7 APRIL 1894

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The Spectator

Tr HE Anarchists have committed another stupid and useless crime in Paris. On Wednesday night at 9 o'clock, a bomb, formed of a tin box filled with nitro-benzine and nails,...

The Molly Maguire riots have revived in Pennsylvania in a

The Spectator

different form. The coke-making business appears to have fallen into the hands of Hungarians, that is, Slays front Hungary, and they, for reasons not stated, recently struck in...

• The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript, in any

The Spectator


The Mid-Lanarkshire election resulted in the return of the Gladstonian

The Spectator

candidate by a very much reduced majority. The two parties which gained greatly were the Conservatives and the Labour party. The Gladstonians also increased their poll slightly...

The by-elections of the week have not been unfavourable to

The Spectator

the Government. The Unionists carried the Romford division of Essex, but by a diminished majority, 683 (7,573 for Mr. A. M. Wigram, against 6,890 for Mr. J. H. Bethell), as...

'South Carolina has been giving Sir Wilfrid Lawson an oPoject-lesson

The Spectator

this week. An Act was recently carried by " engineering " through the Legislature which transferred the whole liquor business to the State. Alcohol was to be kept only by State...


The Spectator

With the "Selzer-ems" of Saturday, April 28th, will be issued, gratis, a SPECIAL LITERARY SUPPLEMENT, the outside pages of which will be devoted to Advertisements. To secure...

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Mr. Balfour expressed his profound astonishment at the extraordinary course

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of the Government, whose chief Ministers stayed away, while Sir George Trevelyan had been supported on the Treasury Bench by only two Scotch Law officers, one English Law...

The House of Commons had a philanthropic sitting on Wednesday,

The Spectator

and discussed pensions to old industrials for some The Bill before the House was moved by Colonel Palmer, and provides that the State and the ratepayers in equal proportions...

On the motion to set up supply in, the House

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of Commons on Friday week, Lord Carmarthen moved a resolution declaring that the accidents caused by the indiscriminate carrying of pistols and revolvers call for immediate...

On Thursday, the Government found their position in the House

The Spectator

of Commons anything but an easy one. The first. order was the second reading of the East London Water Bill. This was opposed by Professor Stuart, on behalf of the London County...

There was a curious comedy in the House of Commons

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on Tuesday night, one of those scenes which indicate that the Legislature is losing its sense of responsibility and political fitness. In the absence of the leader of the House,...

In the House of Commons on Monday :Sir George Tre-

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velyan proposed, on behalf of the Government, that all Bills relating to Scotland shall be referred to a Grand Committee consisting of all the Scotch Members, together with...

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The Parnellites held a Convention in Dublin on Tuesday, and

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Mr. John Redmond, their leader, made a speech of some importance. He said Ireland was almost face to face with the ruin of the Home-rule cause, and was "in a position of...

Bank Rate, 2 per cut. New C msols (2f) were

The Spectator

on Friday, 100.

The Indian Government has issued a Commission of In- quiry

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into the effects of the sale of gunja and other exo. tracts of hemp, one of which, under the name of "hasheesh," is consumed throughout Western Asia. The evidence taken in...

The Servian Ministry has been reconstituted in consequence -of an

The Spectator

incident of some political importance. It appears that after his abdication, King Milan borrowed £80,000 in St. Petersburg, pledging his word that, in the event of the Czar...

Major Le Caron, the spy who reported the Fenian plots

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for invading Canada, and who made so dramatic an appear- ance in the witness-box during the Parnell Commission, died on Sunday of a painful internal complaint. It is stated that...

The Home Secretary made a speech at the Huddersfield 'Town

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Hall on Wednesday, in which he reproached the con- atittLency for admitting a Conservative, in consequence of allow- ing the Gladstonian vote to be divided between a Gladstonian...

The Russian Government, having concluded its commercial treaty with Germany,

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is now pushing forward one with Austria- Hungary, and proposes others with Italy, Spain, and Portugal. These treaties are, of course, intended, first of all, to secure markets...

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The Spectator

THE POLITICAL FARCE OF TUESDAY. T HEpresent House of Commons is often said. to be composed of the best individual elements of any House of Commons since the great Reform Bill....

