4 JANUARY 1834

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The Spectator

of the Bank to President Jackson, 6. Division in the House of Representa- tives on the Bank q uestion, 26. A bill for the military or g anization of South Carolina passes both...

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An insurrection of a formidable nature broke out in Buenos

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Ayres on the I Ith of October, occasioned by the House of Representatives having passed a bill prohibiting the journalists from inserting any poli- tical remarks in their...

The session of the American Congress was opened on the

The Spectator

3d of December. The first part of the Pres'ent's 'Message is principally occupied by congratulations on the prosrerity of the country, and a de- tail of the state of its foreign...

Don MIGUEL has rejected an offer of mediation, made to

The Spectator

hint at Santarem, by the Queen of Spain ; whose Ambassador, Baron RAME- FORD, had an interview with him on the 17th of last month. General BODIL has made a fresh incursion into...

the session. The election for the fourth Vice-President was decided

The Spectator

against the Ministers ; their candidate, M. PERSIL, the Advocate- General, distinguished by his prosecutions of the Press, having only 98 votes, against M. BERANGER'S 165. The...

In the Jamaica House of Assembly, a bill for the

The Spectator

Abolition of Slavery was passed, after much debate, on the 25th of November. The bill is said to adopt the general provisions of the one passed by the British Parliament; but no...


The Spectator

AN article in a German newspaper, the Allgemeine Zeitung, on the state of Turkish affairs, and the policy of Russia, appears to have effected a change all at once in the tone of...

The insurgents in Biscay, Navarre, Arragon, and Valencia, are again

The Spectator

appearing in considerable force. The Queen's troops have been defeated in some skirmishes; and the rebels were sufficiently strong to make a formidable attack upon Tolosa, on...

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Inc Court.

The Spectator

THEIR Majesties remain at Brighton, " in the enjoyment," as the courtly chroniclers assure us, "of excellent health ; and take advantage of the beautiful, summer-like weather,...

The Prussian Government has made great progress in establishing its

The Spectator

plan for the Commercial Confederation of Germany. There is to be an exemption front duties on German products in German States, a uniform tariff of duties on foreign products,...

Cr be IR et ro p

The Spectator

The Corporation Commissioners resumed their inquiries on Monday, and have continued them through the week. The evidence has been given principally by Mr. Woodthorpe, the...


The Spectator

FROM TIIE LONDON GAZETTE. WIT /TEHALL, 26th December 1833.—The Kin g has been pleased to give and grant unto WILLIAM MARSHALL. of Lau g hton-en-le-Alorthen and or...

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No clue has been found to the discovery of the

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person who pur- loined the thousand sovereigns from the money-bags in the Navy Pay- office. The box which contained them was deposited in a room, the door of which was left...

On 'Tuesday last, the Metropolis was visited with a violent

The Spectator

storm of wind and rain, which did considerable damage, principally in the sub- urbs. On the Thames, numerous tiers of shipping in the upper and lower pools broke from their...

ebt Countrv.

The Spectator

Mr. C. J. Tynte, Mender for West Somersetshire, dined with a nume- rous company of his constituents, at Chard, on Tuesday last. Several of the speeches were very spirited: they...

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The Archbishop of York has directed a curate in his

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diocese, who refused to read the burial-service over the body of the child of a Bap- tist Dissenter to perform the service in future, in all cases where the person to be...

Yesterday week, a meeting of the inhabitants of Scarborough and

The Spectator

its vicinity was held in the Town-hall, for the purpose of promoting a new railway speculation. Sir J. V. B. Johnstone, Bart., M. P., E. S. Cayley, Esq., M. P., and Sir Thomas...

Incendiary fires, some of them attended with the loss of

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consider- able property, occurred last week at Anset, in Essex ; at Cromer and Aylsham, in Norfolk ; at Halesworth and Dennington, in Suffolk ; at Ruekings, in Kent ; and at two...

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A singular statement appears in the Drogheda Journal of Saturday,

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expressing the surprise of the inhabitants of Colton and its vicinity during the last week, at a proclamation which was posted through the county of Louth, and issued by the...

