7 MAY 1892

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The Times' correspondent in Paris is, however, of a different

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opinion. In Tuesday's issue, he expounds with a certain earnestness the theory that the quiet of May Day was most ominous, because it shows that "mysterious leaders" are...

On this Mr. Balfour replied that he was not aware

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of any mystery at all as regarded the arrangements of business ; that he was quite satisfied with the prospects of the Small Holdings Bill, which even his opponents thought...


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A S usual, the scare about the Labour Demonstration on May Day, which pervaded the whole Continent, proved - to be unfounded. There is some reason to believe that riots were...

The Government of the Marquis Rudini has fallen already. It

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had annoyed Conservatives by admitting Signor Nicotera, who is a Red ; Radicals by failing to reduce military ex- penditure; and all parties by economies which are declared to...

The trial of Deeming at Melbourne ended on May 2nd.

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No defence was offered for him, except a plea of instinctive criminality, founded entirely upon his crimes and his own allegations that his family had been mad, and that he was...

Mr. Balfour moved yesterday week that the House should meet

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at 2 o'clock on Tuesdays and Fridays, the Government taking the morning sittings, and leaving the evening sittings to private Members. Thereupon a general discussion arose, and...

*** The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript, in any

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Mr. Ritchie gave the most carefully considered and temperate answer,

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maintaining that, as regarded expro- priation, the Municipalities had powers enough now, and could exercise them easily, 2,130 permissions to expropriate having been granted by...

There was a great debate in the House on Wednesday

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over Mr. Haldane's Bill enabling local authorities to expropriate any urban land they see fit, even a whole city, if they think its. tenure injurious, and also to value any...

The sitting was marked by a curious scene. Mr. Asquith

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was trying, not very successf ally, to draw his distinction between real and personal property as a monopoly, when Mr. Cunninghame Graham, starting up, asked him to explain "how...

Lord Randolph Churchill has written to Mr. Arnold White to

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comfort him for being called a Tory, by assuring him that the word has always had a popular flavour about it. This was Mr. Disraeli's doctrine ; but then, he wanted to give it a...

Mr. W. R. Bousfield, Q.C., is to contest North Hackney

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in the Unionist interest against the Gla,dstonian Mr. Ideates (who, by-the-way, follows the Gladstonian precedent of making as little of the Irish Question as he can, insisting,...

Sir William Harcourt cannot be very well. His speeches lack

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their usual wit. In his address to the election agents on Tuesday there was no good joke, unless the comparison drawn between the Unionists and a spiteful lady who finds another...

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Mr. Gladstone has declared himself with some decisiveness against fixing

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a legal working day by Act of Parliament. The London Trades' Council asked him to receive a deputation ; but Mr. Gladstone on April 29th sent the Secretary a letter declining to...

The States of the Union are electing their delegates to

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the Conventions for nominating Presidential candidates, and great uncertainty appears to prevail. Neither Mr. Harrison on one side, nor Mr. Cleveland on the other, can be said...

Sir James Crichton Browne delivered a lecture on Monday evening

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at the anniversary meeting of the Medical Society of London, on the subject of "Sex in Education." Its main point was its protest against overwork for women, which, as he...

The Rome correspondent of the Daily Chronicle telegraphs that the

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Pope has addressed a letter to the French Cardinals in which he explains and greatly strengthens the language of the recent Encyclical. His Holiness, it is affirmed, declares...

There are two or three Bishops who are now, it

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is said, con- templating resignation in consequence of the difficulty in performing their duties which is due to age. The Bishop of Chichester is close upon ninety, the Bishop...

On the Irish part of Mr. Morley's speech, for which,

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of course, we feel neither sympathy nor admiration, we have said some- thing elsewhere. But we must add that his hesitating and rather weak apology for the doctrine of the right...

Bank Bate, 2 per cent. New Consols (2)`Nirdre - on Friday 97k.

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Mr. John Morley was entertained at the National Liberal Club

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on Wednesday by twenty-five of the London Radical Members of Parliament, to whom he made an interesting -speech, remarkable, as his speeches generally are, for candour and...

