8 APRIL 1882

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The Spectator

T HE House of Commons adjourned on Tuesday, after a most disappointing Session of two months. Not only has nothing been accomplished, but what is much more disheartening and...

Mr. P. J. Smyth, the Nationalist Member for Tipperary, a

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man as eager for the independence of Ireland as Mr. Parnell, has received a message from the Town Commissioners condemn- ing his vote on the Closure, and has replied in a letter...

The news from Ireland grows worse and worse. The murder

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of Mr. Herbert was scarcely reported, with its ghastly subse- quent incident, the stabbing of all the lambs upon his lawn, when it was known that Mrs. Smythe, a lady of...

One of the many difficulties that arise under the Coercion

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Act is the application of the statute to foreigners. There is no doubt that foreigners are liable to any law applicable to natives also, but at the same time Englishmen have...

Mr. Gladstone's tone was throughout that of one who sadly

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admitted the gravity of the crisis, which had developed, he said, into "a social revolution, more wide-spread than any previous Government had encountered." He even thought...

Mr. Gorst on Tuesday raised an important debate. He called

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attention to the increase of unpunished crime in Ireland, and though he made the usual mistake of counting threatening letters as crimes—they vary from notices of murder to...

* * The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript in

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any case.

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The East Cornwall election ended yesterday week in the return

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of Mr. Charles T. D. Acland, by a majority of 200, he having obtained 3,720 votes, against 3,520 given for Mr. Tremayne. The majority is very much less than that gained by the...

In the House of Lords yesterday week, the Marquis of

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Lans- downe raised a discussion on the failure of the Jury system in Ireland, in relation to the report of the Lords' Committee on this subject which was made at the end of last...

Spain is again disturbed. S. Camacho, the Finance Minister, finding

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that every relaxation in the excessive duties greatly in- creases trade—the last one quadrupled imports—has arranged a Free-trade Treaty with France. He has also, in order to...

The Colonial Office has offered Cyprus a constitution. It is

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of the mixed type, the Christian inhabitants electing nine members of the Legislative Council, the Mussulmans three, and the Governor six. The idea evidently is that the Govern-...

Some singular intrigue appears to be going on in Egypt.

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It has long been suspected that a party there desire to restore Ismail, and this week his second wife, with an immense retinue, arrived at Alexandria, and demanded permission,...

The discussion on the New Education Code which preceded Mr.

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Mandella's statement on Monday night, was a very mis- cellaneous and vagrant one. Sir John Lubbock was, as usual, opposed to the limitation which prevents School Boards from...

Nihilism, which was, it was believed, decaying in Russia, has

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broken out again. On the 29th March, General Strelnikoff, lately Public Prosecutor at Kieff, was sitting in a chair on the public promenade of Odessa, when a young man crept...

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A very strong feeling is expressed in Ireland in favour

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of finding new resources for the scholarships and prizes distributed to the middle-class girls' schools, instead of taking from the boys all that is needed for the girls. Mr....

Professor Barff gave last week, at the meeting of the

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Society of Arts, a very interesting account of a new antiseptic, which will, according to the evidence, preserve animal or vegetable food perfectly fresh for many months...

The Revenue accounts for the year show that Mr. Gladstone's

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Budget estimate was below the mark of the actual returns. The Chancellor of the Exchequer provided for a surplus of £295,000. Practically, if the expenditure has not exceeded on...

Consols were on Thursday 101: to 101.1.

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The convict Lamson is respited till the 18th inst., the

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Presi- dent of the United States having made a request that the British Government should consider the new evidence which he is sending over to this country. Sir William...

The Record, formerly tri-weekly, appears this week as a weekly

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paper only. That is a curious sign of the great change which has passed, not only over the Church of England, but over orthodox religious opinion in the country. It is not...

We observe with pleasure that in the Liberal meetings which

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are taking place in the provinces, a good deal of attention is devoted to the dead-set made by the Tories against Mr. Glad- stone personally, and especially to the unprecedented...

Miss Gilbert, daughter of Bishop Gilbert, of Chichester (herself blind),

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founded in 1856 an association for promoting the general welfare of the blind, by giving them employment in the workshops of the institution at 28 Berners Street, or at their...

Mr. Mundella's educational statement, though delivered at a very late

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hour, and necessarily much shortened by the late- ness of the hour, was extremely interesting and encouraging. The average attendance in the day schools had been 2,863,000,...

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A "NEW DEPARTURE" IN IRELAND. T N the midst of the multitudinous hubbub produced by recent events in Ireland, especially by the assassination of Mrs. Smythe, which has utterly...

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J T is not the prevalence of murder in Ireland which is so amazing, but the acquiescence of the people in the impunity of murderers. The murders can be accounted for ; murder is...


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T HERE is a story that the late Lord Westbury said of a Judge, then rather recently appointed, who had been trying a very celebrated case, "I think, with a little experience,...

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T HE Times of Thursday published an article affirming that the people of England cared very little about the Closure, or, indeed, about any of the political contests now...