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GRAND COMMITTEES. "N EVER make a mistake in logic. It is

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sure to be found out," said the late Lord Westbury to one of his pupils ; and he added, with characteristic frankness, "The facts remain at your disposal." The first part of...

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The Spectator

W E have no wish to deepen the fissures in the Irish party, and though it is difficult sometimes to avoid smiling, we have no delight in witnessing them. We have always...

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I T is foolish to deny that the outbreak in South Carolina against the liquor law is a most serious one. It will probably be suppressed, because Governor Tillman, a man of...

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W E do not think that we have been blind to Mr. Asquith's merits as a statesman. We have recog- nised the strength of his action and the clearness and definiteness of his views....

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House of Commons will make some big blunder before it has done. It is said, as we mention elsewhere, to be an unusually intellectual House, that is, it contains an unusual...

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Commons is of all deliberative assemblies the hardest to understand. If there lie two things which more than any others are singled out for complaint in every review of the...

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The Spectator

T HE Bishop of London preached a sermon in St. Paul's on Easter Sunday on the doctrine of which there has since been some interesting controversy. A corre- spondent of the...


The Spectator

T HE Pall Mall Gazette of Monday published rather a happy skit upon the present agitation among young women for more independence. In one of the drawing-room public meetings,...

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T HE reservation of one-tenth of the area of Scotland for deer-forests has probably arrested the extermination of three, if not of four, of the largest and rarest of our birds...

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The Spectator

OVERTIME. [To TIM EDITOR OF TIM "SPECTATOR.") SIR,—Your correspondent, Mr. Ernest Hooper, writing from? Gateshead Fell Rectory, Gateshead-on-Tyne, in the Spectator- of March...


The Spectator

EASTER-DAY AMONG THE BASQUES. LENT is over,—a meaning and active fact this, among the Basques, for they are a devout people, and are wont to observe the fasts of the Church...

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The Spectator

[To THE ETITOR 07 THE "aramroa...] Sra,—I have read with much care and interest the article on Indian Magic in the Spectator of March 31st. On some important points the writer...


The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] -Sin,—Mr. Pollock's explanation of the rope-trick, though «elliptical, is surely obvious. The trick was, practically, -done in the dark,...


The Spectator

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR,"] SIR,—On returning home after a short absence, I find there is a letter in the Spectator of March 24th which seems to require the answer I...

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The Spectator

[To THY IED120/2 OF TUE " SPECTATOR.") SIR,—Will you kindly permit me to draw attention to two slight errors in your most interesting article on Irish sur- names? In the first...


The Spectator

GREEK VASE-PAINTINGS.* IN this beautiful book an admirable idea has been admirably executed. Choice examples of Greek vase-painting are pre- sented in a series of forty-three...

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The Spectator

VIRGIL'S Sybil set the depth of Tartarus at twice the skyward gaze to the summit of Olympus. But the pro- fundity of the Ocean Abyss is such that in the deep Atlantic Olympus...

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MR. ALLINGHAM'S PROSE WRITINGS.* IT was Mr. Allingham's wish that

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a collected edition of his prose-writings should be published after his death, and the pious duty has been lovingly fulfilled by his accomplished wife. The three attractive...

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NOTICE.] MANY just and thoughtful students of history have attributed the credit, or discredit, of the first French Revolution to the writings of Montesquieu, Voltaire, and...

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The Spectator

"THE Story of Ireland," as told by Mr. O'Grady, is, to a certain extent, instructive, though much of the early part of it is devoted to those myths and legends, and those at...

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SHEAF OF:NOVELS.* INSIGHT into, and genuinersympathy with, widely altering phases

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of humanity, coupled with power to reproduce what is seen with vivid, distinct strokes, that rivet the attention somewhat like flashes of lantern-light penetrating the dark-...

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The Spectator

WE have noticed before the wail of the eldest sons which occupies the first pages of the Nineteenth Century, but there are three other papers on the House of Lords. One, by Mr....

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The Spectator

The most readable article in what can only be considered a good average number of Longman's is a " travel-paper," by Mrs. W. E. H. Lecky, bearing the rather romantic title of...

