Current Literature.
The new number of Lippincott's Monthly Magazine contains "The Golden Fleece," which is one of the pleasantest and most wholesome stories that Mr. Julian Hawthorne has published......
All That Can Be Said Of The May Number Of
Sunday at Home is that it is an average one. Perhaps the most generally readable paper is Mr. Lovett's on that admirable specimen of the modern Christian missionary, James......
Regular Readers Of Good Words Must Greatly Miss The Monthly
instalments of "The Little Minister." Neither Mrs. Walford's "The One Good Guest," nor Miss Shipton's "Alston Crisis," can be said to make up for it. On the other hand, the......
There Is Nothing That Is Specially Notable In The May
number of Belgravia. Mr. B. S. Knollys contributes a sketch of Tallien, whom There is nothing that is specially notable in the May number of Belgravia. Mr. B. S. Knollys......
There Is Almost An Embarrassment Of Riches, In The Way
of articles, in the May number of the Expository Tunes. " The Early Narratives of Genesis," by Professor Ryle, of Cambridge, and Dr. Rothe's "Exposition of the First Epistle of......
The Aftermath. By Noel Dene. 2 Vols. (hurst And Blackett.)
—The style of the lady who calls herself "Noel Done" leaves something to be desired, but it has not the fatal defect of being tiresome ; and The Aftermath is a fairly readable......
Literary Opinion For May (methuen And Co.) Is A Pleasing
mélange of personal estimates, reviews, original poetry, notes, and Literary Opinion for May (Methuen and Co.) is a pleasing mélange of personal estimates, reviews, original......
The New Number Of The Art Journal Is A Very
bright one. Among the more generally interesting articles is one signed "Marion Hepworth Dixon," on that eminent Scotch artist and "rational realist," Mr. David Murray. Messrs.......
The May Number Of Temple Bar Is Quite Up To
the average as regards variety of contents, though hardly so as regards liveli- ness. It does not contain—as the magazine generally does contain—some article of marked......
Denis O'neil. By Mary Bradford-whiting. 2 Vols. (r....
Son.)—Miss Bradford-Whiting has produced a moderately well-written and not uninteresting, though a rather improbable and decidedly gloomy, story. The hero is a young Irish......
Early Scottish Poetry. Edited By George...
Same Editor. (Hodge and Co., Glasgow.)— These two well-printed and judiciously edited volumes are- the first issues of the Abbotsford Series of the Scottish Poets, and it is......