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T HE Attorney-General's Disfranchisement Bill belongs to a class of measures whioh it is impossible to regard with any satisfaction. They are usually prompted by the feeling...

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M R. GlIVEN is a remarkable instance of that class of professional men who, by virtue of their complete mastery of their subject, infuse into the most technical and repulsive...

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T HE statement of Mr. Fawcett on the subject of a Parcels Post shows that at last we are within a measurable dis- tance of that long-desired and most important extension of the...

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M R. FROUDE, as we have elsewhere shown, makes no sort of attempt to disguise, even if he does not give almost artificial emphasis to, the atrabiliousness of Carlyle's attitude...

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A GREAT deal has been said, very naturally, about the recent prize-fight in a London chapel, and its disgusting incidents, and in almost all comments we notice an expression of...

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THE TORY PARTY AND MR. GLADSTONE. [To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Your correspondent "M. A.," while regretting the Tory hatred of Mr. Gladstone, explains and justifies...


The Spectator

S1R, — Your correspondent, "M. A.," is evidently one of those ingenuous persons who believe all they hear. His opinion that the hatred to Mr. Gladstone (which is undoubted) is...


The Spectator

SIR,—Will you permit me to say that I feel there is some truth in the letter of "M. A.," in your last week's issue P I did not think in the course of the struggle, I scarcely...

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[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SI14—As Mr. Edward Herford's letter, inserted in last week's Spectator, contains statements which are (I am sure uninten- tional) inaccurate...


The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:1 SIR,—I need scarcely say that I sympathise warmly with the letter from the Dean of Carlisle, in the Spectator of the 1st inst. It seems hard...

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[To TIM EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:1 SIR,—You called attention a fortnight ago to the need of loans on moderate interest for the working-classes ; will you allow me space for a...


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[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] STR,—In your issue of Saturday last, you quote from Truth a sentence of Irish which you describe as being there "phoneti- cally misspelt,"...


The Spectator

go THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sia,—The writer of a review of a book by Mr. Sturgis in your columns asks why there are no dramatists in England. Per- haps because a class...


The Spectator

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Having been a pupil of the late Rev. R. Shilleto for the space of two years, may I be permitted to call the attention of your reviewer...

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[To THZ EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:9 SIR, —There is a strange story in to-day's Times about the last victim [unfortunately no longer the last] to the Irish agitation, Mr....


The Spectator

SWISS DRAWINGS BY MR. W. THOMAS.* WHERE is the boundary-line to be drawn between professional and amateur work, how are we to know and judge the one from the other The matter...


The Spectator

Nor Aphrodite's perfect face And golden hair, She is dearer unto me Than another e'er could be, And more fair. "Is she rich, then P" Oh! dear, no, But I have enoughj trow, For...

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THOMAS CARLYLE.* [FIRST NOTICE.] Mn. FROUDE takes credit to himself for being a true portrait- painter, a portrait-painter who abates nothing in his picture of the darker...

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TlIE mystery of terror which in former times shrouded the land of punishment in Russia from the outer world, has been con- siderably dispersed of late ; but we have for the...

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• R17THERFORD'S NEW PHRYNICHITS.* Ts we could believe that the

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audience whom Mr. Rutherford will find would not be as few as it will be fit, we should hail this book as of brilliant augury for the future fate of Greek studies in England. As...

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ONE cannot help regretting that Sydney Smith did not live to read and criticise this work. No man, certainly none of his con- temporaries, could, with such rapidity and ease,...

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THERE is so much in this novel that gives evidence of a. reserve of power, that it is worth while to point out to the writer of it what appear to us to be its chief defects. She...

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THERE is nothing striking in the Magazines of this mouth, but there are many good papers. One of the best in the Contemporary Review is the very careful and, indeed, exhaustive...

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Goethe's Faust. Part I. Edited by E. J. Turner and

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E. D. H. Morshead. (Rivingtons.)—This edition, the work of two Winchester Masters, is the result of an effort to teach German to the sixth form as Latin and Greek are taught,—by...


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The Gentleman's Magazine, for April. — One of the chief interests of this number is an article by the well-known author, " Ouida," on "The Future of Vivisection," in which she...

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The Darwinian Theory Examined. (Bickers and Son.)—It

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of coarse, easy enough to piok holes in Darwinism, and still easier to fling a feeble sort of ridicule at Mr. Darwin himself. Of this the book before us is a specimen. In the...

Novars.—Through War to Peace. By Mrs. A. H. Manle. 3

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vols. (Remington.)—The shape which Mrs. Mania or her publishers have chosen to give this story is hardly suitable to it. It is called a novel, and it appears accordingly in the...

opens his first chapter dramatically with the words, "The Prince

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Imperial is dead," and proceeds to give a sensible and plain-s poken account of that event. That France suffered a great loss by that catastrophe, we cannot think, but that the...

On Board a Union Steamer. A Compilation. By Captain S.

The Spectator

P. Oliver. (W. H. Allen and Co.)—Here we have a curious combina- tion of the "grave and gay," the " grave " being, we think, by far the better and more readable of the two. The...