The Lancashire Cotton Industry.
1 To TUE EDITOR or ras "arscrAres."1 SIR, — At this moment, the cotton trade of South-East Lanca- shire, the most important of English industries, is being. paralysed by a......
Was Boethius A Christian?
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTAT011.1 you allow me to assure Mr. Archibald Constable that M. Jourdain's conjecture—most ingenious, indeed, but to my mind both unsound and......
An Irish Story.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "Siescrrros."] Sin,—A few days ago, I was speaking to one of the evicted tenants on an estate where the "Plan of Campaign" had been in existence. He had a......
Professor Duff's "early Church."
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR.—Allow me to point out that the sentence quoted in your review of Professor Duff's "Early Church," in the Spectator of April 30th, is not......
The Fight At Nilt.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."1 Sin,—You do well to celebrate the gallant deeds of Captain Aylmer, Lieutenants Taylor and Manners-Smith, and their Goorkha followers. But I......
ADDISON'S WALK. GREEN cloister of our tranquil Academe, What form is this that greets us as we pace Beneath your boughs, the genius of the place, With soft accost that fits our......