10 MAY 1890, page 13

Letters To The Editor.

BIMETALLISM. [To THE EDITOR Os THE " SPECTATOB:9 SIB, — Will you allow me to add a few words to Mr. Samuel Smith's comment on your interesting article on Bimetallism ? You say,......

That Sad Second Volume.

T HERE is perhaps no better illustration of the inherent conservatism of Englishmen, than the continued enforce- ment of the unwritten law which decrees that the only strictly......

Ancient Grammar.

pro THE &MOE OF THE "SPECTATOR:9 Sin,—Mr. Murphy's statement that "It is I" is a modern Latinism, is certainly not correct. A reference to the English versions of St. Matthew......

Modern Grammar.

LTO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOE:9 Sin,—" 0 Ma! baby tore it." The change to "Me tore it" will mark a new stage in" baby's "psychological development; and the final "I tore it"......