Mr. Wilson And The Lobby Sir.—a Professional Journalist...
writes as a Member of Parliament should be well informed about the practice of political journalism when he writes about it. Besides doing his homework, he should also,......
L - 7 L L -1 - U -
From : Giles Mayfair, Ronald Bun, Robert McKenzie. R. H. S. Crossman, MP, Michael Ivens, J. W. Roche, D. 0. Davies. John Robson. John Tripp, Harmon Tupper. Michael Quartley.......
On Writing And Sardines
By BENN W. LEVY S O it has happened to you; you who have been a respected, orthodox, intelligent, well- liked man of the world, God-fearing or at least opinion-fearing (and,......
Supermach Iavelli Sir,—may I Reply To The Two Points You
raised in your 'Spectator's Notebook' last week in the course of your very generous comment on my article on recent political development in Encounter for February. You stated......