The Spectator


The Spectator

There was a large meeting of Repeaters belonging to St. Paul's parish, Dublin, 011 Monday last. The room was so much crowded, that the floor nearly gave way, and the meeting...

M. DE VIAL received despatches from Madrid yesterday. They confirm

The Spectator

the accounts of new risings in different parts of Spain ; but occasion no serious uneasiness to the Government. Belgian Papers to the 24 instant, and the Prussian State Gazette...


The Spectator

SATURDAY NIGHT. Considerable diffii ulty is felt as to filling tip the Under-Secretaryship of the Home Department, vacant by the death of Mr. GEORGE LA1111. There was a meeting...

The Communications or several Correspondents must stand ore till next

The Spectator


In the early part of the present week, the Committee

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appointed l.y the holders of Spanish Cartes Bonds addressed, by their Chairman, a letter to M. Vial., the Spanish Charge d'Affaires, stating their anxiety to be allowed to...

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IN glancing over the report of a Vestry Meeting in the parish of St. IVIarylebone, our eye rested with unwonted interest on a paragraph respecting a proposed alteration in the...

The Directors of the United States Bank have replied to

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the charges of President Jackson, in a very long report. They state that the Bank had fully realized all the objects for which it was established, and was proceeding in a course...

The Earl of Masseetan thinks that $50/. poi - annum is an

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enormous assessment on his mansion and grounds at Caen Wood. Like the Earl of Ileurascarosa he refused to pay the demand of the Parish-officers, and appealed for relief to the...


The Spectator

The Grecian, which sailed Trom Liverpool on 26th ult. for the Cam:has been totally lost at the mouth of the Mersey, and all hands drowned. The Margaret, Johns, for London, put...

t The //oath/ cotnPlahis this morning of the conduct of

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the Post-office people at Portsmouth. It appears that when the agent of that journal applied at the Portsmouth Customhouse for three packets of Ameri- can newspapers, received...

We have only this week discovered an error of the

The Spectator

press in an article, on Mr. Macaraav's appointment to the India Council Board, which appeared in the Spectator of this day month. It is there stated, that the sum to be paid as...


The Spectator

STOCK EXCHANOE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The Money Market Inv: not been in so excited a state during the last few days as it xV:14 during the last week. The fluctuation in Consols has...

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THE NEW COLONY. A early of gentlemen, surpassed by nooe in sagacity, business- like habits, or weight of character, have undertaken to plant a colony on the South coast of...

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TRADE. Wnsos a great job has existed under the Tories, the Whigs apply the precedent to justify a lesser job; and having I erpetrated such lesser job, they turn round to the...

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THERE is an amusing article in the last Number of Blackwood's Magazine, on the Decline of Oligarchical Influence in this country, and the causes of it. Of the reality of the...

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THE High Church party commit a mistake in supposing that the danger to the Church arises principally from the active hostility of that portion of the Dissenting body which is...

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A CORRESPONDENT at Darlington has sent us the Durham Chro- nicle, with a letter calling our attention to the defence of his Par- liamentary conduct made by Mr. JOSEPH PEASE, the...

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AN intelligent correspondent, whose letter we inserted last week, wishes us to take up the subject of " Music for the People ;" and we willingly comply with his request, because...


The Spectator

those captivating illustrations of the glories of war, which head the handbills that one sees stuck upon the hoards or dead-walls about town, inviting " fine young men " to join...

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THE merits of the Farrers are threefold,—it is an admirable tale, a sufficiently skilful exposition of economical science, a very ex- cellent illustration of morality. The...


The Spectator

POLITICAL ECONOMY. The Farrers of Budge Row, A Tale. By Harriet Martineau. (Illustrations, No. XXIV.) Fes. Ftcrung. Tlw Black Watch. By the Author of "The Hamblin's Legacy."...

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WE approash the posthumous work of M. PICKEN in a melan- choly mood"; for we cannot separate the production from the author. In the more contemplative parts of the book, in the...

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The Spectator

SURPASSES longointervallo all the biographies that have been pre- fixed to the modern republications of men of-genius. Without excepting SOUTHEY'S Nelson, it equals the best of...