11 NOVEMBER 1911, page 14

Warlike Picketing.

[To THR EDITOR or rag "SPECTATOR. "] Sra,—If a section of railway men decide early next month to "withdraw their labour," there is still time for the Govern- ment so to amend......

Labour Unrest: A Plea For A Clearer And Better Diagnosis.

[To TER EDITOR OP TER "SPZOTAT03.1 Six,—It is a commonplace that the world is suffering from malaise. This fact cannot fail to impress itself upon the intelligence of anyone who......

Tariff Reform And The Referendum. Rro Tier Editor Op The

"Grim-Luna.") SIR,—The following extract from Mr. Austen Chamberlain's speech at the dinner of the Tariff Reform League may be assumed to end the connexion between the two......

[to The Editor Op The "spectator.""

SIR,—I heartily agree with you that it is useless to cry over spilt milk. I will add another proverb : " It is ill swapping horses when crossing a stream." But neither proverb......