holy Catholic Church. By the

The Spectator

Rev. C. H. Landon. 2 vols. (Griffith, Farran, and Co.}—Mr. Landon Published this book in 1845, and left the new edition in an advanced condition at his death in 1877. The "...

The Praises of Israel. By W. T. Davidson, M.A.., D.D.

The Spectator

(C. H. Kelly.)—This volume belongs to a series entitled "Books for Bible Students," and, indeed, admirably answers the description. Dr. Davidson deals with his subject in a very...

Haidar Ali and Tipa Sultdn. By Lewin B. Bowring. (Clarendon

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Press.)—Though this is not an estimate of these two famous an- tagonists of our rule in India from the anti-British point of view, it necessarily treats the subject in a...