Portinscale Bridge.
[To TEE EDIT011 OF TKO " SPIICTATOB."] Sra,—The courtesy and common sense of the Council prevailed last week, and the question of building a new bridge at the cost of £4,000,......
Ad Matrem.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOE."] Sxn,—The week before last I was tempted to send you the lines from Pope beginning "Me let the tender office long engage," but on turning......
" Curiosa. Felicitas."
[TO TEE EDITOR OP TEE " SPECTATOR." J SIR, — Petronius ' dictum upon the style of Horace is surely as baffling to the would-be translator as many of the great poet's own phrases......
Mr. Munro And Children.
To THE EDITOR OF THE " SFECTLTOR." Srn,—May I be allowed to make one criticism on the otherwise admirable review of "The Chronicles of Clovis" in the Spectator of last week P......