10 MAY 1890, page 22

The Bondman. By Hall Caine. 3 Vols. (w. Heinemann.)— The

scene of Mr Hall Caine's story is laid partly in Iceland, partly in the Isle of Man. He warns us in his preface not to take either of these localities in too critical a spirit.......

Declaration Of War. By Douglas Owen. (stevens And Sons.)—...

largely and inevitably of the nature of a compilation, this is nevertheless a valuable work of its kind. There are in existence both treatises on international law and works on......

On The Children. By Annie Thomas (mrs. Pender Cudlip). 3

vols. (F. V. White and Co.)—We cannot compliment Mrs. Pender Cudlip on her taste in plots. Surely it is possible to devise an interesting situation in life without having......

The New Far West And The Old Far Bast. By

W. H. Barneby. (Stanford.)—Mr. Barneby seems to be an old traveller, but he has nothing very original to relate about Manitoba, British Columbia, Japan, and Ceylon, which were......

Babbage's Calculating - Machines. (e. And F. N....

has here collected some thirty papers of various kinds, bearing on the calculating-machines, and has added an interesting summary of the great mathematician's work. The idea of......

Christianity And Islam In Spain. By C. R. Haines. (regan

Paul and Co.)—This little book (originally a prize essay), dealing with a period between 756 and 1031 A.D., about which a good deal is at once generally and vaguely known, is......

Knowing And Being. By John Veitch, Ll.d. (blackwood.)—...

of Glasgow University, who is almost equally well known as a Hamiltonian in philosophy and a Wordsworthian in poetry—both, of course, with variations—publishes here in book form......