Apart from politico-military subjects treated of in such articles as

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"The Coming War Ministry," and "Party Politics and the Navy," the April number of the United Service Magazine is a very interesting one. Colonel Maurice, under the title of...

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There is a great deal that is informing—about cream-cheese and

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dress and brasses and piano-playing and logic, and what not —in the April number of that excellent monthly, the Girl's Own Paper. But there is a sad lack of liveliness. The...

Greek - English Lexicon to the New Testament. By W. J. Hickie,

The Spectator

M.A. (Macmillan.)—This will be found a useful little volume, though the limitations of space prevent extension of this use- fulness, which would greatly increase its...

There is always much that is piquant as well as

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a great deal more that is bitterly anti-Romanist in Captain Charlton Tucker's magazine, The Heretic. All that need be said of the April num- ber is, that in the respects which...

The contents of the Geographical Journal are composed mainly of

The Spectator

papers read before the Royal Geographical Society. Thus the two most interesting articles in the April number are Dr. Karl Grossman's "Across Iceland," and Mr. Harry Lake's...

War Times ; or, The Lads of Craigross. By Sarah

The Spectator

Tytler. (W. H. Allen and Co.)—This is a clever little sketch, with every appear- ance of truthfulness about it, representing life in a little Scotch town during the Crimean War....

Industrial Arbitration and Conciliation. Compiled by Josephine Shaw Lowell. (G.

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P. Putnam's Sons.)—The facts collected here are of unquestionable value ; as to the theories, opinions may differ, though, indeed, there is little that any one could object to....

The conductors of the Thinker certainly do their very best

The Spectator

to sustain its reputation as "a review of world-wide Christian thought." They cull " thought " on religious subjects from every quarter. They are almost too conscientious in the...

One Snowy Night ; or, Long Ago at Oxford. By

The Spectator

Emily Sarah Holt. (J. F. Shaw.)—This is one of the careful historical sketches in which Miss Holt excelled. It is of the time of the twelfth century, and the chief characters in...

The Annotated Paragraph Bible. (Religious Tract Society.)— This is a

The Spectator

"new and enlarged edition" of a well-known and useful work. The annotation is indeed guided by an ultra-conservative spirit. Without going into such questions as the authorship...

The popularity of science at the present time is borne

The Spectator

ample testimony to by the appearance of a new monthly magazine devoted to its interests. It is entitled Science Progress, and we learn from the title-page that it is " conducted...

The Irish Diurnal, 1898. Compiled by W. Geo. Cox and

The Spectator

Joseph Robert Clegg. (Harrison and Sons.)—This is the first 138110 of what promises to be a useful book. It is, to quote the descrip- tion given on the title-page, "a record...

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It is satisfactory to see that the New English Dictionary,

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edited by Dr. James A. H. Murray (Clarendon Press), is progressing satisfactorily. Two parts are now before us. One, under the editorship of Mr. H. Bradley, completes "Letter E...

" The catalogue of common things Is no more common,

The Spectator

no more dull," and that- "Poetic imag'ry is worn To shreds and patches," and pleads for a "fusing voice" (what is a "fusing voice" ?) that shall- " Chant in plain strains...

Random Recollections. By the Rev. George Huntington. (Griffith, Farran, and

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Co.)—Mr. Huntington's recollections are of Manchester. He tells us about two Bishops,—about Dr. Prince Lee, an admirable scholar, who was not quite in his right place in a...

Burdett's Official Intelligencer, 1894. By Harry C. Burdett. (Spot- tiswoode

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and Co.)—This large volume, of nearly eighteen hundred quarto pages, contains an exhaustive account of all "British, American, and Foreign Securities." In these are included...

The Pulpit Commentary. Edited by the Very Rev. H. D.

The Spectator

N. Spence, and Rev. Joseph S. Exell. (Kogan Paul, Trench, and Co.)— This volume includes six of the Minor Prophets, Nahum— Malachi, and so brings the Old Testament to an end....

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Florentine Life during the Renaissance. By Walter B. Scaife. (Johns

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Hopkins Press, Baltimore.)—Dr. Scaife has studied his facts very carefully, and leaves out little or nothing that research into Florentine history could show him. But he wants...