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THE FIRST OF MAY. T HE dreaded First of May may be said to have passed off quietly everywhere. A few dynamite-cartridges and bombs were discovered in various cities of the Con-...

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S IR WILLIAM HARCOURT thinks that the anticipa- tions of the Unionists as to the insurmountable difficulties which will attend the attempt to put Mr. Glad- stone's policy into...

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W E give Mr. Haldane great credit for the Bill the second reading of which he moved on Wednesday, for enabling local authorities to expropriate land. He has the courage of his...

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M R. JOHN MORLEY is evidently painfully conscious that many of his party are getting ahead of him in the advocacy of a policy which, whether it be so or not in reality, seems to...

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rp.HERE is a great danger ahead, perhaps immediately 1_ ahead, in Afghanistan ; but it must be acknowledged that up to to-day our recent policy there has been wonder- fully...

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I T is greatly to be hoped that when people hear that the Parliamentary Return showing the estimated extra cost to the United Kingdom and to India of carrying out the...

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THE NEXT CONCLAVE. T HE death of a Pope, when times

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are critical, is a subject which allows of more unreserved speculation than the death of any other Sovereign. In the case of all other Monarchies, the successor is known,...

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M R. MALLOCK is an able writer, with one great take-off, that he is too indolent and self-confident to get his facts right. In the current number of the Fortnightly Review, he...

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T HERE never was much reason to fear that a Melbourne jury would acquit Deeming. Even an English jury would hardly have been beguiled by the absurd plea put forward on his...

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T HE statement by the Duke of Westminster that his horse Orme,' which, from its almost unbroken vic- tories as a two-year-old, was looked upon as the certain winner of the...

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THE NUMIDIAN POMPEII. TILL I went to Algeria last winter, I had no idea of the number and importance of the remains of Roman civilisation still existing in North Africa. For...

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THE WOMEN'S SUFFRAGE BILL. TO THE EDITOR OF THY "SPECTATOR."] SIE,-I see in your note on the debate on the Women's Suffrage Bill, you write of myself as "quoted by Sir Henry...

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1 To TUE EDITOR or ras "arscrAres."1 SIR, — At this moment, the cotton trade of South-East Lanca- shire, the most important of English industries, is being. paralysed by a...


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[TO THE EDITOR Or TEE " SPICTATOR."] SIE,—I rejoice to see that Ulster is coming more and more to the front with reference to the question of Home-rule for Ireland. It ought by...


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[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] Sin s —Though my time is just now too valuable to allow me to be drawn into a controversy either with Mr. Massey or any other Spiritualist,...

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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTAT011.1 you allow me to assure Mr. Archibald Constable that M. Jourdain's conjecture—most ingenious, indeed, but to my mind both unsound and...


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[To THE EDITOR OF THE "Siescrrros."] Sin,—A few days ago, I was speaking to one of the evicted tenants on an estate where the "Plan of Campaign" had been in existence. He had a...


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[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR.—Allow me to point out that the sentence quoted in your review of Professor Duff's "Early Church," in the Spectator of April 30th, is not...


The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."1 Sin,—You do well to celebrate the gallant deeds of Captain Aylmer, Lieutenants Taylor and Manners-Smith, and their Goorkha followers. But I...


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ADDISON'S WALK. GREEN cloister of our tranquil Academe, What form is this that greets us as we pace Beneath your boughs, the genius of the place, With soft accost that fits...

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THE ROYAL ACADEMY.—I. • AN ingenuous writer in the Pall Mall Gazette has been ad- monishing the painters and critics whom he is pleased to call New, because they do not share...

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FREEMAN'S HISTORY OF SICILY.* WE have accidentally delayed noticing the first two volumes of this book, which appeared last year, and now, just after the issue of a third, the...

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RUDYARD Kin,ING has a true gift for rhythm, and a still truer gift for dramatic effect. He gives us the hackneyed slang, the coarse, grinning humour, the devil-may-carish...

