Spectator's Notebook
T HAVE waited until now before commenting on 'the BBC's decision to ban Peter Watkins's film The War Game because I wanted to see it for myself first. I dislike censorship, but......
Meanness Rule
I'm delighted that Miss Margaret Herbison has promised to look into the notorious earnings rule that lays down that any pensioner between sixty- five and seventy has his pension......
As I write now, there seems to be a good chance that Mr. Humphry Berkeley's Bill to'implement the Wigfendeb PropoSils on - the law relating to homosexuality will succeed in......
Morals And Politics I'm Sorry For The East Harrow Tories
in their embarrassment over the Courtney affair. As a nation of hypocrites, we reserve our biggest hypocrisies for the relationship of private morals and public life. And how......
Political Commentary
The Revolt Against Mr. Brown's Bill By ALAN WATKINS " - TELL me,' inquired a member of the Govern- ' last week, 'tell me, do you know what silly clot was behind that Foreign......
Red Letters
Curiouser and curiouser becomes the case of the Rutsian writers. On the eve" of thi trial in Moscow of Sinyaysky and Daniel for having written—and published pseudonymously......
When Wilson Harris was editor of this paper and found himself in disagreement with the judgment of one of his book reviewers, he would express his dissent in a published letter......
Up, The Poll
Thus, a small swing against the Government in Hull would be in line with the small swing in favour of the Government since the last General Election, shown by the latest Gallup......
Bbcnd All The Same, As I Am Sure The Bbc
knows (for if not, why did Lord Normanbrook invite senior civil servants, rather than doctors and psychiatrists, to see the film before he banned it?) but won't admit, there is......