10 JUNE 1893, page 17

Religious Teaching Under School Boards.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] Sin,—Yen will, perhaps, permit me to make a brief reply to the two salient points in Lord Norton's letter, with the catholic and devout......

The Titmouse.

[To THE EDITOR Of THE " SPECTATOR."] Sin,—The old English name appears in Spenser's lines (quoted by Dr. Johnson) :- "The nightingale is sovereign of song, Before him sits the......


WORLEBURY. FROM the rock-crown of a long woodland hill, We watched the grandeur of the sunset blaze Along the deep horizon measureless, Where channel surges meet the Atlantic......

Metropolitan Association For Befriending Young Servants.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR." j SIR,—You have allowed me at other times to plead in your columns the cause of this Society. The work of becoming friends to the young women......