10 JUNE 1893, page 25

Pascal.* This Edition Of The Great Authors Of France Is

splendid in every respect. The Pascal, of which the first volume only has appeared, is edited by M. Faugere, who knows more about the great author than any one else, and it......

Current Literature.

Christ and Social Reform: an Appeal to Working Men. By James Adderley. (Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge.)—In a small pamphlet published by the Society for Promoting......

The Great Streets Of The World. By Richard Harding Davis,

Andrew Lang, and others. (J. R. Osgood, Mcllvaine, and Co.)— Broadway, described by Mr. R. H. Davis, leads the way ; Mr. Davis moralises with tufficient moderation and good......

Rachel And Maurice, And Other Tales. By The Hon. Margaret

Collier. (Chapman and Hall.)—" Rachel and Maurice " is a tragical story. So, indeed, in a greater or less degree, are the other tales. "An Excursion in the Apennines" beguiles......

Zero The Slaver. By Lawrence Fletcher. (cassell And Co.)—...

tale is a continuation of "Into the Unknown," of which fact the author carefully reminds us. Mr. Fletcher writes vigorously, and puts plenty of incident into his pages, but is......

The Land Of Home-rule. By Spencer Walpole. (longmans.) —"...

has not just now an attractive sound to most readers. This ought not to prejudice them against Mr. Walpole's exhaustive work. He says everything that has to be said about the......

Social Life In England From The Restoration To The...

1660-90. By W. C. Sydney. (Ward and Downey.)—It is diffi- cult to understand some phases of that extraordinary carnival of morals and manners that followed the Restoration of......