Investment Notes
By CUSTOS A crivrry on the Stock Exchange has greatly increased and the equity share markets have been trying to break through the previous high level of 359 reached by the......
He Ecokonv Covy
Company Strip-tease By NICHOLAS DAVENPORT ' Bill the sharpest criticism of the new Companies 'Bill comes from the Stock Exchange it is not because Mr. Douglas Jay has gone too......
Company Notes
By LOTHBUR VERMIING went right for British Sugar Cor- Emoration during the year ended March 31, 1965. The company was free from profit and divi- dend control and benefited from......
British Petroleum
Oil shares fully deserve their recovery but whether BP, up 10s. or so in recent weeks, has been carried up too far by North Sea gas is a moot point. The announcement that a......
Company Meeting
CASTLEFIELD (KLANG) RUBBER ESTATE MR. ADDINSELL'S STATEMENT THE Fifty-ninth Annual General Meeting of Castle- field (Kiang) Rubber Estate. Limited was held on February 4 in......