10 JUNE 1893, page 3

The Leadin G Men In France Are Issuing Programmes...

the electors, and intended to tell at the elec- tions i important, September. None that we have seen contain much i that is mportant, except that of M. Constans, who"is a can-......

On Wednesday, Lord Randolph Churchill, Speaking At...

minute examination of the working of the Canadian Constitution, in order to prove that the statutory safeguards intended to protect minorities in the Provinces of the Dominion......

The First Ballot For The German Elections Will Have Been

°taken before our next issue appears ; but the result will still be in doubt, as a second ballot will be necessary in an immense number of contests. This is most unfortunate for......

In The House Of Lords On Monday, The Duke Of

Richmond and Gordon moved a resolution against the recommendation passed by the House of Commons to select County Magis- trates without consulting the Lord-Lieutenant, in the......

Mr. Labouchere Made A Speech To His Northampton Con-...

on Wednesday, which dealt partly with his own two Bills, one of which provides that no great department shall be put under any head who is not in the House of Commons, while the......

We Print To-day A Letter From Mr. Mackenzie, Strongly...

the British East Africa Company, and have looked carefully at the arguments adduced on their behalf at the meeting on May 29th. It seems to us that they mistake their position,......

The Queen's Official Birthday, June 3rd, Was Marked By The

usual shower of honours. Five gentlemen obtained peerages, —Sir H. Hussey Vivian, Sir Thomas Henry Farrer, Mr. J. Campbell-White, Mr. C. S. Savile Foljambe, and Lord Drum.......

Bank Rate, 3 Per Cent.

New Consols (2!) were on Friday 99.......