10 MAY 1890, page 1

The Inquiry Commission Has Reported That The Panama Canal...

be completed for 236,000,000, but "the material and preparations of the old Company are reckoned as amounting to at least half" of the sum required. The Com- mission think that......

The Emperor's Speech Has Been Followed By A Remarkable...

of approval. All the parties applaud it, and the Radical organ, the Tageblatt, and the most popular paper, the Vossiselte Zeitung, both agree that the Radical Party will vote......

News Of The Week.

T HE German Emperor opened the Reichstag on Tuesday in a long speech, in which he dwelt on three points,—that his policy was peace, that he must have more soldiers during......

The Great Labour Demonstration In Favour Of The Eight. Hltr

Day came off on Sunday in Hyde Park, and was unexpectedly large. There was a rivalry between the Legalists, who wish the eight-hour day to be fixed by law, and the......

On Friday, May 2nd, Dr. Cameron's Motion In The Commons

in favour of disestablishing and disendowing the Scotch Church was lost by only 38 votes, 218 and 256 being the numbers on each side. The most noticeable point about the......

M. De Freacinei'has Made A Change In The Ministry Of

War vita& does Wot suggest a strong belief in the continuance of , peace. He is himself Minister of War, as well as Premier; but / he has appointed General de Miribel......

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