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IT is rather difficult to bring oneself into a fitting state of mind for the proper consideration of the theories that Mrs. Henry Pott has put forward in her book upon Francis...

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New Zealand, there lived two brothers, surveyors, who by means of sceptical literature had wrought themselves into a disbelief of the immortality of the human soul. One proof,...

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WE cannot help thinking that even the serious magazines begin to suffer from the multitude of the new aspirants for public favour. We do not mean that their circulation...


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HUMANITY has a faculty prompting it instinctively to criticise the behaviour of its neighbours, and say whether they acted rightly or not in any trying situation, which in real...

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The new number of Lippincott's Monthly Magazine contains "The Golden Fleece," which is one of the pleasantest and most wholesome stories that Mr. Julian Hawthorne has published...

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All that can be said of the May number of

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Sunday at Home is that it is an average one. Perhaps the most generally readable paper is Mr. Lovett's on that admirable specimen of the modern Christian missionary, James...

Regular readers of Good Words must greatly miss the monthly

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instalments of "The Little Minister." Neither Mrs. Walford's "The One Good Guest," nor Miss Shipton's "Alston Crisis," can be said to make up for it. On the other hand, the...

There is nothing that is specially notable in the May

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number of Belgravia. Mr. B. S. Knollys contributes a sketch of Tallien, whom There is nothing that is specially notable in the May number of Belgravia. Mr. B. S. Knollys...

There is almost an embarrassment of riches, in the way

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of articles, in the May number of the Expository Tunes. " The Early Narratives of Genesis," by Professor Ryle, of Cambridge, and Dr. Rothe's "Exposition of the First Epistle of...

The Aftermath. By Noel Dene. 2 vols. (Hurst and Blackett.)

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—The style of the lady who calls herself "Noel Done" leaves something to be desired, but it has not the fatal defect of being tiresome ; and The Aftermath is a fairly readable...

Literary Opinion for May (Methuen and Co.) is a pleasing

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mélange of personal estimates, reviews, original poetry, notes, and Literary Opinion for May (Methuen and Co.) is a pleasing mélange of personal estimates, reviews, original...

The new number of the Art Journal is a very

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bright one. Among the more generally interesting articles is one signed "Marion Hepworth Dixon," on that eminent Scotch artist and "rational realist," Mr. David Murray. Messrs....

The May number of Temple Bar is quite up to

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the average as regards variety of contents, though hardly so as regards liveli- ness. It does not contain—as the magazine generally does contain—some article of marked...

Denis O'Neil. By Mary Bradford-Whiting. 2 vols. (R. Bentley and

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Son.)—Miss Bradford-Whiting has produced a moderately well-written and not uninteresting, though a rather improbable and decidedly gloomy, story. The hero is a young Irish...

Early Scottish Poetry. Edited by George Eyre-Todd.—Mediteval Scottish Poetry. By

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Same Editor. (Hodge and Co., Glasgow.)— These two well-printed and judiciously edited volumes are- the first issues of the Abbotsford Series of the Scottish Poets, and it is...

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The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri : — Hel1 : Purgatory. Trans-

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lated by C. E. Norton. (Macmillan.)—It is a pleasure to welcome so scholarly a bit of work as Mr. Norton's prose translation of the Divine Commedia, of which the first two...

Vivia. By Florence Wilford. (Wells Gardner, Darton, and Co.) — This "modern

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story," as it is called, has an old - fashioned grace about it. The motive is one sufficiently familiar,—the "little aversion" which develops before very long into not a little...

The Quantocks and their Associations. By the late Rev. W.

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Luke Nicholls. (Sampson Low and Co.)—This is a new edition of a book originally printed for private circulation. The Quantocks, it may be as well to say, are picturesque hills...

he has deciphered the Hittite Inscriptions, and that he has

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con- structed out of them, together with Egyptian, Assyrian, and Hebrew records, a history of the Hittite people from three genera- tions before Abraham downwards. He finds the...