Mr. Gladstone Has Declared Himself With Some Decisiveness...
a legal working day by Act of Parliament. The London Trades' Council asked him to receive a deputation ; but Mr. Gladstone on April 29th sent the Secretary a letter declining to......
The States Of The Union Are Electing Their Delegates To
the Conventions for nominating Presidential candidates, and great uncertainty appears to prevail. Neither Mr. Harrison on one side, nor Mr. Cleveland on the other, can be said......
Sir James Crichton Browne Delivered A Lecture On Monday...
at the anniversary meeting of the Medical Society of London, on the subject of "Sex in Education." Its main point was its protest against overwork for women, which, as he......
The Rome Correspondent Of The Daily Chronicle Telegraphs...
Pope has addressed a letter to the French Cardinals in which he explains and greatly strengthens the language of the recent Encyclical. His Holiness, it is affirmed, declares......
There Are Two Or Three Bishops Who Are Now, It
is said, con- templating resignation in consequence of the difficulty in performing their duties which is due to age. The Bishop of Chichester is close upon ninety, the Bishop......
On The Irish Part Of Mr. Morley's Speech, For Which,
of course, we feel neither sympathy nor admiration, we have said some- thing elsewhere. But we must add that his hesitating and rather weak apology for the doctrine of the right......
The Sitting Was Marked By A Curious Scene. Mr. Asquith
was trying, not very successf ally, to draw his distinction between real and personal property as a monopoly, when Mr. Cunninghame Graham, starting up, asked him to explain "how......
Mr. John Morley Was Entertained At The National Liberal Club
on Wednesday by twenty-five of the London Radical Members of Parliament, to whom he made an interesting -speech, remarkable, as his speeches generally are, for candour and......